I was pleased to hear that they were impressed by the care of the local churches. They stated “The churches in the community stood out as an exceptional part of the town. They were nice and clean, had well-manicured grounds, and were freshly painted.”
On the other hand, the observers noted the presence of many empty buildings. A challenge for any community in Mississippi is to decide on how to address “eyesores,” especially rundown buildings. Some towns have placed fake fronts on abandoned structures to give the appearance that the property is being utilized, while in actuality the site is vacant.
First impressions are important, but we have all experienced great disappointment when we discovered our initial feelings about a person, place, or product were wrong. Generally, realities are not gathered from a casual glance. We have to look deeper for the truth.
As we hold Revival Services, September 30-October 3, I pray we will not be content with looking on what is on the surface. At this time, many positive comments are being made by our church. Praise God! However, each of us must examine our lives and deal with what is really in our hearts.
Our Revival Preacher for the services is Keith Manuel, who ministers in the Evangelism Dept. of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. He has a Ph.D. in preaching and is a genuinely nice guy. Leading our music is John Yates, who is one of the most talented men I know. John is a ventriloquist and he plays the trumpet. People of all ages will enjoy John. You will be blessed by these men. Please attend these special services.
In closing, may we all remember “the Lord does not see as man see; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart (I Sam. 16:7).