Monday, November 23, 2009

Do You Need to Pray?

Last night my son and I visited one of the churches in the JCBA. We were blessed by a meaningful time of worship. At one point, the music minister asked those present to read or quote Bible verses that were meaningful to them. Several verses were shared. Then, the pastor preached an uplifting and insightful sermon based on I Thessalonians 5:18 which challenges us with the words "in everything give thanks."

Following the sermon, the pastor extended an invitation to anyone who felt the need to come forward and pray at the altar. Following his words, my son looked at me and said, "Dad, do you need to pray?"

To be honest, I was slow to answer. Of course, I needed to pray. However, at that time, I did not feel I needed to go down front. On the other hand, I felt compelled to explain to my son that prayer is something we should do at all times. I appreciate the uncomfortable moment the question created, because I was led to reflect on the importance of a prayerful attitude.

Prayer, Praise, and Perspective

Paul wrote "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (II Thess. 5:16-18.)"

In these verses were are told to "rejoice," "pray," and "give thanks." All Christians would agree these are important. Yet, these acts of worship are prescribed to be exercised continuously . We are to rejoice all the time. Pray all the time. Give thanks in all situations. Is there anyone in the house that feels a little overwhelmed with this command for fulfilling, what is termed in this passage, as "the will of God in Christ for you?"

Thankful for the Pain?

Well, at first glance, we may be led to believe the aforementioned verses command that we are to thank God "for" everything. However, please note the scripture says "in" everything give thanks. As I heard the preacher say last night, certainly we can't be thankful "for" everything, but we can be thankful in the midst of the circumstances.

No matter how much pain we are experiencing, we can still rejoice that God will not "leave us or forsake us." No matter how bleak the days seem, we can still have a prayerful attitude as we venture into the darkness. Also, no matter how unfortunate the consequences of our situation is, we can still thank God for His eternal presence and love.

So, it all goes back to a simple truth. We should be thankful to God for not just being good to us. We must simply thank Him for who He is.
