Monday, April 07, 2008

Yesteday at FBC

Al Fike spoke in our morning service. He did a great job on a relevant topic. He spoke on "How To Deal With A Crisis." His sermon was based on Acts 27, which records Paul's voyage to Rome.

One point has stayed with me this morning: REFUSE TO DRIFT. It's so easy to just "go with the flow." However, I believe God wants us to be intentional.

Al used over new overhead projectors for the first time. His presentation was sharp, which seemed to impress everyone.

The choir did a great job as usual.

The only downer was the A/C was out in the sanctuary, but, since the outside temperature was not too bad, the worship center was not too uncomfortable.

Last night, I preached at a local church, which began a series of Revival Services that will meet on Sunday evenings in April. So, Boo White preached here and the Praise Band led in worship. I've heard nothing but positive comments.

