Dr. Philip Price, Director of Missions, Jackson County Baptist Association, Pascagoula, MS
Posted by Philip Price at 5:36 PM 0 comments
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." --John 13:35, KJVAs I listened to the World Series last night, I was reminded of my favorite baseball story.
Posted by Philip Price at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Saying "Goodbye" to Greene Association
Tonight, we held the second night of the 92nd and final Annual Meeting of the Greene County Baptist Association at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. Last night, the association voted to merge with George County and form the George-Greene Baptist Association. Jimmy Holcomb is now the Director of Missions of one association instead of two.
Noticeably, there were some expressions of grief over the change, but everyone was supportive and appears to understand the merger will allow a better structure to minister to the needs of the two counties and the world.
So, I thought it was healthy for folks to reminisce over what has happened for a little while. However, I'm excited about what is to come.
Saying "Hello" to the End of the Earth
Greene County is a large county with large tracts of timberland. Traveling to the Associational Meeting was an adventure into the "boondocks."
We carried the church van. I had only been to the church one time. So, one of the men in the van who worked in the county for several years, guided me to travel an alternate route. This route was used many years ago, before many of the roads in Greene County were paved.
We traveled on Ranch Road, which was paved for only a short distance. Then, the road was gravel for a long distance. Since I spent some time in my childhood living on a gravel road, this trip brought back some memories. However, many on the van questioned whether or not we were traveling on the correct path. Yet, I trusted my advisor. Just when I was thinking about turning around, the road yielded a pave section. That was a great relief. After the traveling on the paved section for a short distance, we made it to the church.
This was a great setting for the sermon we heard. David Michel shared how churches must think "glocally." The local church must have a global perspective. So, it is neat to realize how a church in the middle of nowhere can impact the world. With God nothing is impossible.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Tonight, during the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Greene County Baptist Association, the messengers approved the formation of the George-Greene Baptist Association. For many years, the two counties were separate associations. However, they shared the same Director of Missions. The current Director of Missions, Jimmy Holcomb, led the two associations to unite in order to better utilize resources. Also, involved in the joining of the two associations was a major restructuring that utilizes ministry teams.
Bro. Jimmy is to be commended for his leadership. The new structure will provide a better framework in which to minister to the needs of our communities. Both associations approved the plans unanimously.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:11 PM 0 comments
What a beautiful Fallish day here in Leakesville. I love this time of year.
We were blessed to have two couples join our church this morning. Both of the couples have been active in our church for several weeks. What a blessing to have people plant their lives in the LORD's Church.
This morning my sermon was based on Genesis 22:1-14. For me, the message was a blessing to preach. Just as Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to be obedient to God, we know that God the Father was more than willing to send his only son to die on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice.
The Journey of Provision: Journey to Mount Moriah
I. The Directive (1-2)
II. The Dedication (3-6)
III. The Dependence (7-8)
IV. The Difficulty (9-10)
V. The Deliverance (11-14)
Abraham proved he was committed to follow God wherever he called him to go. Jehovah-Jireh ("The LORD Will Provide") was faithful.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Well, today I am another year older...forty-something. However, tomorrow is Charlee's birthday. So, we had a birthday party for her today. She was so cute--smiling widely--as we sang the Birthday Song to her. My parents and Terri's parents, as well as her brother, came to the party. It's great to have both sets of grandparents active in our children's lives. Also, Boo, Missy, and Ashton White were present. Their family is so special to us.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:37 PM 0 comments
This Sunday, I will continue a sermon series based on journeys in the scriptures. My next message deals with Abraham's test by the Lord, who asked him to sacrifice his precious son, Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14).
In my preparation, I found these statements by Warren Wiersbe:
True faith is always tested. Of course, God did not want Isaac's life; He wanted Abraham's heart. Isaac was dear to Abraham and God wanted to be sure that Isaac was not an idol standing between Him and Abraham. It was possible that Abraham was trusting Isaac to fulfill the promises and not trusting God.
What are you trusting?
Posted by Philip Price at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Tonight, we held our initial meeting for the upcoming Community Block Party. The time for the event was set as Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008 from 11 AM to 2 PM. The event will be held in the large lot in the front of FBC Leakesville.
We already have commitments from the District Attorney's Office, Several Churches, and the United Blood Services. Currently, United Blood Services plans to bring their Mobile Blood Services Unit. We should have several games and inflatables for the kids.
In the morning, the Extension Service is sponsoring a Two Mile Run to the River. So, this should be a great day for our community.
Last year's event drew well over 400 folks. View pictures of last year's event here. Check out FBCLeakesville.com for more updates.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:32 PM 0 comments
This morning I left Leakesville at 5:00 AM to pray with one of our members at a hospital in Mobile, AL. Since I was traveling before sunrise, I was able to enjoy viewing the moon that was shining brightly. It was beautiful and awe inspiring.
When I returned to my office, I did a Biblegateway keyword search for scriptures referring to the moon. I discovered the following scripture that led me to think about worship.
And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the LORD your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage (Deuteronomy 4:19, NKJV).
Down through many centuries, there has been a tendency for humans to "worship" and "serve" God's creation instead of the Creator. The scriptures warn against this. However, unmistakably, we are driven to worship.
In the Old Testament, serving God and worshipping him are used interchangeably. We serve who we worship. Also, we could say we become enslaved to what we love. So, if we are not careful, we can place more stock in what we see, instead of worshipping God, who is unseen. However, the Christian life is to be lived in faith, in the realm of the unseen.
The writer of Hebrews stated, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible (Hebrews 11:3, NKJV).
God gave us a beautiful world to enjoy. His creation is evidence of His power. My prayer is that I would resist the temptation to worship "things." There is no substitute for God.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Today, I received a letter from Gary Permenter who preached the Revival Services here at FBC Leakesville last week. God truly blessed us through Gary. However, we were a blessing to him. Here is an except from his letter:
Sometimes people who keep up with my schedule will call when they know I am on the way home from an event to see how that event went. Last night I had nearly an hour-long conversation with someone to tell them how much I enjoyed being in Leakesville. You and the church could not have been better to me.
Posted by Philip Price at 2:42 PM 3 comments
John Maxwell tells the story of a man in his eighties who was busy planting an apple orchard. The older man carefully planted the tiny apple trees and faithfully watered the saplings.
A young man observed the time spent by the elderly gentleman on this project and asked him, “You don’t expect to eat apples from those trees, do you?” The man responded “No, but somebody will.”
What are you doing for future generations?
Posted by Philip Price at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Tonight, Huey Dedmon from the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board met with teaches and church leaders to introduce the Growth Plan.
Only one of the teachers of the "on campus" Bible Study Groups was not present for our meeting. This is very encouraging.
Huey presented the results of the Strength Development Index that we completed back in August. The results were mostly encouraging. We all know we need to focus more on evangelism and the survey shows many people are willing to be trained to be more effective witnesses.
Many were surprised that our responses on "Fellowship" were lower than expected, but I believe we can intentionally do more to foster better relationships in our church. At the end of the meeting we divided into groups of three and prayed. What a charge to hear God's people praying in unity for his leadership and wisdom.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:23 PM 0 comments
New Sermon Series
We are all on a journey. Starting this Sunday, I will be examining several journeys recorded in the scriptures. Today, I examined the unusual journey Noah completed.
Journey of Protection-Journey to Ararat
Genesis 6:5-9
I. Sin Grieves God (5-7)
II. God Gives Grace (8)
III. Righteousness Generates Growth (9)
John Maxwell draws these conclusions from the life of Noah.
1. You can make a difference at any age. "There's no expiration date on spiritual gifts."
2. You can make a difference for your family.
3. You can make a difference for future generations.
4. You can make a difference for God's creation.
5. You can make a difference for God.
Committees are Working
The Stewardship and Personnel Committees are expending a lot of time and effort in addressing ministry and budget needs. They are to be commended. Both committees stayed after the Evening Service to address some important issues related to the open position of Janitor and to next year's budget. What a blessing to have people committed to fulfilling their committee responsibilities.
Frequently, Rev. Bill Barton said, "Teamwork, because it works." Our church is practicing a lot of teamwork these days.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:06 PM 0 comments
After the game last night, my dad and I went to his home. Terri and the kids went with my mom earlier in the evening. We had a good day with them. Terri and Mom went shopping while Dad and I watched the kids.
On the way home, we attended a Sunday School Party. We had great fellowship with about 17 folks. It was wonderful to spend time with these nice folks outside church. There was so much food. Ribs, Chicken, Sausage, Banana Pudding, and much, much more. I love being the pastor of FBC, and not just for the food, but that is a plus.
Bonus Post: Mississippi State defeated the undefeated Vanderbilt Commodores, 17-14. It's been a long time since I could say, "How 'bout dem 'dogs?"
Posted by Philip Price at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Today, my dad met me in Hattiesburg. Then, we went to Sumrall for the Greene Co.-Sumrall Game. The Wildcats won 28-21, scoring the winning touchdown with just over 4 minutes to go. The defense rose to the occasion and stopped Sumrall on their final drive. Greene Co. is now 3-1 in the district and 4-3 overall. Since Purvis defeated Columbia (they beat us 21-20 last week), we are tied for second place in the district. If we win the next district game against Perry Central, we will be able to win the district by defeating Purvis on the road, Oct. 31.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:54 PM 0 comments
We've launched a website, FBCLeakesville.com. While it is a work in progress, this will be an effective ministry tool. Many thanks to Susanne for her work. Keep checking for updates.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:02 PM 0 comments
At the invitation of the Fellowship of Christian Students, Gary Permenter spoke at the High School early this morning. He quickly connected to them. He knows how to use humor. He just casually mentioned that he was a "male model on the side." The students were "cracking up." Then, he shared a great message with them.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Abbey was feeling better today. She went to school Charlee's not congested. Jared will struggle with allergies. However, we had heavy rain early this morning and late in the afternoon. Everything was dry and dusty. Rain is so refreshing.
Revival Services
During the Noon Service, Gary gave some very practical advise on handling conflict. Before the evening service, he met with the children. He knew all the cartoon and popular characters to mention t0 garner energetic responses.
Even though it was raining before the services, we had good attendance tonight. The children sang their "Twiggle" Song. Selina Smith does a great job working with them. Gary preached from Psalm 100. This was an encouraging message. We all have so much for which to be thankful. He made some humorous comparisons between fans at sporting events and church attenders.
Tomorrow morning, Gary will speak the the Fellowship of Christian Students at the High School.
Presidential Debate
I listened to most of the debate tonight on Yahoo!. I have a question. I have listened to both of the debates between Obama and McCain. How can you have these encounters and never question the candidates for the highest office in the land on the issues of abortion, judicial appointments, gun control, or immigration? Yes, the economy is bad, but a candidate's beliefs regarding unborn children is crucial. The other issues are key. I am frustrated by this oversight. Is anyone else?
Posted by Philip Price at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Sick Call
This morning all three of the Price children went to the doctor. They are all sick. Abbey missed school today. She seems to be feeling better tonight. Charlee has a lot of congestion in her chest. Jared's allergies are really "stuffing" him up. Well, just another day in the life of the Prices.
Noon Services
We had good attendance at our Noon Day Worship Service. Gary shared from Proverbs. He is a great communicator. Tomorrow, he is going to share from Proverbs on the subject "How to Fight Right." Biblical Conflict Management is a great need. I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
Monday Evening Service
In the Evening Service, Shannon Walters sang three songs. She stared with "Redeemer." That's an awesome song. I love the line "Who told the ocean, you can only come this far?" Shannon was in a horrific automobile accident several months ago. She is doing well. Shannon and her husband were active in FBC Leakesville until a few years ago. Paul is now the bi-vocational pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church here in Greene County. They have a beautiful family.
The church is receiving the messages well. Gary's delivery conversational and engaging. Before this week, I had only heard Gary preach once. I looking forward to the remaining services.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Today was a great day of worship and fellowship. The attendance was good, especially tonight. However, I long for a real move of God, which will move us to be all God wants us to be. I continue to pray that we will "humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord" so that "He will lift us up."
Deacons Meeting
The spirit in our deacon's meeting was memorable. We prayerfully discussed the ministry of our church. The men expressed great appreciation for the ministry of Boo White, the Youth Minister at FBC Leakesville. Boo and Missy are a blessing to our church.
Morning Service
As we began our Revival Services, we were blessed by Eric Smith and Gary Permenter. Eric sang two worshipful solos, "His Favorite Song of All" and "Crucified With Christ." Gary Preached a powerful message dealing with the healing of a blind man by Jesus. He asked us if we were desperate for a deeper relationship with God. There a big between being pleased if God moves in the lives of others and being desperate for God to do a transforming work in our lives.
After the service, we had a great church wide meal. There was plenty of food. A majority of folks stayed.
Evening Service
Eric sang "His Grace Still Amazes Me." This song really leads me to worship and express my gratitude to God for all he has done for me.
Gary challenged us to be completely sold out to Christ. He is such a great communicator. He uses insightful teaching and humor to really drive the truth of the scripture home. Tonight, he led us to imagine a young man getting married and two brides come down the aisle. It would be impossible for him to pledge his loyalty and faithfulness to only one, if he planed to be married to both. God cannot just be one of two masters. He must be LORD.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Starting tomorrow, we will have Revival Services, October 5-8, 2008. Gary Permenter is our Guest Preacher and Eric Smith from Lucedale, MS will lead music for us in most of the services.
Posted by Philip Price at 4:35 PM 0 comments
The Greene Co. Football Team lost a tough one tonight, 21-20. The Columbia Wildcats scored late in the 4th Quarter to take the win.
After the game, FBC Leakesville hosted a "Fifth Quarter" Student Fellowship. Boo White, as usual, gave a great devotion. Then, a few teachers from the High School agreed to sit in a "Dunking Booth" we were loaned. That was a lot of fun to watch. I think everyone had a great time. Furthermore, the chili was excellent.
Posted by Philip Price at 11:42 PM 0 comments
The first Jewish Temple was completed at the expense of millions of dollars and the sweat of 30,000 workers. After seven years, the temple that King David had desired was complete. At the dedication of the temple, the nation assembled. There was singing and the sounding of 120 trumpets. In the center of the temple, a small brass platform was erected. There, Solomon stood and reminded the people of the faithfulness of God. Then, he fell to his knees, stretched his arms, and offered a prayer (II Chronicles 6:12-40).
When the prayer was concluded, fire descended and consumed the sacrifices, and "the glory of the LORD filled the temple (II Chronicles 7:1).
Then, later that night, God responded to the prayer of Solomon (II Chronicles 7:12-22). He revealed five truths.
I. The Place of Worship: God chooses where he is worshipped (12).
“I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice."
II. The Power of God: God restores those who repent (13-14).
" if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves"
III. The Presence of God: God knows everything on the hearts of his people (15-16).
"My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually."
IV. The Promise of God: God keeps His covenants with His people if they meet the conditions he requires (17-18).
"if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom,"
V. The Punishment of God: God disciplines His people (19-22).
“But if you turn away... and go and serve other gods, and worship them, then I will uproot them..."
As we gather to worship this Sunday, may we remember partial obedience is disobedience. God's "eyes and heart" are present whenever we gather. He knows the truth about us. We can't fool Him. So, we must be humble enough to admit we have sinned and wise enough to turn to Him for forgiveness. Then, he will forgive us and restore the joy in our lives.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Yesterday, I talked with Dionne Williams, our consultant for the Sunday School Growth Plan. He shared the general scores on the 150 question survey a majority of our members completed back in August. I plan to meet with him Friday morning to discuss these results in detail. I'll share the general findings in the next few weeks. I was only surprised by the score in one of the six areas: Worship, Ministry, Discipleship, Evangelism, Prayer, and Fellowship. I won't share that now. Stay tuned to learn the date I will discuss the inventory.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:24 PM 0 comments