For several years, I have enjoyed playing fantasy sports. While fantasy sports have been around a long time, the leagues offered on the internet have made tabulating stats much easier. So, I have been involved in leagues in all the major sports.
Playing on the internet is easy. At the beginning of a season, players are drafted. This can be done by the computer or the members of the league can set a time to make their selections in real time. Once you have your players, in a head-to-head league like I prefer, you have a week-long game with an opponent. Opposing managers/coaches choose the players who will start on a given day based on the real sports calendar. Then, at the end of the week stats in various categories are tallied and the number of “wins” in a category for the year determines the standings and playoff seedings. (Are you bored yet?). In the playoffs teams go head to head.
Fantasy Football is the hardest for me. However, I have won championships on Yahoo! in Hockey and Basketball.
This year my BulldogBiteECHL Fantasy Hockey Team is in first place with one week to go until playoffs. I am ahead by 21 points. So, I have secured a first round bye. My BulldogBiteCBA Basketball Team is in second place with about three weeks to go until playoffs.
Fleeting Fantasies
According to, the only time the word “fantasy” is used in the New King James Version is recorded in Proverbs 21:6.
Getting treasures by a lying tongue
Is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death.
In other words, a person is living in a fantasy world if they thing they can lie their way to wealth. When a person makes lying their standard procedure, they are trapped by deadly sin.
My wife and I have talked a lot lately about our many years in youth ministry. My wife served as a student minister before we married. I ministered with youth in churches in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alaska. In every church we served, we had to deal with teens that lied to us. Many times the lies were subtle, but we have been told some whoppers.
Since I am an equal opportunity offender, adults lie as often as teens. So, this leads me to ask, “Why do people lie?”
Terri did some “research” into the contributing factors for lying and discovered the number one reason people don’t tell the truth is that they are afraid. They have a fear of the truth being discovered. Liars are hiding something and they fear being unmasked. Also, they fear they will not be accepted if their truth self is exposed.
As a result, we must examine the fears we have. The bottom line is we all have short comings. So, we need to embrace them, because Paul wrote that through his weaknesses the strength of God was revealed. Also, we need to understand that God designed his kingdom for people who are poor in spirit, for people who mourn, for people who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt. 5:3-10).
What is your greatest fear? What sin causes you discomfort due to the fear of it being discovered? Remember, if you think you can hide your sin by lying; remember that is a fleeting fantasy. Crime never pays and neither does lying.