Saturday, December 27, 2008

I Am Blessed

While I haven't chronicled all of the wonderful things that have occurred in the last week, this has been a super Christmas--one of the best I remember. Many friends and family members have been incredibly generous to us. Many from our church family have expressed their love to us in amazing ways. God has really encouraged me this Christmas through His people.

Compared to the last few Christmases, I have spent more time with Terri and the kids this year. It has been awesome. God has blessed me with a precious family.

I've decided to continue to take some time away from the blog. I'll be back in 2009.

Pray for Boo White who will be preaching tomorrow in both services. He will be ordained by our church on January 4 in the evening service.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Work Day in December?

1. This morning, some men and women gathered at the church to assemble several new tables we purchased for the children's building. Also, several large bulletin boards were installed. I really appreciate these folks giving up a Saturday morning at the height of the Christmas Rush.

2. This afternoon, many folks from FBC Leakesville provided food for the family of Herman Turner, who died on Thursday. The funeral was in the afternoon. The ladies who organized the meal did an incredible job. There was an abundance of food. The family was very appreciative.

3. Tonight, I preached in the chapel at the South Mississippi Correctional Facility. The service in which I participate is offered to the general population. There was, literally, standing room only. The men present were encouraging. The choir is a thrill to watch. The "get into it." That's a lesson for all of us.

4. Once I left the prison, I went and picked up my Terri and Jared to go a Christmas Party at the home of our members. We arrived around 8:20 PM and stayed for about an hour. We had a lot of fun.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Movie Night: It's A Wonderful Life

Well, it only took 44 years, but, I finally watched "It's A Wonderful Life" from the beginning to the end. I thought the movie was great. It takes a lot for a movie to keep my attention from the beginning to the end. Usually, I fall asleep before the conclusion of most flicks.

Again, I'm glad I watched it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vertical Integrity

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14, KJV).

As I read this simple song of the angels, I see three spiritual directions that are important for everyone to follow.

First, the angels focused their attention vertically. When decorating for Christmas, the selection of a fitting tree is traditional. When choosing a natural tree, the straightness of the perennial should not be taken for granted. Only trees that have balanced dimensions are considered to have the desired “vertical integrity” to please those who view them.

Spiritually, God expects all of us to have vertical integrity. David declared “I know also, my God, that You test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness (I Chronicles 29:17).” God is pleased by a person who “walks uprightly (Psalm 15:1-2).” We walk uprightly by giving God the honor and glory He deserves.

Second, the angels declared that Jesus came to work internally. The angels declared that the birth of Jesus brought peace. A fulfilling vertical relationship with God comes only after reaching “internal peace.” In addressing how this inner harmony with God can be obtained, Paul was inspired to write, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:1).” So, vertical praise must be preceded by an internal transformation that Jesus referred to as being “born again (John 3:7).”

Third, the angels shared a truth that impacts humans horizontally. If God has changed our lives through a “new birth,” our lives will render a “horizontal generosity.” We, like God, should show “good will toward men.” It is fitting that Christmas is celebrated with the giving of gifts. God gave us Jesus, who is the greatest gift of all. So, at Christmas, we should give to people in need. God expects us to show goodwill to all people.

Consequently, may our lives mirror the truths of the angels’ song vertically, internally, and horizontally. Then, we will truly have, and share, a merry Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Way to Go Choirs!

Yesterday, the Sanctuary Choir and the Children's Choir both sang in the morning service. Then, in the evening, the musical, Christmas is Jesus, was presented. The children joined the choir for one of the songs in the evening. We had a great crowd. I told Mike Smith, FBC Minister of Music, that the choir members had wonderful expressions on their faces. I could since a lot of joy exuding from them. This musical had a simple, yet powerful message The varied musical styles included something for everyone.

Mike Smith ministers through music in a magnificent manner. God has truly blessed FBC Leakesville with Mike and, his wife, Selina.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jesus is for Everyone

We continued to observe Advent this morning. Celebrating Advent has been enjoyable for me. I have been blessed by the families who have been a part of this observance.

This morning we added the third Advent Candle, the Candle of the Shepherds. The Shepherd’s Candle reminds us that God comes to people of various backgrounds. The shepherds were busy watching their flocks, which is a task many may consider mundane and insignificant. However, God chose to share the miraculous news of Jesus’ birth with folks who were common and down-to-earth. This candle represents God’s interest in the lives of all people.

I continued the Sermon Series The Songs of Christmas. These sermons are based on the praise poems recorded by Luke. Yesterday, we examined the song shared in Luke 2:14.

The angels proclaimed, "“ Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men (Luke 2:14, NKJV)!”

This simple song communicates 3 important truths about God.

I. God Deserves Glory

II. God Delivers Grace

III. God Displays Goodwill

Friday, December 12, 2008

Leakesville Parade

Tonight, the city held their annual parade. FBC Leakesville entered a "float" into the event. Many children rode with us on the float. They were very generous with their "throws." We ran out of candy before we finished the route.

Thanks to everyone who had a part in providing the trailer, decorations, and candy. Boo White walked the entire route to make sure the kids were safe. He deserves special thanks.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in Hattiesburg

Our daughter is enrolled in a child development program at the University of Southern Mississippi. She attends on Tuesday and Thursday. However, we have received word that, due to SNOW in Hattiesburg, they will not be having class today.

Since we lived in Alaska for over 3 years, snow doesn't excite me that much. Several mornings, I had to shovel a path just to get to my car. I don't miss that.

Since people are not accustomed to driving in the snow down here, there are usually a plethora of accidents. According to WDAM-TV, several accidents have occurred in "The Hub City." So, I'm glad Terri's staying home.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Budget Considerations

Tonight, we opened the floor for questions regarding our 2009 Budget. The Stewardship Committee has done a thorough and prayerful work in preparing the budget. We will vote on the budget Sunday Morning. No questions will be taken at that time. While the proposed budget will be challenging, last year's was as well. God's people were faithful in giving and we more than met last year's ministry needs.

Before the business session, I read the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). I believe every budget consideration should flow through these verses.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Basketball Practice

Jared experienced his first basketball practice this evening. He is playing in an Upward Basketball League at Memorial Baptist Church, not far from New Augusta, MS. I love upward sports because the kids are presented spiritual truths. The league places a focus on faith and fun. A far cry from what I've experienced in Soccer and T-Ball Leagues. That's why I'm willing to drive 80 miles round trip for Jared to be involved. He attended an Upward Basketball Camp at FBC Magee this past Summer.

Memorial Baptist is hosting the league. The church is "out in the middle of nowhere," but they have an incredible facility. I talked with one of the members of the church and he was thrilled by what the Lord was doing through their church. He was filled with excitement. This was so refreshing. He shared their long term ministry plan with me. What a blessing to find people serving God and blooming where they are planted.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Ordination Service

This afternoon, an Ordination Service was held for Richard Dykes, who has recently been called as pastor of New Beginnings Baptist Church. Several pastors gathered to assist with the "council" and the service. The first question Richard was asked related to his salvation experience. I love to hear testimonies of how people were transformed by Christ. Richard was filled with emotion as he shared how his life was changed the day he committed his life to Jesus. I was blessed by his testimony and I am so glad I was able to be involved in his special day.

The Simplicity of Bethlehem

This morning we will lit the second Advent Candle, the Candle of Bethlehem. The Bethlehem Candle reminds us that God can relate to us in all circumstances. As he promised, the Messiah came to us wrapped in human flesh and laid in a simple manger in Bethlehem. This truth communicates hope based on the knowledge that God is willing to meet us anytime and anywhere. When he comes, he meets our needs.

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting (Micah 5:2, NKJV).”

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Calhoun City High Came Close

My alma mater, Calhoun City High, played for the 1A State Football Championship yesterday. They lost to Puckett 25-21. I am proud of the team. The coach, Mike Ray, graduated with me in 1983. City had the ball on the 6 yard line, fourth and goal, with 50 seconds left. They fell close.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Sunday School Party

One of our Ladies Sunday School gathered for a Christmas party at "Hook, Line, and Sinker" in Agricola, MS. Terri and I, along with the rest of the FBC Staff, were invited. We had a great time of fellowship. I love our church.

Journey from Power to Pity: From Mt. Carmel to Mt. Horeb

In I Kings 17, an incredible prophet exploded upon the scene. With no fanfare, Elijah went right to work confronting the unfaithful King Ahab with the fact that, due to Israel's unfaithfulness, God was going to send a drought that would last three and a half years. Consequently, a famine spread throughout the land. During this time, God provided for Elijah by sending birds that brought him food (I guess this was the first fast food delivery in the history of the world).

The Showdown

In I Kings 18, God sends Elijah back to Ahab. A contest was arranged. Elijah would face 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mount Carmel. Both sides would place a bull on an altar. Then, Elijah stated "You call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the LORD; and the God who answers by fire, He is God.”

The prophets of Baal cried out to their gods for 9 hours and with no results. Then, Elijah built his altar with twelve stones and place the sacrificial bull on it. Next, he prayed a short pray. Miraculously, fire fell from heaven and engulfed the altar. Even the stones were incinerated. God has spoken. Following this dramatic display of God's power, Elijah order the 450 prophets of Baal to be killed and they were.

Following God's victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah would pray to God for rain. God sent rain upon the land and the long drought was over.

Post-Victory Festivities

Elijah had stood "toe to toe" with hundreds of prophets and won. Now, you would think, he could parlay his success into even more victories. However, he moved from taking the stand of his life to running for his life. Follow five phases of his journey from the power of Mount Carmel to the pity of Mount Horeb. This is recorded in I Kings 19.

The Journey

I. Crisis in Fear (1-4)

James wrote that "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours (James 5:17)." We can see that he was human when we examine his reaction to Jezebel's murderous threat.

The Bible reveals, that when he heard that Jezebel planned to kill him, he left the Northern Kingdom and went to Beersheba, which is as far south in the nation of Israel as you can go. He went out into the wilderness, sat under a tree and prayed that he God would just kill him. What a change in just a few days.

II. Care From God (5-8)

God provided for Elijah's need through an angel. He gave him all the strength he needed for his upcoming journey to Mt. Horeb.

III. Confusion in Discouragement (9-10)

After an his estimated 250 mile journey, God asked an insightful question, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” In response, Elijah So he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”

So, we find Elijah miles away from the power displayed on Mount Carmel.

IV. Confrontation With God (11-12)

Next, Elijah witnessed an amazing and profound demonstration of the presence of God.

"Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice (I Kings 19:11-13, NKJV)."

God reminded Elijah, He was a God of great power, but His presence was all he needed.

V. Comfort From God (13-18)

In response to Elijah despondency and doubt, God told him to "Go." God had a plan for him to anoint kings who would win victories for Israel. Also, he sent him to anoint Elisha, who would follow in his footsteps. While Elijah had felt all alone, God informed him that seven thousand faithful individuals were still in Israel. Elijah was alone. God was with him. Also, many followers of God shared his allegiance to the true God.

Travel Tips for the Journey

1. Be Careful- Watch how you handle success. Your greatest trial may come after your greatest victory.

2. Be Cautious- Take care of yourself-physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Certainly, Elijah was drained. We can see how he could have "burned out." We must take care of ourselves.

3. Be Comforted- God will take care of you. He knows what you need and when you need it. Trust Him.

4. Be Contemplative- While God is all powerful, he speaks in a still small voice. Spend time with God. While God is all powerful, we should never overlook his miraculous presence with us. We don't need miracles, we need God.

5. Be Confident-You are not alone. There will always be people who are true to God. Don't run into isolation. Seek opportunities to grow in unity with fellow followers of Christ.

The Final Word

Paul kept his focus on the Lord. He exemplified this when he wrote, "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me (I Corinthians 15:10, NKJV) ."

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Laying Low

Well, I've been convalescing at home following my procedure Wednesday morning. There have been no problems, as far as I can tell. I still feel weak. So, I'm going to take it easy for another day, just to make sure. Since I've experienced this procedure in the past, I know that even though I may feel great at one moment, too much exertion can cause problems.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Keeping an Appointment With the Lithotripter

Well, I'm leaving in a few moments to go to Springhill Memorial Hospital in Mobile, AL for lithotripsy. This is probably the fifth time I had this done. So, I'm very familiar with the procedure. Hopefully, I will only be "down" for a couple of days.

I'm blessed to have Ricky Dickson, Chairman of Deacons, willing to lead our midweek service. He is a great teacher. Also, Boo White, Student Minister, is on call to help with any ministry needs. What a blessing to have staff members and deacons willing and able to serve while I'm incapacitated.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ministers and Wives Christmas Party

Tonight, the George-Greene Baptist Association hosted the annual Minister and Wives Christmas Party. This year we gathered at "Hook, Line, and Sinker" in Agricola. The fried catfish was fabulous. More importantly, I really enjoyed spending time with my fellow ministers and their spouses. Michael Barnett, pastor of FBC Ocean Springs, brought a great Christmas message. Preachers need to hear a sermon every now and then. Thanks to Tommy Mitchell and Jimmy Holcomb for planning such an inspirational and fun time.

A Drinkable Swiss Army Knife?

Each morning, I transport my daughter to Greene County High School. Our usual routine involves stopping at "Wildcat Corner," which is a convenience store near the school. Abbey likes to purchase a bottle of Vitamin Water from Glaceau. Her favorite flavor is the Multi-V Lemonade.

Creative Marketing

The manner a product is marketed is pivotal to it's commercial success. So, encouraging folks to purchase water supplemented with multi-vitamins is a task which requires a lot of creativity. I think the folks at Glaceau have taken creative packaging to a whole new level.

This is written on the bottle of their product in all lower-case letters:

well, we created this all-in-one product, containing more of the nutrients you need, from vitamin a to zinc. think of it as a drinkable swisss army knife. vitamins + water = all you need. made for the center for responsible hydration (Glaceau).

Now, how is that for marketing? All you need is a bottle of their water and your hydration needs will be met.

Incidentally, reading the spin on this product led me to think of how often we are told something is all we need. This claim is made by companies pushing "must have" washing detergents, power tools, and mouthwash.

All in All

Spiritually, we must remember that Jesus is all we need. Jesus said, "I am the Way." Paul, in Colossians 3:11, declared "...Christ is all and in all." Jesus is complete and he completes us. Over 100 hears ago, J. C. Ryle wrote:

The three words -- Christ is all -- are the essence and substance of Christianity. If our hearts can really go along with them, it is well with our souls.... Many give Christ a certain place in their religion but not the place which God intended Him to fill. Christ is not "all in all" to their souls.
Is Christ your all in all?

Unfortunately, many times we don't realize Christ is all we need until he is all we have. When we go through difficult times, our priorities are placed into focus. Then, we seek the eternal and, if honest, we affirm that Jesus is all we need.

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Children's Musical Was Awesome

Last night, the Children's Choir presented the musical "Glory to God in the Highest." They did a fabulous job. The songs were upbeat. Many of our children displayed a lot of "Soul." The energy and sense of fun they displayed was so appealing. I can tell their singing is improving.

Selina Smith has a special gift for working with children. Also, she has a mega dose of patience, which is needed to work with impetuous kids. Terri, my wife, likens directing children to "herding cats." It feels like that sometimes at our house.

The sanctuary was filled with parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and relatives of the children participating. Members of the Neely Baptist Church joined us for the service. They are renovating their sanctuary. So, they came and worshipped with us.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Morning Prayer Time

This morning we had one of the largest group of men we've seen for the early prayer time. These men will never know how much I appreciate their support, evidenced by their prayers. Also, the ladies gather for prayer.

Morning Service

The choir shared a great Call to Worship this morning. The anthem the choir sang was energetic and really ushered in the Christmas Season. God has blessed FBC with a super choir.

Advent Observance

In the churches I attended as a child and teen, Advent was never celebrated. However, I believe the symbolism helps guide us to focus on the Christmas Story and the many Old Testament Prophecies the birth of Jesus fulfilled.

Prophecy is rooted in preaching, the spoken word of God. From the beginning of the Bible, God used Men to write of the coming of a Savior, a redeemer, the Messiah. While the message of the prophets was foretelling, the consistent truth that runs throughout all prophecy is “God keeps His promises.” As we light the candle of prophecy, we are reminded God has made many promises to His children and he will keep each one of them. This morning, the Bible prophecy read concerning Jesus is found in Isaiah 11:1-5.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Proud of my Alma Mater

I graduated from Calhoun City High School in 1983. So, I am a Wildcat!

Last night, the 'Cats won the North State 1A Football Championship. They will be playing Puckett High for the State Championship at the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson. The game will be Friday at 2:30 PM. Go City!!

There is a sign posted at the entrance of Puckett, MS that has always amused me. The placard says, "Home of 300 friendly people and a few ole sore heads." Now, that's a community that has a realistic view of itself. Also, I'm afriad some of those "sore heads" have children and grandchildren on the football team. Puckett destroyed their opponent to win the South State Championship.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My 400th Post: Christmas Tree Tradition

We have always decorated our Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving. We have a small Nativity scene that we have had since we were married. It's always the main feature of our Christmas decorations.This year our neighbor Ashton helped us with the tree.

I love driving into the driveway and seeing the lights on the tree through the window. My prayer is that this will be an especially worshipful Christmas for my family.

A Black Friday for Sure

Well, sadly, Black Friday appears to be appropriately named. I am appalled by what happened at a Wal-Mart in New York. A man was killed by a frenzied mob rushing in to buy discounted televisions and other entertainment devices. As he lay dying on the floor, people just stepped over him.

My father-in-law witnessed the same type of chaos at his local Wal-Mart. He was the first in line for a X-Box 360. When they were allowed to go in, a rush of people pinned a young lady to a pallet. My father-in-law was busy trying to help her and keep her from being crushed. Someone literally leaped a shopping cart to grab the last one. He didn't get the video game unit, but he came away so distressed he could barely breathe.

Why can people be so mean and selfish? In the Bible, James write the answer to this question.

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.--James 4:1-3, NKJV

I made it to a GameStop about 30 miles from my house by 9:15. That was early enough. I bought a used PlayStation 2 for my son. I'm not going to risk my life for an entertainment device.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Evaluating This Year's Turkey

The turkey I smoked was good, but, to me, not as good as last years. I did two things different than last year.

First, in 2007, I brined the turkey, which is soaking the bird in salt for several hours. This created the most moist turkey I've ever tasted. This year I injected the creole butter, instead of brining. The bottle instructs that the injected creole butter takes the place of the brining process. The meat was a lot less moist this year. Brining must make the difference.

Second, in 2007, I smoked the turkey for 5 hours and finished him in the oven on low heat. This year, I put the bird on for 10 hours, as directed by the package 45 minutes per pound. When I went to take Mr. Tom off the smoker at 5:15 AM, he came completely apart. The bones were incredibly soft. When I carved the turkey, I didn't have to cut the wings or the drumsticks away. They just fell off. I think I cooked the bird too much.

Conclusion, this year's turkey had great hickory smoked flavor, but was a little dry. I'll take note for next year.

Happy Thanksgiving

I am grateful to God for all the many obvious and sometimes overlooked blessings in my life. I am a blessed man.

Terri's parents came over today. We had a great lunch. I took my turkey off the smoker at 5:15 AM after 10 hours. The kids had fun playing outside in the perfect temperatures.

The menu: Turkey, Ham, Cornbread Dressing, Chickn 'n Dumplins, Sweet "Taters", Green Beans, Copper Pennies (Carrots), Yeast Rolls, Carrot Cake, Pumpkin, and, "washed down" with Ice Tea.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful for My Smoker

The turkey is smoking. I placed the 12.5 pound bird in my Brinkman Electric Smoker at 7:15 PM. One of the deacons at FBC gave me some green hickory sticks I am using. The hickory smoke smells so good.

Based on the weight of the turkey, the total cooking time should be around 10 to 12 hours. There is a water pan in the smoker that, when filled, helps keep the meat moist. I injected Creole Butter Injectable Marinade into the turkey. The outside of the bird is seasoned with lemon pepper. Also, I placed apple and orange quarters inside the turkey's cavity.

I can't wait to taste it. Hopefully, it will equal last year's bird.

Thankful for FBC Leakesville

As we come to the end of November, I am thankful to God for a wonderful month of ministry. I've included some pictures of two significant events in our church.

The Patriotic Musical the choir presented during Veterans Day Weekend was marvelous. We honored 30 veterans during one of the songs. Seeing this large number of men and women standing down front was magnificent.

The Community Block Party on Saturday, November 15 was a great success in terms of receiving great cooperation from local churches and organizations. Read more about it here.

Thankful for Beautiful Voices

Last night, we observed our Mid-Week service. This gives folks an opportunity to spend more time with their families the night before Thanksgiving. Also, the children practiced for their Christmas Musical, which they will present this Sunday Night at 6:00 PM. It would be difficult to get many children to come tonight, since many families are traveling to relatives.

The children rehearsed in the sanctuary and the adults met in the choir room. While we were praying, the children were singing "Gloria, In Excelsis Deo." Their voices were so beautiful and free and innocent. My heart smiled as I heard them.

Selina Smith directs the children. She has a great ministry to our children. I can't wait to hear the musical!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cold Eggs and Warm Hearts

Thomas Hart Benton (1889-1975), The Lord Is My Shepherd, 1926

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20, KJV).”

Many years ago, a farmer’s wife, Nell, prepared breakfast for her husband. Upon completing the eggs, she yelled, “Eb! Breakfast is ready!” Eventually, Eb shuffled into the room and sat at the table. Silently, he admired the breakfast feast his wife had prepared. “Well, don’t just sit there. Let’s eat, I’ve got to be at the beauty parlor in 25 minutes,” Nell barked. She frantically served her plate and began eating. “Aren’t we forgetting something?” Eb asked. “What?” Nell mumbled through a mouthful of food. “The prayer," he exclaimed. Nell rolled her eyes and said, “O.K. Well, make it quick.”

Eb began, “Dear God, I thank you for this wonderful breakfast…” “Amen!!” Nell interrupted and resumed eating. “Nell, I’m not finished,” Eb admonished his wife. “Hang on for just a little while.” Unhappily, Nell stopped.

Eb continued his prayer, “Dear God, I want to thank you for all of this breakfast. “First, I want to thank you for our cow, Elsie, who provided us with the milk in the biscuits and in the butter.”
Nell became increasingly agitated as he continued. “I don’t want to forget to thank you for the chickens that laid these eggs. Also, I want to thank you for the hog we killed that provided us with the fine smelling ham.”

Nell’s blood pressure continued to soar as Eb pressed on, “Lord, I want to thank you for the folks that built our new refrigerator. Thanks for allowing me to have a good crop this year so I could pay for it.” Nell gripped the table, as if she was about to explode.

Finally, Eb closed his prayer by saying, “And, God, thanks for giving me such a wonderful wife. Nell has been so faithful to me.” As Nell heard Eb’s kind words, she became less agitated. “I appreciate all the fine things she does for me. She gave me some of the most wonderful children. She even cooked this breakfast in spite of her bad back. Again, God we are grateful for all of your blessings. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.”

Following the prayer, Nell was speechless. She looked at Eb lovingly as he took a bite of his eggs. Then, Eb said, “I’m sorry Nell. I guess I prayed too long. The eggs are cold.” In a tender voice, Nell said, “Honey, that’s O.K. It’s better to have cold eggs than to have a cold heart.”

Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey Moved to Fridge

Well, we meant to take the turkey out of the freeze earlier, but we didn't. So, a few minutes ago, I placed it in the refrigerator. I've done some surfing and discovered the turkey should be placed in the fridge 3 to 5 days before cooking. Well, we're behind. However, if it's not completely thawed late Wednesday, I'll put it in the sink and run cold water over it.

I plan to smoke the bird in my Brinkman Electric Smoker. Last year's turkey turned out great. Hopefully, it will be the same this year.

Terri's parents are coming to our house on Thanksgiving Day. I'm looking forward to being home with the family.

Thankful for the Rain

Currently, it is raining cats and dogs and catfish. We have really needed the rain. We are under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning.

I signed up for weather alerts on several weeks ago. I receive emails and text messages whenever severe weather is approaching. That's a nice service.

Thankful for My Children

Jared spent the night with his friend Garrett last night. I really missed him.

I am thankful for my kids. They are a blessing. They make me smile. They are a reminder that God is gracious.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful for the Lord's Day

The morning started with an increased attendance to our Men's Prayer Time at 9:00 AM. It is so encouraging to have a group of faithful men gathering to pray for the services.

Bible Study and Worship attendance was down slightly. However, there was still a larger number of folks than a year ago. We had several guests in the morning service. We had someone join the fellowship of our church.

The choir sang a meaningful medley of songs related to thankfulness. Selina's Children's Sermon was classic. She did a great job interacting with the children and getting their responses to her "I Am Thankful for..." List. However, some of the kids were "answer" happy today. I love children!

Tonight, Dennis Cochran preached an incredible message on the "The Greatest Thanksgiving Ever" based on Revelation 5. The "Greatest Thanksgiving Ever" has not yet occurred, but, when we all gather in heaven and worship the Lamb of God, that will be the real Thanksgiving Day.

Several students from First United Methodist Church in Lucedale came and worshipped with us tonight. One of their youth workers, Lee Jones, has been a friend of mine for a long time. It was good to see him.

Having the students with us added to the atmosphere for a great time of worship.

Several Children were present for Children's Choir and Bible Drill. The children will practice Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. They will present their musical next Sunday Night. I can't wait.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mid-Week Service

Tonight, the children were in the sanctuary practicing for their Christmas Musical on Nov. 30 at 6:00 PM. The adults met for prayer meeting in the choir room. As we were praying, the children were singing "Gloria In Excelsis Deo." It was beautiful. I can't believe Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost here.

The youth had chili for their Wednesday Night Supper. I was given some of the leftovers. One of the fringe benefits/detriments of being a pastor. It was delicious.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Dedication

This morning 5 families dedicated children to the Lord. Several guests were in the worship service to support the families. Praise God for children. They are a blessing.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Community Block Party

While it was a cool and windy day, we had a great day demonstrating to the community that we care for them.

The wind did not inhibit the children from having a great time on the inflatable. Bro. Jimmy Holcomb had a brisk business serving FREE Hot Dogs. Covenant's Hot Chocolate was a welcomed warm gift.

Many folks registered at our booth and many of them are prospects for our church. We painted faces and styled "crazy hair" for many of the kids.

The churches and organizations that helped with the event were:

Antioch Baptist
Cedar Grove Baptist
Covenant Baptist
First Baptist Leakesville
First United Methodist Leakesville
Heritage Baptist
Baptist Student Union, Jone County Junior College
New Covenant Ministires
Kids Zone
Greene County Sheriff Department
Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
United Blood Services

The City of Leakesville provided generators. The Alternative School allowed us to use electricity. Bruce Duiett allowed us to park the Stage/Trailer on his property. Jack Brewer allowed the Blood Mobile to park on his property.

Boo White, FBC Student Minister, was a great help. Susanne Rustin, Ministry Assistant, helped prepare the materials we distributed.

Cedar Grove Baptist and Heritage Baptist were represented by a Student Praise Band. They did an awesome job. This was their first outdoor "gig." Jamie and Kandie Hamm sang several songs. Also, New Covenant Ministries provided music for us.

Also, thanks to those who donated blood. United Blood Services was pleased with the number of donors who participated.

The Mississippi Dept. of Wildlife set up an interactive hunting video game in the Activities Building. This was a popular activity.

We distributed several CD's that includes a gospel presentation by Rick Warren.

The George-Greene Baptist Association provided excellent support for the event. Bro. Jimmy Holcomb first planned Community Block Parties in this area many years ago. We draw from his success.

As pastor, I am so thankful for the FBC members who volunteered to help with this event. I pray that we will become known as a Church for the Community.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Journey from the Threshing Floor

Last month, during the Mississippi Baptist Convention, Mickey Dalrymple, current MBC President, preached during the opening session. He shared a touching story about his family background. Bro. Mickey is from Northern Alabama. A distant cousin of his committed a violent crime that rocked the community. As a consequence of the horrific event, the family name was defiled. As a child, many times he could hear people whisper as he passed, “He’s one of those Dalrymples."

Even though he came from a humble and challenging background, Mickey Dalrymple has been used by God to pastor Fairview Baptist Church in Columbus, MS. The church is thriving under his leadership.

Last Sunday, I preached a message based on Judges 6:11-24. When I read Gideon's excuse for not serving as delivery for Israel, I think of how God has used many men from non-ideal backgrounds. Gideon said to the Angel of the Lord, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.” God has a habit of using the "least" to accomplish great things.

As you read Judges 6:11-24, observe the change in Gideon's commitment.

I. The Appearance of the Angel of the LORD (11-14)

1. A Surprising Commendation (11-12)

And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor!”

2. A Stinging Complaint (13)

Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us?

3. Shocking Command (14)

Then the LORD turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?”

II. The Apprehension of Gideon (15-16)

1. A Shriveling Confidence (15)

I am the least in my father's house.

2. A Stabilizing Comfort (16)

And the LORD said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.”

III. Affirmation of God (17-24)

1. A Startling Confirmation (17-21)

Then the Angel of the LORD put out the end of the staff that was in His hand, and touched the meat and the unleavened bread; and fire rose out of the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread. And the Angel of the LORD departed out of his sight.

2. A Stirring Comprehension (22-24)

Now Gideon perceived that He was the Angel of the LORD. So Gideon said, “Alas, O Lord GOD! For I have seen the Angel of the LORD face to face.”


In the Bible, God used elderly Abraham, stuttering Moses, enslaved Joseph, adulterous David, lying Peter, and former Anti-Christian Terrorist Paul. If he can use these folks, what's you're excuse for not allowing God to use you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You Veterans

While serving as a chaplain in Daphne, AL at Mercy Medical, I met a man who had served in World War II. As I try to do as often as possible, I said, "Thank you for your service to our country." He began to cry. Then, he said, "That's the first time anyone has ever said that to me."

After that experience, I have become even more intentional in saying thank you to those who have served our nation. Americans owe a great debt to all men and women who have served in the branches of the United States Military.

Many Veterans do not discuss their combat experiences because they believe the true heroes are those who were killed in the line of duty. However, I say they are all heroes.

Monday, November 10, 2008

If the Lord Wills,…

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” --James 4:13-15, NKJV

The language we use indicates what we love.

The Hit

Only two football numbers have been retired at Ole Miss. This means that, as a tribute to these players’ accomplishments, no player is allowed to wear their numbers. The two men that have received this reward are Archie Manning (#18) and Chucky Mullins (#38).

On October 28, 1989, Vanderbilt and Ole Miss were playing on the Rebels’ Homecoming. Brad Gaines, fullback for Vanderbilt, caught a short pass. Chucky Mullins lowered his head for the tackle and hit the Vandy player in the back. Chucky Mullins fell to the ground and never moved. Unfortunately, Chucky Mullins would never move most of his lower body again. The hit caused severe damage to his spine and he was paralyzed instantly.

Mullins was in the hospital in Memphis for several weeks. President. George H. Bush visited him once. A fund was set up and over a Million Dollars was raised in his honor. A house was built for him in Oxford. Confined to a wheelchair, he returned as a student to Ole Miss in June 1990. He was able to attend football games in the Fall of 1990. He died in May 1991.

As a player, Chucky was known as guy who was smaller than most, but he played with a lot of heart. He dreamed of playing in the SEC and he worked hard to accomplish that goal.
In 2006, Chucky Mullins’ number was retired. A special bust of him was placed at Vaught-Hemingway Stadium with just two words in large letters on the base of the pedestal: “Never Quit.”

“If the Lord wills,…”

The verse stated earlier instructs us to remember nothing is done unless it is God’s will. James mentioned men who bragged about what they were going to do, without recognizing life is fragile. There’s no guarantee anyone will live tomorrow. These business men James addressed said arrogantly, “I’m going to set up business in a local town and I’m going to get rich.” Well, James says, you need to add, “If it’s the Lord’s will” to any proposed plans. Life is illusive and unpredictable.

So, today, remember whatever you plan to accomplish will only be done "if the Lord wills."

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008: Veterans Day Weekend

Another great day at First Baptist Leakesville.


The Men's Breakfast was awesome. Plenty of men showed up to help cook. The food was especially good. Buddy Horn, Vietnam Veteran, shared his testimony and shared a combat experience that cannot be explained outside of the providence of God.

Bible Study

Our "on campus" total was only 4 short of our high for the last seven months. We had several prospects attend this morning.

AM Service

The Children's Choir sang "I'm In The Lord's Army." They were really into it. Selina Smith and Kandie Ham do a great job leading our children. Their energy is contagious. Selina, Kandie, and Jamie sang a worshipful hymn before the message.

Our sanctuary was 85% full this morning. Many of our longtime members were "displaced" from their regular pews. However, they were happy to sit in a new spot. There is a real excitement among the members.

With Freedom's Holy Light

Tonight, the Sanctuary Choir presented an inspiring Patriotic Musical. An especially moving segment in the service was when all the veterans present formed a line down front. Each man and woman introduced themselves. What a privilege to say "thank you" to these men and women. Some of the veterans have completed tours in Iraq.

We had a large group of folks who attended the service. Unity Baptist Church canceled their evening service in order to join us for the musical.

Many veterans and families brought memorabilia from different wars. These were displayed in the Activities Building. The refreshments included a great cake and some delicious punch. This was a great community and church event.

Mike Smith, FBC Leakesville Music Minister, did an incredible job planning this memorable time of worship. We are blessed by his ministry.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tomorrow at FBC

Men's Breakfast

We'll have a special Veterans Day Weekend Breakfast tomorrow. We'll begin at 8:00 AM and will offer a free breakfast. We will have former Marine Buddy Horn speak. All Veterans will be recognized. We owe a great debts to all men and women who have served the United States in the military.

Another Journey

We will continue our "Journeys" Sermon Series in the Morning Service. We will examine Gideon's Journey of Peace: Journey from the Threshing Floor. The message is base on Judges 6:11-24.

With Freedom's Holy Light

Tomorrow night at 6:00 PM, the Sanctuary Choir is present a special Patriotic Musical entitled "With Freedom's Holy Light." We will recognize all Veterans present in the service.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Pickled Eggs and Ministry

Since I have lived in Mississippi most of my life, I remember seeing "pickled" items in glass gallon jars sitting on the counters of numerous country stores. Among these snacks are Pickled Pigs Feet, Pickled Pigs Knuckles, Pickled Eggs and Pickled Franks. (To order for Christmas click here.)

Now, I've never tried any of these delicacies. Also, I have never, never, no not ever, seen any one purchase a pickled anything. I guess this is done when no one else is around.

When in Rome, Eat as the Romans

On Tuesday, I had lunch with a fellow pastor who has recently moved to a rural area. My friend is not what you would call "country." He's cool--real cool. So, for me, the story he shared is hilarious.

A short time ago, when paying for fuel he had pumped into his car, my friend took the plunge. He had seen the pickled goodies on the counter many times. Wanting to partake in a cultural experience that he figures many of his members indulge, he decided to buy a pickled egg. He paid for the sodium rich protein and took a bite. He discovered he did not care for eggs that had been soaking in vinegar and brine for several days. Following his taste treat, he experienced a lingering case of indigestion that plagued him for hours.

As he expressed how horrible he thought the egg tasted, I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes. However, I have an even deeper respect for my pastor-friend than I did previously.

Stressed Taste Buds for Jesus

Paul wrote in one of his letters to the Corinthians that he was willing "to become a slave to all" in order to impact their life with the Gospel. In his day, Gentiles (Non-Jews) and Jews disagreed on what was an acceptable diet. For Paul, he refused to be stubborn in any way that would alienate him from the folks he wished to reach. When with Jews, Paul ate kosher foods that complied with their dietary laws. When he was dining with Gentiles, he ate non-kosher dishes.

I Cor. 9: 22 I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Of course, Paul never wavered on his belief in the power of the Gospel. He never diluted the message. However, he was willing to use methods that did not violate Biblical ethics. He demonstrated that he would do whatever he needed to do to make a difference for Christ.

Walking in Their Shoes

We must be willing to get out of our comfort zones in order to develop relationships with folks who are from dissimilar backgrounds. So, that may mean eating something strange. We may have to sacrifice our likes and dislikes.

In reference to President Lyndon B. Johnson, Clayton Stribling said, "The more someone disliked him, the harder he'd try to be his friend." This is good advice for believers.
I wonder if LBJ ate Pickled Eggs?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Seeing Obligations As Blessings

Last week during the Mississippi Baptist Convention, I heard Sammy Gilbreath share his testimony. He is living with a terminal illness and has miraculously lived much longer than expected.

He shared some truths he has learned as he has dealt with his health problems. One of the truths has proved insightful to me.

Rev. Gilbreath said that he now uses the word "get" instead of "got." In other words, instead of saying "I've got to preach tomorrow," he now says "I get to preach tomorrow." This perspective helps him focus on his blessings. Also, this helps me understand the importance of seeing life as a blessing, instead of a drudgery.

I have really enjoyed preaching in the last few months. Fulfilling what God has called me to do is such a thrill. I have the blessing of doing so many things that many folks are unable to do. Seeing responsibilities as blessings will help us not "grow weary in well doing (Gal. 6:10)."

Occasionally, I hear fathers say, "I can't go fishing this weekend because I've got to babysit." No, you get to be a father. Many men don't have that opportunity. Fatherhood is a blessing.

Today, what obligation have you seen as a burden lately? How is that obligation really a blessing?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Community Block Party Meeting

Tomorrow night, at 7:00 PM, we will have a planning meeting for the Community Block Party scheduled for Saturday, November 15, 2008 from 11 AM to 2 PM in front of First Baptist Leakesville. The meeting will be in the First Baptist Activities Building.

Currently, we have commitments from several churches and community organizations. United Blood services will conduct a Blood Drive. Their Blood Mobile will be operating from 10 AM to 2 PM.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

For Whom Should We Vote?

Last night, I preached at Rocky Creek Baptist Church. Greg Barker called me around 1:30PM yesterday an asked me to speak. The preacher scheduled to speak was admitted to the hospital late yesterday morning. The church held a special prayer rally for the election. I was honored to participate.

The Selection Process

I believe Jeremiah 9:23-24 can give us guidance in evaluating our personal lives and in selecting political candidates.

What should we value?

1. We should not value persuasive speech?

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom.

2. We should not value phenomenal strength?

Let not the mighty man glory in his might.

3. We should not value productive skills?

Nor let the rich man glory in his riches.

4. We should value a pleasing spirituality?

But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness,
judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the LORD.

In our spiritual lives, we should seek to "delight" or please God. We do this by recognising that he is the LORD. He is loving, which is evidenced by the grace he demonstrates on a daily basis. He is a God of judgement. He hates sin. However, he is a God of righteousness. The rightness of God should never be questioned.

Ultimately, we demonstrate we "understand and know" God by placing our faith in Him.

Romans 10:8-9 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”(that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


As we choose candidates at the polls, let us not judge them by their colorful speech, their powerful persona, or their financial promise. Let us seek God's help in selecting individual who delight Him.

Monday, November 03, 2008

A Journey of Faith

Yesterday morning my sermon was based on Joshua 6.

Who broke down the walls of Jericho?

A substitute Sunday School Teacher asked little Johnny during Bible class, "Who broke down the walls of Jericho?" Little Johnny replies, "I dunno, but it wasn't me!"

The teacher, taken aback by Johnny's lack of basic Bible knowledge goes to the pastor and related the whole incident.

The pastor replies, "I know Little Johnny as well as his whole family very well and can vouch for them; if Little Johnny said that he did not do it, then I, as principal is satisfied that it is the truth."

Even more appalled, the teacher went to a denominational leader and relates the whole story...

After listening he replies: "I can't see why you are making such a big issue out of this; just take up a special offering and fix the wall!"

Journey of Persistence: Journey Around Jericho
Joshua 6:1-27

I. The Confirmation (1-5)
II. The Compliance (6-9)
III. The Commitment (10-14)
IV. The Constraints (15-19)
V. The Conquest (20-27)

Truths for the Journey

1. Faith Applies God’s Plans

II Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

2. Faith Acquires God’s Promises

Hebrews 11:30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days.

3. Faith Accomplishes God’s Purposes

I John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

4. Faith Attains God’s Peace

Romans 5:1-2 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Faith is the hand that reaches out and grasps God’s hand of grace.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday, Novemeber 2, 2008

Of course, each week I state we had a great Sunday at FBC Leakesville. However, I really am telling the truth. Today was no exception. Attendance in our Bible Study groups was the 2nd highest since the first of September. God is blessing our congregation with many guests in our worship services. The choir continues to sing with excitement, volume, and quality. (We are going to have to expand the choir loft.) Our children's sermons are always insightful and entertaining.

Also, I enjoy preaching to FBC. They laugh at my stabs at humor and they express appreciation for my expository style of preaching.

PM Sermon

Boo White, Minister of Youth, preached in our evening service. He did a great job preaching a message based on Ephesians 5:1-7. He challenged us to be imitators of Christ. Boo has great delivery. I can tell he is enjoying seminary. He shared a lot of insight into the passage by using some colorful illustrations. Boo is a great story teller. Boo and Missy are a blessing to our church.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


As a family, we went to the Lewis and Clark Circus, which was across from the Greene County High School. The show started at 1:00 PM. My hopes were low, but I was pleasantly surprised. They encouraged the audience to take pictures of the show. So, we did.

The acrobats and clown were really good. I thought the juggling was some of the best I've seen. The pics are of the "fire eater" and Jared's facial expression as he watched him. Charlee was just happy to be there.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Candy Harvesting

Well, we worked long and hard on Jared's Costume for today. He wanted to be a robot. So, we used a old pampers box, aluminum foil, and duck tape. I even purchased $7.00 worth of dryer vent hose to serve as his arms. Stove eye covers and two battery powered "tea lights" adorned the front of his "robox." I thought he looked pretty cool.

Charlee's costume was easier to put together. She looked like the cutest MSU Cheerleader I've ever seen.

We "harvested" candy from only a few homes in the area. The highlight of the night for Jared was playing with his friend's Garrett and Ashton.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Distinguishing Mark

"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." --John 13:35, KJV
As I listened to the World Series last night, I was reminded of my favorite baseball story.

Premeditated Tater Toss

In August of 1987, Dave Bresnahan, then a 25-year-old second-string catcher with the Williamsport (Pennsylvania) Bills of the Class-AA Eastern League, decided to play a practical joke. He had no idea of the lasting notoriety he would achieve as a result of his mischievousness.
His team was several games out of first place and only a few games remained. To put some fun in the season, he devised a starchy plan. Before a doubleheader, Bresnahan went to a grocery store and bought a potato. He then peeled the spud and shaped it into the size of a baseball. Next, he hid his masterpiece in an extra mitt and placed it in the dugout. Later, in the fifth inning, a runner made it to third base. Consequently, the situation was ripe for Bresnahan’s planned stunt.

The Hidden Spud

Bresnahan told the umpire his mitt was broken and asked permission to replace it. The ump agreed. So, Dave went to the dugout and retrieved the mitt with the spud inside. Next, he took his place behind home plate and put the ball in his throwing hand. After catching the next pitch, he hurled the tater high above the third baseman’s head and into the outfield. Thinking the catcher had made an error, the runner at third trotted home, and Bresnahan tagged him out with the real baseball.

The Starchy Truth

While Bresnahan’s teammates had been warned of his plans, the fans and members of the other team were confused. Eventually, an umpire realized the orb thrown was a potato. So, he awarded a run to the runner. The following day, Bresnahan was fined by his manager and then released by the Bills’ parent club, the Cleveland Indians, for what they perceived as an affront to the integrity of the game.

Aren't You the Guy who...?

Subsequently, it seemed "Dave the Cathcer" would simply fade into sports oblivion, along with his .140 batting average. However, news of his stunt began to spread like mayonnaise. The practical joke became national news and, within a year, the minor league club that had dismissed him gave him the honor of retiring his number. Usually, this tribute is reserved for players with superior batting averages, fielding skills, or lightning fast pitches. Yet, all Bresnahan did was complete a practical joke that put some fun into a game that had become mundane. Forever, Dave Bresnahan distinguished himself as a guy who could liven up even the most boring afternoons.

How Will You Be Remembered?

Spiritually, how will you be remembered? Can people tell that you are a Christian? Jesus said that people will know we are followers of Him if show love to others. Are you known as a person of compassion? This is how Jesus expects his followers to be remembered.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is Pleasant Hill Baptist Church at the "End of the Earth"?

Saying "Goodbye" to Greene Association

Tonight, we held the second night of the 92nd and final Annual Meeting of the Greene County Baptist Association at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. Last night, the association voted to merge with George County and form the George-Greene Baptist Association. Jimmy Holcomb is now the Director of Missions of one association instead of two.

Noticeably, there were some expressions of grief over the change, but everyone was supportive and appears to understand the merger will allow a better structure to minister to the needs of the two counties and the world.

So, I thought it was healthy for folks to reminisce over what has happened for a little while. However, I'm excited about what is to come.

Saying "Hello" to the End of the Earth

Greene County is a large county with large tracts of timberland. Traveling to the Associational Meeting was an adventure into the "boondocks."

We carried the church van. I had only been to the church one time. So, one of the men in the van who worked in the county for several years, guided me to travel an alternate route. This route was used many years ago, before many of the roads in Greene County were paved.

We traveled on Ranch Road, which was paved for only a short distance. Then, the road was gravel for a long distance. Since I spent some time in my childhood living on a gravel road, this trip brought back some memories. However, many on the van questioned whether or not we were traveling on the correct path. Yet, I trusted my advisor. Just when I was thinking about turning around, the road yielded a pave section. That was a great relief. After the traveling on the paved section for a short distance, we made it to the church.

This was a great setting for the sermon we heard. David Michel shared how churches must think "glocally." The local church must have a global perspective. So, it is neat to realize how a church in the middle of nowhere can impact the world. With God nothing is impossible.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Two Counties = One Association

Tonight, during the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Greene County Baptist Association, the messengers approved the formation of the George-Greene Baptist Association. For many years, the two counties were separate associations. However, they shared the same Director of Missions. The current Director of Missions, Jimmy Holcomb, led the two associations to unite in order to better utilize resources. Also, involved in the joining of the two associations was a major restructuring that utilizes ministry teams.

Bro. Jimmy is to be commended for his leadership. The new structure will provide a better framework in which to minister to the needs of our communities. Both associations approved the plans unanimously.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What a beautiful Fallish day here in Leakesville. I love this time of year.


We were blessed to have two couples join our church this morning. Both of the couples have been active in our church for several weeks. What a blessing to have people plant their lives in the LORD's Church.


This morning my sermon was based on Genesis 22:1-14. For me, the message was a blessing to preach. Just as Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to be obedient to God, we know that God the Father was more than willing to send his only son to die on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice.

The Journey of Provision: Journey to Mount Moriah

I. The Directive (1-2)
II. The Dedication (3-6)
III. The Dependence (7-8)
IV. The Difficulty (9-10)
V. The Deliverance (11-14)


Abraham proved he was committed to follow God wherever he called him to go. Jehovah-Jireh ("The LORD Will Provide") was faithful.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday Celebration for Charlee

Well, today I am another year older...forty-something. However, tomorrow is Charlee's birthday. So, we had a birthday party for her today. She was so cute--smiling widely--as we sang the Birthday Song to her. My parents and Terri's parents, as well as her brother, came to the party. It's great to have both sets of grandparents active in our children's lives. Also, Boo, Missy, and Ashton White were present. Their family is so special to us.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Excited About Sunday's Sermons

This Sunday, I will continue a sermon series based on journeys in the scriptures. My next message deals with Abraham's test by the Lord, who asked him to sacrifice his precious son, Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14).

In my preparation, I found these statements by Warren Wiersbe:

True faith is always tested. Of course, God did not want Isaac's life; He wanted Abraham's heart. Isaac was dear to Abraham and God wanted to be sure that Isaac was not an idol standing between Him and Abraham. It was possible that Abraham was trusting Isaac to fulfill the promises and not trusting God.

What are you trusting?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Community Block Party Set for November 15, 2008

Tonight, we held our initial meeting for the upcoming Community Block Party. The time for the event was set as Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008 from 11 AM to 2 PM. The event will be held in the large lot in the front of FBC Leakesville.

We already have commitments from the District Attorney's Office, Several Churches, and the United Blood Services. Currently, United Blood Services plans to bring their Mobile Blood Services Unit. We should have several games and inflatables for the kids.

In the morning, the Extension Service is sponsoring a Two Mile Run to the River. So, this should be a great day for our community.

Last year's event drew well over 400 folks. View pictures of last year's event here. Check out for more updates.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Worship the Unseen

This morning I left Leakesville at 5:00 AM to pray with one of our members at a hospital in Mobile, AL. Since I was traveling before sunrise, I was able to enjoy viewing the moon that was shining brightly. It was beautiful and awe inspiring.

When I returned to my office, I did a Biblegateway keyword search for scriptures referring to the moon. I discovered the following scripture that led me to think about worship.

And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the LORD your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage (Deuteronomy 4:19, NKJV).

Down through many centuries, there has been a tendency for humans to "worship" and "serve" God's creation instead of the Creator. The scriptures warn against this. However, unmistakably, we are driven to worship.

In the Old Testament, serving God and worshipping him are used interchangeably. We serve who we worship. Also, we could say we become enslaved to what we love. So, if we are not careful, we can place more stock in what we see, instead of worshipping God, who is unseen. However, the Christian life is to be lived in faith, in the realm of the unseen.

The writer of Hebrews stated, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible (Hebrews 11:3, NKJV).

God gave us a beautiful world to enjoy. His creation is evidence of His power. My prayer is that I would resist the temptation to worship "things." There is no substitute for God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Kind Note From Gary Permenter

Today, I received a letter from Gary Permenter who preached the Revival Services here at FBC Leakesville last week. God truly blessed us through Gary. However, we were a blessing to him. Here is an except from his letter:

Sometimes people who keep up with my schedule will call when they know I am on the way home from an event to see how that event went. Last night I had nearly an hour-long conversation with someone to tell them how much I enjoyed being in Leakesville. You and the church could not have been better to me.

Planting for Future Generations

John Maxwell tells the story of a man in his eighties who was busy planting an apple orchard. The older man carefully planted the tiny apple trees and faithfully watered the saplings.

A young man observed the time spent by the elderly gentleman on this project and asked him, “You don’t expect to eat apples from those trees, do you?” The man responded “No, but somebody will.”

What are you doing for future generations?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Church Sunday School Growth Plan- A Great Start

Tonight, Huey Dedmon from the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board met with teaches and church leaders to introduce the Growth Plan.

Only one of the teachers of the "on campus" Bible Study Groups was not present for our meeting. This is very encouraging.

Huey presented the results of the Strength Development Index that we completed back in August. The results were mostly encouraging. We all know we need to focus more on evangelism and the survey shows many people are willing to be trained to be more effective witnesses.

Many were surprised that our responses on "Fellowship" were lower than expected, but I believe we can intentionally do more to foster better relationships in our church. At the end of the meeting we divided into groups of three and prayed. What a charge to hear God's people praying in unity for his leadership and wisdom.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday, Oct. 12, 2008

New Sermon Series

We are all on a journey. Starting this Sunday, I will be examining several journeys recorded in the scriptures. Today, I examined the unusual journey Noah completed.

Journey of Protection-Journey to Ararat

Genesis 6:5-9

I. Sin Grieves God (5-7)
II. God Gives Grace (8)
III. Righteousness Generates Growth (9)


John Maxwell draws these conclusions from the life of Noah.

1. You can make a difference at any age. "There's no expiration date on spiritual gifts."
2. You can make a difference for your family.
3. You can make a difference for future generations.
4. You can make a difference for God's creation.
5. You can make a difference for God.

Committees are Working

The Stewardship and Personnel Committees are expending a lot of time and effort in addressing ministry and budget needs. They are to be commended. Both committees stayed after the Evening Service to address some important issues related to the open position of Janitor and to next year's budget. What a blessing to have people committed to fulfilling their committee responsibilities.

Frequently, Rev. Bill Barton said, "Teamwork, because it works." Our church is practicing a lot of teamwork these days.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Time With My Parents

After the game last night, my dad and I went to his home. Terri and the kids went with my mom earlier in the evening. We had a good day with them. Terri and Mom went shopping while Dad and I watched the kids.

On the way home, we attended a Sunday School Party. We had great fellowship with about 17 folks. It was wonderful to spend time with these nice folks outside church. There was so much food. Ribs, Chicken, Sausage, Banana Pudding, and much, much more. I love being the pastor of FBC, and not just for the food, but that is a plus.

Bonus Post: Mississippi State defeated the undefeated Vanderbilt Commodores, 17-14. It's been a long time since I could say, "How 'bout dem 'dogs?"

Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Wildcat Win

Today, my dad met me in Hattiesburg. Then, we went to Sumrall for the Greene Co.-Sumrall Game. The Wildcats won 28-21, scoring the winning touchdown with just over 4 minutes to go. The defense rose to the occasion and stopped Sumrall on their final drive. Greene Co. is now 3-1 in the district and 4-3 overall. Since Purvis defeated Columbia (they beat us 21-20 last week), we are tied for second place in the district. If we win the next district game against Perry Central, we will be able to win the district by defeating Purvis on the road, Oct. 31.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Website Established

We've launched a website, While it is a work in progress, this will be an effective ministry tool. Many thanks to Susanne for her work. Keep checking for updates.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Gary is a Male Model. Who Knew?

At the invitation of the Fellowship of Christian Students, Gary Permenter spoke at the High School early this morning. He quickly connected to them. He knows how to use humor. He just casually mentioned that he was a "male model on the side." The students were "cracking up." Then, he shared a great message with them.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Terrific Tuesday; Terrible Debate

Abbey was feeling better today. She went to school Charlee's not congested. Jared will struggle with allergies. However, we had heavy rain early this morning and late in the afternoon. Everything was dry and dusty. Rain is so refreshing.

Revival Services

During the Noon Service, Gary gave some very practical advise on handling conflict. Before the evening service, he met with the children. He knew all the cartoon and popular characters to mention t0 garner energetic responses.

Even though it was raining before the services, we had good attendance tonight. The children sang their "Twiggle" Song. Selina Smith does a great job working with them. Gary preached from Psalm 100. This was an encouraging message. We all have so much for which to be thankful. He made some humorous comparisons between fans at sporting events and church attenders.

Tomorrow morning, Gary will speak the the Fellowship of Christian Students at the High School.

Presidential Debate

I listened to most of the debate tonight on Yahoo!. I have a question. I have listened to both of the debates between Obama and McCain. How can you have these encounters and never question the candidates for the highest office in the land on the issues of abortion, judicial appointments, gun control, or immigration? Yes, the economy is bad, but a candidate's beliefs regarding unborn children is crucial. The other issues are key. I am frustrated by this oversight. Is anyone else?

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sick Children and Monday Revival Services

Sick Call

This morning all three of the Price children went to the doctor. They are all sick. Abbey missed school today. She seems to be feeling better tonight. Charlee has a lot of congestion in her chest. Jared's allergies are really "stuffing" him up. Well, just another day in the life of the Prices.

Noon Services

We had good attendance at our Noon Day Worship Service. Gary shared from Proverbs. He is a great communicator. Tomorrow, he is going to share from Proverbs on the subject "How to Fight Right." Biblical Conflict Management is a great need. I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say.

Monday Evening Service

In the Evening Service, Shannon Walters sang three songs. She stared with "Redeemer." That's an awesome song. I love the line "Who told the ocean, you can only come this far?" Shannon was in a horrific automobile accident several months ago. She is doing well. Shannon and her husband were active in FBC Leakesville until a few years ago. Paul is now the bi-vocational pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church here in Greene County. They have a beautiful family.

The church is receiving the messages well. Gary's delivery conversational and engaging. Before this week, I had only heard Gary preach once. I looking forward to the remaining services.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today was a great day of worship and fellowship. The attendance was good, especially tonight. However, I long for a real move of God, which will move us to be all God wants us to be. I continue to pray that we will "humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord" so that "He will lift us up."

Deacons Meeting

The spirit in our deacon's meeting was memorable. We prayerfully discussed the ministry of our church. The men expressed great appreciation for the ministry of Boo White, the Youth Minister at FBC Leakesville. Boo and Missy are a blessing to our church.

Morning Service

As we began our Revival Services, we were blessed by Eric Smith and Gary Permenter. Eric sang two worshipful solos, "His Favorite Song of All" and "Crucified With Christ." Gary Preached a powerful message dealing with the healing of a blind man by Jesus. He asked us if we were desperate for a deeper relationship with God. There a big between being pleased if God moves in the lives of others and being desperate for God to do a transforming work in our lives.

After the service, we had a great church wide meal. There was plenty of food. A majority of folks stayed.

Evening Service

Eric sang "His Grace Still Amazes Me." This song really leads me to worship and express my gratitude to God for all he has done for me.

Gary challenged us to be completely sold out to Christ. He is such a great communicator. He uses insightful teaching and humor to really drive the truth of the scripture home. Tonight, he led us to imagine a young man getting married and two brides come down the aisle. It would be impossible for him to pledge his loyalty and faithfulness to only one, if he planed to be married to both. God cannot just be one of two masters. He must be LORD.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Pray for Gary Permenter

Starting tomorrow, we will have Revival Services, October 5-8, 2008. Gary Permenter is our Guest Preacher and Eric Smith from Lucedale, MS will lead music for us in most of the services.

Gary is a great communicator. He is a full-time evangelist and he speaks all over the country.
Pleae pray for him. Check out Gary's website here.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Dunking Booth

The Greene Co. Football Team lost a tough one tonight, 21-20. The Columbia Wildcats scored late in the 4th Quarter to take the win.

After the game, FBC Leakesville hosted a "Fifth Quarter" Student Fellowship. Boo White, as usual, gave a great devotion. Then, a few teachers from the High School agreed to sit in a "Dunking Booth" we were loaned. That was a lot of fun to watch. I think everyone had a great time. Furthermore, the chili was excellent.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Healing Through Humility

The first Jewish Temple was completed at the expense of millions of dollars and the sweat of 30,000 workers. After seven years, the temple that King David had desired was complete. At the dedication of the temple, the nation assembled. There was singing and the sounding of 120 trumpets. In the center of the temple, a small brass platform was erected. There, Solomon stood and reminded the people of the faithfulness of God. Then, he fell to his knees, stretched his arms, and offered a prayer (II Chronicles 6:12-40).

When the prayer was concluded, fire descended and consumed the sacrifices, and "the glory of the LORD filled the temple (II Chronicles 7:1).

Then, later that night, God responded to the prayer of Solomon (II Chronicles 7:12-22). He revealed five truths.

I. The Place of Worship: God chooses where he is worshipped (12).

I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice."

II. The Power of God: God restores those who repent (13-14).

" if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves"

III. The Presence of God: God knows everything on the hearts of his people (15-16).

"My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually."

IV. The Promise of God: God keeps His covenants with His people if they meet the conditions he requires (17-18).

"if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom,"

V. The Punishment of God: God disciplines His people (19-22).

“But if you turn away... and go and serve other gods, and worship them, then I will uproot them..."


As we gather to worship this Sunday, may we remember partial obedience is disobedience. God's "eyes and heart" are present whenever we gather. He knows the truth about us. We can't fool Him. So, we must be humble enough to admit we have sinned and wise enough to turn to Him for forgiveness. Then, he will forgive us and restore the joy in our lives.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Inventory Results

Yesterday, I talked with Dionne Williams, our consultant for the Sunday School Growth Plan. He shared the general scores on the 150 question survey a majority of our members completed back in August. I plan to meet with him Friday morning to discuss these results in detail. I'll share the general findings in the next few weeks. I was only surprised by the score in one of the six areas: Worship, Ministry, Discipleship, Evangelism, Prayer, and Fellowship. I won't share that now. Stay tuned to learn the date I will discuss the inventory.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today, I did a lot of office work in the morning. Terri's van needed an oil change. So, I dropped it off at the Ford Dealership and checked that off my list.

Soccer practice in the afternoon. They practiced for 90 minutes. It was hot today. I'm proud of Jared. He still hates the long runs, but he is much more focused than last year (and even last week).

After practice, Terri and I carried Jared to see a special kids program at Covenant Baptist Church. A husband and wife team presented a program of "Magic" and Ventriloquism. I thought they did a great job of presenting the Gospel in an appropriate manner for children. Illusions have always intrigued me. I know they are just tricking my eyes, but I can't figure them out.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Market Tanks, but There's Good News...

If you're poor like me, days like this on Wall Street (The DOW lost over 700 points) are really that distressing. Of course, I do have some money in my 403b that is tied up in stocks, but retirement is several years away. Time is my greatest asset. Well, if the Lord wills, I have time.

Abbey had a fever this morning. So, she missed school. I took her to the doctor around 8:00 AM. She is doing better. She didn't want to have a shot. My theory has been a shot is a better solution. However, Abbey is not a fan of needles.

This afternoon, I went to Mobile to visit one of our members in the hospital. The good news is that the Love Bug numbers seem to be decreasing. There's always something good around.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, Sept. 28, 2008

Each Sunday, at 9:00 AM, I gather with a faithful group of men and pray for the services. This is a great encouragement to me.

Our Bible Study attendance was down from the high of last week, but we still had solid attendance.

The choir sang a great medley of songs related to the Second Coming of Christ. This was connected to the topic of my morning sermon.

Selina Smith did another great job with the children's sermon. However, my son stole the show when she asked what season we were experiencing. One of the children said, "Fall." Jared stood and boldly exclaimed, "Actually, it's Fall and Summer!" The church roared with laughter.

Jamie Ham sang one of my favorite songs, "Who Am I." He played the acoustic guitar as he sang."

We continued Children's Choir and Bible Drill in the evening.

Afternoon Celebration

It was warm today. Terri's parents came over and we grilled this afternoon. Abbey made a beautiful and delicious cake to celebrate the first anniversary of the adoptions. God has truly blessed me with an amazing family.
