This morning I read the following breaking news report:
The Florida Highway Patrol is warning motorists on the state's highways to beware of vision impairment caused by lovebugs...Bugs smushed on a driver's windshield "can cause the same impairment to visibility as smog or smoke from wildfires," said Sgt. Jorge Delahoz of the Highway Patrol.
“Around these parts,” we have all familiar with the challenge of keeping a car clean during “lovebug season.” However, I am sure visitors from “up North” are shocked by this insect invasion, but I am amazed that a news outlet felt the need to tell travelers “bugs smushed” on windshield can hinder vision.
Then again, as you and I travel through life, no matter how old we are, we must be reminded that wrong actions can harm our spiritual vision. We may have trouble seeing God’s will for us, because our spiritual windshield is smeared with sin. So, for this problem, glass cleaner is not effective. We must turn to the scripture.
In Psalm 19:8-9, we read “The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; The Fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.”
Only seeking the forgiveness of God in our hearts will enable us to travel the highways of life seeing clearly. So, when you clean your windshield this week, maybe you’ll be reminded to pray, as David did, Create in me a clean heart, O God (Psalm 51:10).
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
"Smushed" Bugs
Posted by Philip Price at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Forgiveness, Sin
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Pray in the Name of Jesus
We held the National Day of Prayer Service at the Greene Co. Courthouse today. Some said the attendance was less than last year. However, I thought the service went as well as it could. All of the prayers were said in the Name of Jesus, which is important to me.
I can never forget hearing my former Pastor Bill Barton (founder of the Homes of Grace) share how he would always listen attentively to the manner in which people closed their prayers at civic events. He said he always had the question in his mind, "Are they afraid to say the name of Jesus?" He mentioned being disappointed when committed Christians and active members of Baptist Churches would simply say "AMEN" and not pray in the name of Jesus.
Jim Futral, Executive Director-Treasurer of the Mississippi Baptist Convention, shared at the Mississippi Baptist Evangelism Conference this past January that has aked to pray at a "dedication" along with several other persons representing various religions. He agreed. Later, a person planning the event called and, reluctantly, asked him if he would mind not praying "in the name of Jesus." He graciously said, "It's probably best I not come." He told the crowd at the conference, "If I go, Jesus goes."
Don't be afraid to speak and pray in the name of Jesus.
Posted by Philip Price at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Prayer
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
National Day of Prayer
May 3, 2007 is the National Day of Prayer. At Noon on May 3, a service honoring the day will be held on steps of the Greene County Courthouse in Leakesville, MS. If you can’t attend, I encourage you to make prayer a priority on this day.
For whom shall we pray? I believe Psalm 122:6-9 reveals to us a focus for our prayers. This scripture challenges us to pray for peace. Remember, true peace comes from being in a right relationship with God.
Specifically, the psalmist challenged his countrymen to pray for various people that served and lived in their country. Consequently, when we pray for the peace of our country, we must pray that the hearts of Americans are submitted to the rule of God.
I believe we can use his words as a guideline to pray for our nation.
1. Country- Military Leaders (v.6a) “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:” May God protect and guide the men and women who voluntarily serve our nation.
2. Commerce- Business Persons (v. 6b) “May they prosper who love you.” May our economy be characterized by Biblical Ethics and fair labor practice.
3. Crime- Law Enforcement Officers (v.7a) “Peace be within your walls,” Daily, local law enforcement officers take risks to protect property and persons in our towns and county. They need and deserve our intercessions.
4. Capital- Governmental Leaders (7b) “Prosperity within your palaces.” Pray for those National, State, County, and City governments.
5. Companions- Fellow Countrymen (v.8) For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you.” We must pray our neighbors will develop a personal relationship with the Jesus, the real peacemaker.
6. Churches- Communities of Faith (v.9) “Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek your good.”
While many decry our nation’s dependence on foreign oil, the paramount hindrance to our peace is dependence upon ourselves. We need God to help us deal with our sin problem. He has provided the remedy for our sinfulness in the person of Jesus Christ. May our nation be a nation of praying people seeking and serving God.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: National Day of Prayer, Prayer, Psalm 122
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Special Invitations
For me, salespersons that make "cold calls" are brave. God hasn't called me to be a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman and I'm glad. However, this weekend I witnessed a young man who deserves a medal of courage for a "sale" I saw him make.
I was in a seafood market in a local county waiting for a burly man to fill my order for 3 pounds of shrimp. As soon as he laid my order on the counter, a young "twenty-something" man walked in carrying a box of children's items.
The young man stood in silence until the man behind the counter was finished. Then, he approached the counter with confidence. When asked what he had, he said, "I've got something for the kids." The man responded in a deep voice, "I don't have any kids." This did not faze this salesman. He stood his ground and handed the man a box of children’s "pop-up" books and said, "Well, maybe your wife would like them." There was silence. Then he shared, "This item is normally $50, we've marked it down to $19.99, but today we're selling it for $10.00." What a deal!
To my amazement, the man behind the counter said, "O.K" and he handed him 10 bucks.
This incident taught me something. You can't make a sale, if you don't ask. Also, the same principle is true in regard to inviting someone to church or to a personal relationship with Jesus.
Jesus was always inviting people to come to follow Him. In John 1:43, Jesus invited Philip by saying, “Follow me.” Christ said "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).
As Christians, we need to invite others to come to Jesus. Have you ever invited your neighbor to go to church with you? The Bible teaches the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of people to prepare the way for our invitation. So, if a young man can sell a pop-up book to a brawny shrimper, Christians should not shy away from inviting people to a personal relationship with Jesus.
Posted by Philip Price at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Witnessing