Monday, December 17, 2007

His Name Shall Be Called...JESUS!!!!!!!

Last night, our children's choir performed their musical "Away in a Manger." They did an incredible job...really. I know pastors are supposed to say that, but I was amazed at the singing, which was especially good for children of that age. I have a degree in music and have served as Minister of Music at six different churches. Our children "nailed" it last night.

One humorous moment was when one of our children was quoting a Bible verse about the birth of Christ. He approached the microphone with great confidence and yelled, as loud as he could, "His name shall be called JESUS!!!!!! He made his point and I'm afraid he short-circuited some hearing aids.

The innocence and freedom children display in worship is so refreshing. I pray that my voice and my life scream the true focus of Christmas.

During the 1992 Presidential Election Campaign, Bill Clinton's strategist, James Carville, posted a sign in the Campaign Headquarters, which read "The Economy, Stupid." This was to keep everyone focused on reminding everyone that people were concerned about the ongoing recession. The sign helped center everyone on a key issue.
Sometimes, as I travel by homes decorated with a myriad of lights and inflatable "winter wonderland" characters, I just want to scream "It's Jesus' Birthday!" Now, that's not politically correct, but, Christmas is about Jesus' Birth. The Savior of the world gets lost in the shadow of 7 foot tall Snow Globes and inflatable Santas (Purchase an inflatable Santa riding a motorcycle here).

May, we all lovingly, but forcefully shout with our lives and words that JESUS(!!!!!!) is the reason for the season.

