*The chickens are laying two kinds of eggs: hard-boiled and fried.
*The dairy cows are giving evaporated milk.
*The birds are having to use pot holders to pull worms out of the ground.
Do you have any to add?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's So Hot...
Posted by Philip Price at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Irrepressible Truth
My sermon yesterday morning was based on Acts 4:13-22. Peter and John were being punished for healing a lame man in the name of Jesus. The passage records the deliberation of the Jewish Court and the response to their demands by Peter and John.
I. The Simple Disciples: Be known for the time you have spent with Jesus (13-14).
The religious leaders noticed that Peter and John were just common untrained, unlearned men, but what set them apart was that "they had been with Jesus." Does our relationship with Christ define us?
II. The Sanctimonious Detractors: Be guided by the truth (15-18).
The leaders admitted "a notable miracle has been done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it." However, since the miracle threatened to expose their traditions, they refused to accept the truth. Are you blinded by tradition? Are you committed to a religious institution or committed to Jesus?
III. The Steadfast Devotees: Be bold for God (19-22).
The Bible states "But Peter and John answered and said to them, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.'”
I love the almost sarcastic response of Peter and John. They said something like this: "Since you are the representatives of God, do you think we should listen to God or to you?" I love that.
Then, they boldly declared, "We can't help it. We've got to tell people about the power of Jesus."
May God give us all the boldness to speak the truth in His name.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Today, some of the members of FBC Leakesville, along with some members of another church in the county, distributed 1176 bottles of cold water to the parade watchers in Leakesville. The water had a plan of salvation on the label.
This was a big deal and I've heard from many folks in the community who were blessed by this effort. The water was very practical, since the heat index was around 100 degrees!
I am so thankful for people who are willing to be used by God by putting their faith into action.
Posted by Philip Price at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Bringing It Home
"If anyone gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." —Matthew 10:42
I've talked with two of the guys who participated in the Associational Mission Trip to Omaha. They are planning to bring what they experienced to Leakesville.
The guys are planning to pass out free bottles of water during the Independence Celebration in Leakesville on June 27, 2009. The guys have purchased the "Thirst No More" labels from 9th Inning Ministry and will place them on the water that is donated.
If you would like to help with the Independence Celebration Ministry, you can purchase one or more cases of water and bring them to the church. Also, you may wish to simply donate funds that will assist in purchasing the water. For more information, contact the church office.
Posted by Philip Price at 2:25 PM 0 comments
VBS Newsletter
Vol. 4, June 19, 2009
For many months we have been planning, praying and preparing for VBS at FBC, after tonight it will be part of our church history. This week we have experienced some awesome times together. It has been filled with HALLELUJAH MOMENTS, SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS, EXTREME COMPETITION and for some, a SMALL ROOM- FULL OF JOY. We have made new friends, reacquainted with old friends and had time to visit a bit, because you said YES TO VBS! Thank you for giving your time, talents, love and encouragement so that children can know the love of Jesus.
Thursday was our high attendance day and our largest missions offering thus far.
I compared our growth from Monday to Thursday:
On Monday , we had 58 students and 33 workers for a total of 91. Yesterday, we had 73 students and 43 workers for a total of 116.
AVG. ATTN: 109
OFFERING: $187.56 (G) $121.10 (B) $66.45
TOTAL COLLECTED $418.28 (G) $243.74 (B) $174.54
The girls reclaimed the victory but it can change today with a dime, a dollar or a check! Today’s offering will be the final collection for the competition. Thus far, the girls have had more victories than the guys but the spirit of competition has been so much fun and for a worthy cause. Please continue to keep the GWA Ministry in your prayers.
Family night will begin tonight at 7:00p.m. When we leave today, make sure all the students have their crafts bag with them. The bag contains their T-Shirt that they will wear tonight, VBS Certificate and other information regarding our church. The van will run tonight and the pick up time will begin at 6:30 p.m. for those who need transportation. We will line up and march in just as we do each morning and sit on the reserve pews that will be marked. Then we will go through our normal Worship Rally routine. Next, the PK/K group will sing their songs and afterwards the Big Kids will sing; followed by the power point review of the week. We will also collect an offering but it will not be a part of the competition. When the program is complete we will adjourn to the Activities Building for food and fellowship. Don’t forget: Clean up is afterwards…..
If you have VBS reimbursements, please sign your tickets, place in an envelope/ziplock bag, and give to me today or Sunday so that we can close out VBS 2009.
Remember to complete the VBS FEEDBACK and return to me as soon as you can.
If you have any questions or concerns about tonight…..just “track” me down…..
Thanks again for your support and commitment….May our lives always reflect that we FOLLOW, WORSHIP AND LIVE THROUGH HIM!
Together we Serve,
Selina Smith
Posted by Philip Price at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mission Team Has Returned
The Association Mission Team that journeyed to Omaha has returned. The guys were all home by 3:00 PM. Not long ago, I talked to Scott Bray who headed up the team and he was so pumped by the manner in which the team served and were blessed. He shared that on Wednesday Night they experienced an over 2 hour worship time, filled with testimonies and singing.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Boomerang Express Newsletter
Vol. 3, June 18, 2009
Well, by this time we know the sun is HOT, the ground is DRY and our bodies and minds are getting WEARY; but God has opened the Heavens and soaked VBS at FBC with Showers of Blessings. I am humbled at the sweet spirit that our faithful workers have had this week. I am thankful for the many who took vacation to be a part of this outreach ministry. I am also amazed at the good behavior of our children and how many have responded by giving to our mission offering and the possibility of salvation. It’s been a GREAT week of food, fellowship, bible study, crafts, music, missions and a lot of fun; but that’s what VBS is all about…....
Our totals are still climbing even with absentees and we have new enrollees everyday.
Here’s a recap of Wednesday, June 17, 2009.
Total Present: 113 68 Students 45 Workers
Offering $125.97 (G) $55.67 (B) $70.30
Total Collected $234.55
As you can see, we’re having a little competition between the girls and boys. For the last 3 days the girls have RULED but the boys finally PUSHED them back and claimed the lead. We are giving our offering to the GWA African Missions Project that our George/Greene Association has participated in the last few years. Mrs. Sue Eubanks has constructed an amazing replica of a GWA village. It’s on display in the Sanctuary, be sure and check it out.
Please continue to remind our students of Family Night on Friday, June 19th at 7:00p.m. We may run the van that night if we have students and families who need transportation and would like to come back for the service. I will give more details about this later regarding the time, etc. and if we are able to do this. Remember clean up will follow the fellowship and everyone is needed for this project. Cedar Grove Baptist Church has asked to have/borrow our Lifeway decorations and any others that we would like to share with them. We will pack away the rest and store upstairs.
I would ask that you complete the “VBS Feedback” sheet and return to me on Friday or before. I believe this will help with planning for next year. If you would like to be a return helper and work in the same area or if you need a change, indicate that on the sheet and sign your name.
VBS certificates will be given to the students on Friday along with other information regarding our church and the GWA Mission Project.
Continue to pray for the remaining days of VBS that souls will be saved and lives changed by the impact and impression that we made this week ….so
Let’s Stay on Track till Friday……
Serving Together,
Selina Smith
Posted by Philip Price at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
VBS Daily Newsletter
Vol. 2, June 17, 2006
We had another unbelievable day of VBS. I continue to have some amazing “Hallelujah Moments” and I hope you are too! Everything seems to be “trackin” on.
Totals for June 16: Total Enrollment: 119
Total Present: 115 73 Students 42 Workers
Offering: $75.05 (G) 46.30 (B) 28.75
Total Collected: $108.76
It is truly a blessing to have faithful, committed workers to make it all possible. Thank you for helping to get our “kidaroos” registered and in place each day. This makes our count so much easier and it also provides us with information for future follow up visits. After visiting with some of you, I know there are some areas that we may need to address before next year’s VBS. For instance, the schedule and possibly adding a 6th grade, since many of our FBC students will be affected if we don’t. I have included some questions or concerns and would love your input in planning for next year. Please answer them and return to me as soon as you can
I will have Family night information for us to give out on Friday. Continue to remind the “kidaroos” of this special event. Our program will be simple. We will do our regular morning routine and the “kidaroos” will sing a few VBS songs. “Crocodile DunDid” or “Beach Bum Bob” will visit us and remind us of the challenges and excursions we experienced this week. Susanne is also capturing special moments and putting together a power point for us to enjoy. Afterwards, we will adjourn to the activities building and fellowship a bit. Then, the clean up process begins; we will need everyone to help with this. Each teacher/helper can be responsible for packing their stuff. We like to pack it away gently so that we can use it again if needed. We will need to secure boxes for each group to use to place their supplies in. So if you can help with collecting these, it would be appreciated. As you pack your stuff, please label the box, tape it closed and we will store them upstairs.
Well, I think that about says it all…..Let’s keep on “trackin” till the end……
Serving Him through VBS
Selina Smith
Posted by Philip Price at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
From the VBS Director
Daily Newsletter, Vol. 1, June 16, 2009
Wow! What an incredible FIRST day of VBS! It was totally awesome. Everyone seems to be content with their responsibilities and that was a great “HALLELUJAH MOMENT” for me. I had several of those moments throughout the morning. I encourage each of you to have them as well. This is how it’s done. If you experience an amazing moment of blessing, I want you to
stop, throw up both hands and shout “HALLELUJAH”. Believe me, it makes you feel wonderful. Now, I don’t want you to think that I have gone “Bapticostal” on you, so I looked up the word Hallelujah in the dictionary and found that it meant “to express joyful praise”! That’s exactly what I was doing, because after yesterday, I was one JOYFUL BAPTIST! I am full of excitement and anticipating great things as the week progresses. The “kidoroos” were so good and attentive and the workers were eager and sincere to do whatever was needed. Thank you for saying “YES TO VBS”!
I would ask for a little help to make sure all our guest “kidoroos” complete registration forms. Outback Guides, Please check with your group to see if this has been done so that we can have information for a follow up visit, especially, if they are unchurched. You may pick up the forms from Mrs. Sue at the Registration desk or see me.
Our totals for the day were AMAZING! The total enrollment was 106 and the total present was 91. The offering for the GWA Village Project was $29.71 with the girls collecting the most for the day. We are having a little competition between the girls and boys which makes the Worship Rally pretty rowdy!
Special Thanks to Nixon Noblitt our….Train Conductor, Aussie Guide and Beach Bum. If you get a chance, check him out during the Worship Rally. Also, look out for Susanne, as she will be capturing special moments of the week. Make sure you show your best side!
Remember, Friday night at 7:00 is Family night. Remind the kidoroos daily. We are expecting a good time of food and fellowship. The cake is being donated and we will use the punch from VBS week. If you can help with serving the cake and punch, let me know. I will give you more details of the program later in the week.
If you know of anyone who needs a ride on the Van, be sure and let Mr. Freddie or Bro. Philip know so that arrangements can be made.
Thanks again for your help. We truly know that if we…FOLLOW, WORSHIP, LIVE THROUGH HIM ….IT ALL COMES BACK TO JESUS…..now, that’s a real HALLELUJAH MOMENT!
Serving Him through VBS,
Selina Smith
Posted by Philip Price at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Mission Team is Getting It Done
I've had several "texts" from the guys serving with 9th Inning Ministry in Omaha. They are escatic. They have had an incredibly positive reception. The water bottles they are distributing have labels that read "Thirst No More" and a scripture is on the bottle. Several cases of water are unloaded "assembly line" style. Over 750 volunteers are involved in this minsitry.
Pray for them.
Posted by Philip Price at 1:50 PM 0 comments
First Day of VBS
We had a good first day of Vacation Bible School. The kids seem to really enjoy the theme. A lot of work has gone into the decoration of the activity sites. The Bible Studies are focused on the life of Peter.
The van is providing transportation for several families. Thanks to everyone that is involved.
Posted by Philip Price at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Praying for VBS
Tonight, at the close of the Evening Service, we joined hands around the sanctuary and said another special prayer for the Vacation Bible School we will hold this week at First Baptist Church. The students will be here Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to 11:00 AM.
I am humbled by the fact that many members of our church have taken vacation time in order to work in this year's VBS. That commitment does not go unnoticed by God.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:51 PM 0 comments
The Team Has Arrived
I received a text message a few minutes ago that the team has arrived in Omaha. They begin their ministry project tomorrow. Pray for them.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:19 PM 0 comments
When I accepted God's call into ministry, I did not feel worthy. I've never felt overly self-assured. During my teen years, I dealt with serious self-esteem issues. For example, my first two days at William Carey College were spent hiding in my dorm room. I ate out of the vending machines because I was too afraid to go to the cafeteria.
I moved past that. Now, I am proud of my humility, but I kept some self-pity around because at times I almost enjoy feeling sorry for myself.
Well, what I am trying to say is I feel God has consistently giving me more than I deserve. I know preachers are supposed to say that, but it 's true. My parents, wife, children, and life experiences have really been almost too good to be true.
Today, I experienced another right-on-time and undeserved blessed. At the close of the morning service, the church presented my wife and me an amazing expression of love. The super generous monetary gift is humbling and comes right when we needed it.
The phrase "words cannot express what I'm feeling" is all I can say. The members of FBC Leakesville have consistently showered us with love and have, on many occasions, given us gifts that show us they care. We are blessed to be a part of such a caring congregation.
However, please know I do not stand alone. Of course, without Christ, I am nothing. Also, Mike and Selina Smith, and Boo and Missy White are a joy with which to serve. God has blessed the church with a great ministry assistant and many people who faithfully and humbly serve behind the scenes.
Thank you to the people of FBC Leakesville. I love you. We love you.
Posted by Philip Price at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Mission Team Off for Omaha
Just before midnight, I prayed with the Associational Mission Team that will be ministering in Omaha this week. The men will be assisting the 9th Inning Ministry.
During the College World Series, which began June 13 and end June 23, the 9th Inning Ministry will give out a whopping 70,000 bottles of free ice-cold water along with sports magazines, baseball testimonial cards and pamphlets explaining how to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
These give-a-ways will be offered in various locations around the stadium, concerts following games, at the free baseball clinics, team breakfasts, the Old Market area, and around the city. Over 750 volunteers participate each year handing out cold water in the name of Jesus.
Since the University of Southern Mississippi will be playing in the College World Series, the guys are excited. I challenged them to think how God may use them over 1000 miles away from home to minister to folks from our area.
On Thursday, the men will complete a community clean-up project. Our men are dedicated to make a difference for Christ in Omaha.
Please pray for Mark Elliot, the Director of Missions for the Baptist Association in Omaha. That Association is providing housing for our men. I know god will use our team.
Posted by Philip Price at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Pray for Tony and Karen Gray
As I evaluate the awesome trip we enjoyed this past week, I am driven to pray even more intently for Tony and Karen Gray. This wonderful folks are members of FBC Leakesville. We (I) pray for them on a regular basis. However, after spending a week with them, I commit to pray for them with much more fervor.
The Grays keep an almost insane schedule. Only through the power of God are they able to maintain physical and mental strength to complete the many ministry tasks required to juggle so many mission teams from May to November.
So much has to be done to coordinate the mission efforts of the teams that are hosted. I know they are fulfilling their call. God has specially equipped both of them to impact Brazil for Christ.
Please pray for the Grays.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Special Thanks
Deep appreciation for driving the vans and hauling the luggage from the Gulfport Airport is extended to Pastor Greg Foster, Phillip Ricks, and Fred Hight. I appreciate their willingness to help and the desire of the churches to share the resources with the team.
Posted by Philip Price at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Good flight. Through customs & security. Headed to gate via Skylink @ DFW.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Last Day
Well, our last day in Brazil was a lot of fun. We checked out of the hotel without any major problems. We made it to Sao Paulo by Noon. I am still amazed at the immensity of this city. Our bus driver, Feliciano, said that, "on a good day," it would take you at least 3 hours to drive across the city. Now, that's a big city.
For fun, we ate at a McDonald's in a Wal-Mart. It was so interesting seeing the way the Wal-Mart was organized. There was an underground parking garage. The McD's meal was a unique change. The food has been so good, but something more familiar was good as well.
We went shopping in an open air market downtown. Many artists and crafty persons sold there wares. I purchased several gifts for the family. I can't wait to give the presents to them.
Posted by Philip Price at 6:13 PM 0 comments
On The Way Home
Well, we´re almost packed up. We will be leaving at 9 AM local time to go to Sao Paulo for some last minute shopping. Then, we will fly out of Brazil at 10 PM tonight (8 PM CST). We will land in Dallas at 6 AM and land in Gulfport at 10:30 AM. I am looking forward to getting home, but I will never forget this trip.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 05, 2009
Final Day Filled With a Lot of Emotions
Today, we set up the free glasses distribution in a village not far from the church we have been helping. The church is only a year old and they already have a mission point with the plans of starting a church there within the next few months. We had over 40 adults and even more children waiting for us when we arrived. I shared the gospel with about 5 groups of 7 to 12 people. The people are very responsive.
The decision of one man moved me to tears. He was in a group of at least eight others when I shared the gospel. When I asked him if he wanted to receive Christ. He said, through the interpretor, Î don´t have any religion. I believe in God, but it is not important. I told him I appreciated his honesty and wanted to talk to him more later. He agreed. After he had received his free eye glasses he returned with his wife. I talked with him for several minutes. He expressed the desire not to be a hypocrite. More than once he refused to pray a prayer for salvation. Finally, he stated, Anyone can say they accept Jesus, but the question is does he accept you? I shared the truth from the scripture that we cannot earn salvation and that Jesus had said, Come unto me ALL you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Then, he said, If that is the case, then, I will. Then, he prayed and asked the Lord to forgive Him and to save him. He prayed with great sincerity. As he left he genuinely hugged me and thanked me for coming. What a blessing to see the Word of God and His Spirit melt the heart of this man.
Saying goodbye to the church here was difficult. The people are so giving. They presented us all handmande wooden boxes. I will never forget what God has done on this trip. I have been truly blessed.
Special thanks to everyone at FBC Leakesville that has supported with prayers and funds to make this trip.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Great Night`s Sleep
Well, I had my best night of sleep so far. However, at five, the bells from the Catholic Church tolled. Then, the church blasted a trumpet playing what sounded like taps and then music became louder and louder. Next, there was singing. Bro. Jimmy says it was Gabriel blowing his trumpet. Not sure why this was done.
The smoke has decreased. The sky is clear. We are looking forward to a good day of ministry in a village where the church hopes to start a church.
Posted by Philip Price at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 04, 2009
An Update From Amidst the Smoke
Today I shared the gospel at the eye glass distribution in the morning. In the afternoon, I went with a team into a school and a government day care. The children are so beautiful. The team performed a puppet show. We saw more than 100 children.
Last year, the city would not let the team into the schools. However, in the months since then, the church has made such a positive impact upon the community, they are given easy access.
Late this afternoon, a member of the church gave me a soccer lesson. You have my permission to laught. He and his father-in-law let me take a lot of shots at the goal. I only fell once, when he faked me out. He seemed to appreciate my willingness to learn from him. However, I not much to work with.
The church people are so giving and loving. They bring us fruit, cakes, and bread everyday. Yesterday, they brought cheese bread balls (for lack of a better word). The bread had cheese melted in the center of the bread that was baked in the shape and size of a baseball. It was delicious.
This morning, I led a young man to the Lord, that was so appreciative after he prayed. God is blessing our efforts. I´m still impressed with the commitment to follow up from the pastor and members. They have already visited several of the new converts.
The mayor of the town and the secretary of the city (he is responsible for a major parade coming up in a few days, 500 horses are involved) have been through the church and heard the gospel presentation.
The city where we are staying is filled with smoke. Fields several miles away are being burned and the smoke is very thick here--I found myself a little short of breat when we walked here to the internet cafe. Luckily, we found a drug store that carried Hall´s. I´m told the people of Brazil eat Hall`s lozengers like it is candy. They have many more flavors than I have ever seen.
Tomorrow, we are going to spend the day doing door to door evangelism in a rural area outside the city. Hopefully, this will develop into a new mission point.
I am so glad God provided a way for me to be a part of this ministry. I pray he will continue to use me. Thank you to all who are praying. Please, do not stop.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Long Day
We left at 8.30 this morning. Again, I stayed and shared the gospel at the site of the free glasses distribution. Over 40 prayed to accept Christ.
Our teams went throughout the city witnessing. One team went back to the village where we visited on Sunday. One of the men, who was drunk on Sunday, appeared sober and prayed to accept Christ.
We were part of the Wednesday Night Service at the church. Terry Phillips preached. Our young ladies sang beautifully. One of the interpretors is an excellent keyboardiest.
After the service, one of the ladies who prayed to accept Christ on Monday invited us all to her restaurant. She has the PIZZA FACTORY. We had an awesome time fellowshipping loudly with the pastor and the members of the church here. The pizza was delicious. After we ate, we prayed to bless the business. What a joy.
We arrived back at the hotel at 11.30.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Eating Well
The food down here has been fabulous. They eat a lot of beef here. At the hotel, for breakfast, there is a lot of fresh fruit. The pineapple is so fresh and delicious. Also, there are a lot of different fruit juices.
Things I Have Liked
Fried Bananas. Fried Potatoes. Chicken on a Stick. The fried chicken at hotel last night (Not KFC, but good.) Grilled Beef. Turkey Wrapped in Bacon and Grilled. Guava Juice.
Things That Aren´t My Favorite
Grilled Chicken Hearts. Meat from the Hump of a Brahma Cow (too fatty). Pineapple Juice with Mint (Probably would be better with sugar). Brazilian Coffee (Much too strong for me. Much stronger than anything I had in New Orleans).
I´ll try most everything once.
Posted by Philip Price at 4:11 PM 0 comments
My 500th Post- Another Blessed Day
This morning I did more evangelistic presentations at the site of the eye glasses distribution. Two young twin brothers (twenty-somethings) came and agreed to listen to the presentation. I sensed God was moving in their hearts. Both of them were very attentive and seemed moved emotionally. Both were handsome and charming. Once they prayed the prayer of salvation, they gave bright smiles. That never gets old.
We spent time talking to a female male carrier. She was a person of faith and I was impressed with her knowledge of the scriptures.
In the afternoon, I went door to door witnessing with a team made up of three from our group, a translator, and a member of the church we are helping. In total 65 professions of faith were reported today at the church and in the community. Most of the professions are at the church site. Close to 150 pairs of free eye glasses have been distributed.
Tomorrow night we are to hold a worship service with the chruch we are helping. A baptism will be held.
On Thursday and Friday we will be at a different site.
It´s a lot colder today. I should have brought my jacket. It´s winter time here. I wasn´t too uncomfortable. Early this morning, I wore shorts at first, but after a brief walk outside, I changed.
The team seems to be working together well. Please pray for Tony and Karen. Tony is away helping another team. So, Karen has a lot of responsibilities here.
Posted by Philip Price at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 01, 2009
Today I worked with the glasses distribution site at the church. Over 60 individuals came. I shared the gospel with almost all of them. 47 of the persons who came prayed to accept Christ. We took extra time to explain the gospel using the Evangel Cube, which is a great tool.
The translator seems to have a good understanding of the gospel. I~m still in awe of being a part of such an incredible harvest.
I spent more time talking to the pastor here and he really seems to be committed to following up with all of these new converts and prospects. The team from last year can see evidence of effective discipleship.
Teams visiting in the community reported at least 15 professions of faith.
I~m typing in a internet cafe...well, it~s more like a storage area with computers placed in tiny cubicles. I~m going to leave tracks with the clerk. Please pray God will use them. No one speaks English here. I just have to do a lot of pointing and smiling. No time to be an arrogant American.
Thank you for your prayers.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:04 PM 0 comments