Today, I did a lot of office work in the morning. Terri's van needed an oil change. So, I dropped it off at the Ford Dealership and checked that off my list.
Soccer practice in the afternoon. They practiced for 90 minutes. It was hot today. I'm proud of Jared. He still hates the long runs, but he is much more focused than last year (and even last week).
After practice, Terri and I carried Jared to see a special kids program at Covenant Baptist Church. A husband and wife team presented a program of "Magic" and Ventriloquism. I thought they did a great job of presenting the Gospel in an appropriate manner for children. Illusions have always intrigued me. I know they are just tricking my eyes, but I can't figure them out.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by Philip Price at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Market Tanks, but There's Good News...
If you're poor like me, days like this on Wall Street (The DOW lost over 700 points) are really that distressing. Of course, I do have some money in my 403b that is tied up in stocks, but retirement is several years away. Time is my greatest asset. Well, if the Lord wills, I have time.
Abbey had a fever this morning. So, she missed school. I took her to the doctor around 8:00 AM. She is doing better. She didn't want to have a shot. My theory has been a shot is a better solution. However, Abbey is not a fan of needles.
This afternoon, I went to Mobile to visit one of our members in the hospital. The good news is that the Love Bug numbers seem to be decreasing. There's always something good around.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday, Sept. 28, 2008
Each Sunday, at 9:00 AM, I gather with a faithful group of men and pray for the services. This is a great encouragement to me.
Our Bible Study attendance was down from the high of last week, but we still had solid attendance.
The choir sang a great medley of songs related to the Second Coming of Christ. This was connected to the topic of my morning sermon.
Selina Smith did another great job with the children's sermon. However, my son stole the show when she asked what season we were experiencing. One of the children said, "Fall." Jared stood and boldly exclaimed, "Actually, it's Fall and Summer!" The church roared with laughter.
Jamie Ham sang one of my favorite songs, "Who Am I." He played the acoustic guitar as he sang."
We continued Children's Choir and Bible Drill in the evening.
Afternoon Celebration
It was warm today. Terri's parents came over and we grilled this afternoon. Abbey made a beautiful and delicious cake to celebrate the first anniversary of the adoptions. God has truly blessed me with an amazing family.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bye Week
Today, we didn't have a soccer game. So, we spent most of the morning and afternoon doing chores around the house. On Friday, for some reason, my wife told me about a woman who stabbed her husband for not doing his "Honey Do List." I took the hint. (Just a joke.) We're getting ready for the celebration of our adoptions, which is exactly one year tomorrow.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thank God It's...Any Day
Football Devotion
At 1:45, I went to the Greene County Football Team Devotion and Meal. Bro. Jimmy Holcomb did a great devotion (as usual).
Family Time
Spent the afternoon with the family. Jared and I went to Piggly Wiggly to buy a few groceries. Then, we returned home. Jared and I played baseball. He is catching well. He connected in batting practice consistently. We're getting ready for October Baseball.
Non-Toxic Grilling
I grilled chicken this evening. Slowly, I'm learning how to use the grill. I didn't burn the food too bad.
Football and the Debate
Simultaneously, I listened to the broadcast of the Greene County/Pass Christian Football Game and the XM POTUS 08 (Channel 130) Broadcast of the Presidential Debate at Ole Miss.
Greene County won 21-7. They are 3-2 overall and 2-0 in the district.
The Drudge Report has a poll that says 70% of respondents believed McCain won the debate. Polls cannot always be trusted. I think it's neat that Mississippi hosted the first debate.
Special Weekend
On September 28, 2007, we officially adopted Jared and Charlee. I can't believe it has been a year. We're going to have a special celebration Sunday with the family. Terri's parents are coming over.
Posted by Philip Price at 11:08 PM 0 comments
A Good Morning
Outside the temperature is refreshingly cool. Mornings like this are so beautiful and invigorating.
While many on Wall Street awake looking to the government to solve nightmare financial problems, I pray I will always arise and "direct" my voice to God.
"My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up (Psalm 5:3, NKJV)."
Posted by Philip Price at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Blessing of Unmet Needs
Patrick Morley, in his collection of devotions entitled Devotions for the Man in the Mirror, shared a revealing story concerning the difficulty many face when living in prosperity.
A mission team traveled to Haiti to minister to the poor on this impoverished island. There, the team met a young 19 year old man who exhibited deep Christan faith. After the team returned home, they decided to provide the funds for the young man to travel to the United States. For six weeks, he was afforded luxuries he never experienced in Haiti. For the first time, he slept between clean sheets, ate three meals a day, and used indoor plumbing.
Before returning to Haiti, the young man's hosts gave him a special meal and, afterwards, they took time to say their goodbyes. The Haitian was asked if he had anything to say. He stood and said, "I want to thank you so much for inviting me here. I have really enjoyed this time in the United States. But I am also very glad to be going home. You have so much in America, that I'm beginning to lose my grip on my day-to-day dependency on Christ."
On Wall Street, amid a potential catastrophic financial collapse looms, I am sure many more prayers are being said than are usually uttered. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, churches were pack with worshippers seeking to make sense of senseless violence. In the midst of catastrophe, we are forced to pray.
The normal Christian life is lived in faith. We must be dependent on Christ. Jesus said, "Apart from me you can do nothing." We need God. However, materialism and our lust for pleasure can dull our desires to spend time with God. Yet, unmet needs that arise amid troubles force us back to Him.
"You'll never know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have."
James 4:10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift you up."
Posted by Philip Price at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Putting It Together
Tonight, my "sermonette" was based on Colossians 3:12-15. Here's the skeleton.
I. Put On Tenderness (12)
II. Put Up with Differences (13)
III. Put Aside Complaints
IV. Put in Order (14)
V. Put Forth Peace (15)
Posted by Philip Price at 9:06 PM 0 comments
See You At The Pole
I attended the See You At the Pole (SYATP) Prayer Time at Greene County High School this morning. Students gathered at the flagpole before school started.
The SYATP emphasis began in 1990 when a small church youth group gathered at their flagpole to pray for their school. This simple act started an emphasis that is now observed on the fourth Wednesday of September in schools across the nation and around the world.
A few praying students can make a difference.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday School Growth Plan
Tonight, we held the initial meeting with Dionne Williams, who is our consultant for the Growth Plan. We have made a commitment to participate in the process for the next 18 months. Dionne explained the plan to us. Everyone appears excited about this opportunity to evaluate and expand our Bible Study Ministry. Dionne made some helpful suggestions just in his initial "walk-through." This should be a great opportunity for us to make some much needed changes.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Encouragement or Discouragement
"Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged (Colossians 3:21)."
The Interception
Tonight, I listened to the a College Football Show on Fox Sports Radio Network. They interviewed Jarrett Lee who is a Red Shirt Freshmen Quarterback for LSU. When the starting QB was injured, he was pressed into service against Auburn. He had a slow start and, with less than 2 minutes to go in the First Half, he threw an interception that was returned for a touchdown. Auburn was leading 14-3 at Half-Time. However, Lee was able to lead the team from behind to a 26-21 win over Auburn. He threw the winning touchdown pass with just a little more than a minute left.
I found it interesting that when he was asked what his parents said to him after the game, he said the first thing his dad wanted to talk about was the interception he gave up. Lee said his dad is a coach and he wanted to talk in depth about what went wrong on that play. However, he did state his dad was thrilled about his role in the win.
My Desire
For me, I pray that I will always be an encouragement to my son and daughters. At times, I know I haven't been as encouraging as I could have been.
In Col. 3:21, Paul charged the fathers to not "provoke" their children. Other translations translate the Greek word slightly differently, which would insert "exasperate" or "aggravate" in the place of "provoke."
The Amplified Version renders Col. 3:21: "Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children [do not be hard on them or harass them], lest they become discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated. [Do not break their spirit.]"
Wrestle Time
Tonight my son, Jared, and I had some "wrestle time" on the bed. It was a lot of fun. He loves to try to "cannon ball" into my stomach. He has a lot of tenacity. He is testing his strength, which is healthy. Male bonding is a good thing, even though it comes with a price. At my age, a knee to the stomach isn't any fun. I let him win some of the time, because I don't want him to feel demeaned or abused.
A Fine Line
In athletics, there is a fine line to be walked between encouragement and discouragement. I have seen a lot of parents cross that line in a bad way. They really "break" the spirit of their child. Even in T-Ball and the lower levels of soccer, levels at which score and win-loss records are not even kept, some parents appear to expect way too much out of 6 year-olds. They discuss the games as if Gold Medals are at stake.
My wise wife has said, "When Jared is making a million dollars to play ball, I'll not mind the coach yelling at him. But, until that day comes, I'm not going to stress him out about a minor mistake. It's just a game."
In his Biblical Letter, James said "Life is a vapor." Time moves so rapidly. I pray I will mold the spirit of my children in a loving manner. May I never exasperate, aggravate, frustrate, or break them. They are precious gifts. I won't have them long.
And, by the way, the score at Half-Time doesn't matter.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday School
Our Bible Study Attendance was the highest "on campus" total in at least 3 years. We have a dedicated group of teachers who are doing a good job.
On Tuesday Night, there is a meeting with Dionne Williams (the Church Growth Consultant) our S.S. Director, the Nominating Committee, the Deacon Chairman, and me. This is one of the first meetings to help "kick-off" our involvement in the Church Growth Plan through the Mississippi Baptist Convention.
Morning Worship
The Children's Choir sang at the beginning of the service and they really blew us away. They were so energetic and the "Cuteness Factor" was off the scale. The sanctuary was electric. The song was along the lines of "Don't wiggle out of God's will." One of the deacons even used the word wiggle in his offertory prayer. They really had an impact.
The Sanctuary Choir sang a medley of songs focused on expressing gratitude. As always, they did a superb job.
My sermon was entitled "He Gives More Grace" based on James 4:1-10. The sermon outline was simple, but this passage contains some powerful truths.
He Gives More Grace
James 4:1-10
I. The Source of Conflict (1-5)
A. Desire for Pleasure (1-2c)
B. Disregard for Prayer (2d-3)
C. Disdain for Purity (4-5)
II. The Source of Comfort (6-10)
A. The Grace of God in Response to Humility (6)
B. The Greatness of God in Response to Submission (7)
C. The Goodness of God in Response to Repentance (8-10)
Evening Worship and Activities
The choir continues to practice the Patriotic Musical they will present on Nov. 9, 2008 in honor of Veterans Day. The Students met with Boo, FBC Student Minister, for a discipleship group at 5 PM. The children continue Bible Drill and Children's Choir on Sunday Nights.
My Sermon last night was based on James 4:11-17.
"If the Lord wills..."
I. Slander (11-12): Don't play God.
II. Speculation (13-14): Don't bank on the future.
A. The future is uncertain (13)
B. The future is unknown (14a)
C. The future is unsure (14b)
III. Sovereignty: Don't ignore the providence of God.
IV. Sin: Don't ignore God's will for you.
Church Council
We had a productive time of planning for the remainder of the year. I'm excited about our upcoming Revival Services and other activities. Also, we are planning to have a Men's Breakfast on Sunday, Nov. 9. We will host and recognize the Veterans in our community. We'll unveil the special guest speaker a little later. This is going to be good.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Pancakes, Soccer, Grilled Pork Chops, and Prison
We try to cook pancakes each Saturday morning. This morning we a good family breakfast with some great sausage and the "cakes." That was fun.
The family traveled to Lucedale to watch Jared's soccer game. He played hard today...a lot harder than usual. I was proud of him.
I still haven't gotten accustomed to using my new gas grill. It is so easy to burn the meat. In the past, I used a smoker for everything. However, the pork chops were good. To ease my conscience I cooked a "medley" of vegetables. They were good with the "smoke" taste.
Tonight, I preached in the local prison. I have to wait until their census count is reconciled, before the service can start. The count was not "cleared" until around 7:30 PM. So, I started later than usual. Didn't make it home until 8:30 PM. However, I feel we had a great service, even though the crowd was a little smaller than usual. It was raining. They have to walk across the yard to get to the chapel. The choir did not sing tonight. I missed them.
One neat thing. The worship leader lead us in singing "Amazing Grace." This is neat. He did not know my subject, which was "He Gives More Grace" based on James 4:1-10.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
No Substitute for Holiness
In Revelation 2:4, Jesus rebuked the church at Ephesus by saying "You have left your first love."
Prior to this stinging charge, Jesus stated that the church was lively, energetic, and active. He knew their works, their labor. They were diligent, determined, discerning, and appropriately discriminating. Yes, they were lively, but they were loveless.
Earl Kelly, former Executive-Treasurer of the Mississippi Baptist Convention, included in his commentary a story that described many marriages. The man of the house worked long hours providing more than adequate funds for his wife and children to enjoy the finer things of life. The wife and mother faithfully completed her duties chaperoning the children to school and athletic events. The wife immaculately cleaned the house and nurtured a photogenic flower garden. Meals were exquisite and timely. However, at the end of the day the husband and wife collapsed into bed exhausted and spent. Yes, they maintained a house and a family unit, but they never uttered the words "I love you." The home was lively, but loveless.
In church and in our personal lives, busyness is no substitute for Holiness. While it is good to do things for Jesus, it is more important to spend time with Jesus. Don't settle for doing good things. Do the best thing. "Love the Lord you God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Luke 10:27)."
The church at Ephesus had not lost their first love. They had left their first love. To me, I see a church that had taken their relationship with God for granted. Just as we can take our personal relationship with Christ for granted.
Petra sang a song many years ago that stated, "You say you've walked ten thousand steps away But don't you know that it's only one step back? Because the One who hears you when you pray Is the One who's there beside you And He'll never walk away."
Return to your first love. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son...(John 3:16).
Posted by Philip Price at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Jared's New Soccer Uniform
Jared had another soccer practice this afternoon. The team seems to be coming together. He was given his uniform today. He is #4. The shirts are "rust" or "burnt orange." Whatever color this is reminds me of the University of Texas Longhorns.
Jared's team plays Saturday in Lucedale at Noon. They are playing a team coached by Mark Williams. I am sure they will be a formidable opponent.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:22 PM 0 comments
You'd Be Surprised What People Remember
This morning, I attended the January Bible Study (JBS) Preview at William Carey University in Hattiesburg, MS. This year the JBS is based on the book of Exodus. Ivan Parke led the preview. He is a professor at Mississippi College. Ivan was a student at New Orleans Seminary at the same time I was completing my Masters Degree.
I plan to begin preaching through portions of Exodus at the beginning of next year. Dr. Parke gave several sermon ideas. These ideas really excited me. I'm looking forward to preaching the truths in this important book.
As I stated earlier, Ivan Parke was a student at New Orleans Seminary when I was there working on my M.Div. (88-90). It has been 18 years since I have seen him. When I approached him today, he said, "I remember you. On the day I proposed to my wife, I saw you in the library and I told you what I was going to do. You told me you would pray for me and I have never forgotten that." They've been married 18 years.
As I prepared to go to the workshop, I wondered if he would remember me. Well, you never know the impact you have on others.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Focusing on Praying
During the early days of the church, the apostles sought help from the first deacons with ministry duties so that they could focus on “prayer and to the ministry of the word (Acts 6:4).”
In order to continue to fulfill this pastoral duty to pray for others, I am intentionally planning to pray for as many FBC members, friends, and community leaders as I can in the days prior the Revival Services scheduled for October 5-8. Consequently, starting tomorrow September 18, I will, on a daily basis, select the names of families affiliated with FBC and pray for them during my personal prayer time. By October 5, I plan to have prayed by each family connected with our church by name. If you have any specific requests, please contact me. Please know I AM praying for you…really.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How To Be A Spiritual Failure
In the book, Devotions for the Man in the Mirror, Patrick Morley has an eye opening list for Christians who are actively engaged in "Church Work."
Step 1: Go with the Natural Flow of Life. "Presume spiritual growth will occur naturally." Don't practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer and Bible Study.
Step 2: Immerse Yourself in Christian Work. "Give yourself fully to the busyness of Christian life. Spend your time doing the work of God, and don't bog down in the Scriptures and Intercession for the saints."
Step 3: Do More for God Each Year. "Measure your value to God by results. Don't listen to the idle chatter that faithfulness is more important than production."
Step 4: Look for Feedback from Friends. "Measure your spiritual value you get from other people. Derive your self-worth from how others value your achievements, possibly in commerce, but especially in ministry." Be a people-pleaser.
Step 5: Build a Reputation. "Pick service to God that is high visibility. Don't be satisfied with being a servant; become a star. Don't think much about doing service for the glory of God."
Step 6: Concentrate on Work that Helps People. "Believe that the issue on Christ's mind is easing the pain of life alone, not seeking and saving lost sinners."
My Thoughts
In Philippians 1:10, Paul shared that he prayed the Christians at Philippi would "approve the things that are excellent." In other words, his prayer was that they would understand what really matters.
As a pastor, there are many good things I do. However, at the end of the day, I realize I didn't do the best things. My prayer is that I wouldn't be so busy doing good things that I don't have time for the best that God has for me to do. God wants me to actively share my faith in word and deed. God wants people to have a personal relationship with Him through His son Jesus Christ. May that be my focus, because when we fail to make evangelism a priority, we loose our spiritual vitality. Then, we can become a spiritual failure.
Posted by Philip Price at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why Should We Love Our Enemies?
What is perfection of love? To love even our enemies and to love them so that they might become fellow Christians. For love shouldn't be fleshly. To wish people temporal, physical well-being is good. But when this fails, hope that their souls are safe. Do you wish life for your friend? You do well. Do you rejoice at your enemy's death? You do evil.--Augustine
While suffering on the cross, Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
We forgive others, because we have been forgiven. If a person is not a Christian, why are we surprised when they hurt us? Our enemies need a relationship with Jesus. We must never do anything that would cause them to not want a relationship with Him.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008, Tongue Tied
Men's Sunday Morning Prayer Group
Each Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM, I meet with a group of men who pray for the upcoming services. This group of men is a great encouragement to me. Yesterday, we had one of the largest group since we have been meeting. (A group of ladies meet at the same time.) Also, a deacon is assigned to pray during the morning service. We can't pray enough.
The Poisonous Tongue
My morning sermon text was James 3:1-12.
Four cautions to remember before we speak.
I. The Present Danger for Teachers (1-2)
Luke 12:48b For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
1. Strict Judgment for False Content
2. Strict Judgment for Flawed Character
3. Strict Judgment for Foolish Complacency
II. The Potential Destruction of a Unbridled Tongue (3-5)
Verse 5b: See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
In Hawaii, earlier this year, a cigarette carelessly discarded by a hiker ignited a brush fire that scorched nearly 2,300 acres of the Kula Forest Reserve, investigators on Maui have reported.
The fire was first reported on Jan. 23 and burned for seven days. It destroyed sandalwood trees and rare native plants, and it cost the state more than $340,000 to battle.
III. The Pervasive Defilement of a Unbridled Tongue (6-8)
IV. The Proper Design for the Tongue (9-12)
James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (NKJV).
Truths from the Text
1. Teaching others is a great responsibility that must be completed with concentrated study, consistent application of God’s word, and a commitment to maturing as a follower of Christ.
2. The words we speak indicate our level of Christian Maturity.
3. The words we speak have the potential to destroy others.
4. If the words we speak are not consistently pleasing to God, we must evaluate our heart.
The “Undo” Function
An important tool in word processing software is the "undo" function. If a major mistake is made or a large portion of a document is deleted, the "undo" button returns the document to its state prior to the miscue. Unfortunately, in life, we do not have an "undo" button to press after we have made a hurtful or demeaning remark.
Only Jesus has a spiritual “undo” function. Jesus forgives sin.
Apply the Message
1. Accept Christ as your Savior. We need a "heart transplant."
2. Read God’s Word.
3. Get in a Bible Study Group.
4. Memorize Scripture.
5. Listen to Music that is glorifies eternal truth.
6. Repent of known sin.
7. If you have spoken unkind to someone, make it right with them.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mission Trip Celebration
Tonight, well over 100 people gathered for the George/Greene Baptist Association Mission Trip Celebration. FBC Leakesville hosted hosted the event. God has really blessed our association. Rev. Jimmy Holcomb our Area Missions Director has done an incredible job in leading the churches of the two counties in making a difference locally, nationally, and internationally.
We had a great meal. Then, Bro. Jimmy recognized the various trip participants. Many of the teams had displays set up. This was a very encouraging event.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurricane Ike
The size of Hurricane Ike is difficult to fathom. The storm is expected to cause water levels to rise on the Mississippi Coast 5 to 7 feet. Highway 90, which goes along the beaches in Biloxi, MS and Gulfport, MS is already closed due to high water. However, the storm is expected to make a direct hit on Galveston, TX, which is over 400 miles from Gulfport. Again, that's a huge storm.
My wife, Terri, has an Uncle that lives only a mile from Galveston Bay. He and his wife left Texas yesterday and will be staying in a travel trailer in Picayune, MS. He told my father-in-law he wasn't sure he would have a home after the storm hit.
Houston is the fourth largest city in the U.S. They will be impacted greatly by Ike. Many folks from New Orleans evacuated to Houston and never returned. Now, that have to deal with this. Hopefully, lives will be saved due to the preparations and early evacuations.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering September 11, 2001
Each year, Leakesville Presbyterian hosts a September 11/Katrina Memorial Service. Tonight, I voiced the invocation at the service. I've had a part in this service for the last few years. I find it hard to beleive that 7 years have passed since that horrible day. Also, to think Hurricane Katrina was only 3 years ago is hard to imagine. So much has changed on the coast in the past 36 months.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:54 PM 0 comments
The Elephant In The Room Isn't Wearing Lipstick
Earlier in the week, Barack Obama used a common American Idiom to describe the policies of his opponents, which he feels are out of date. He stated, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig."
Since the crowd was filled with Obama supporters, they responded with wild laughter. The crowd made a connection with this statement and Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin's comment "You know the difference between a Hockey Mom and a Pit Bull? Lipstick!"
Obama has denied that he was making a connection to Palin's "Lipstick" comment, but, for me, that's a little hard to believe. However, I have been pondering another idiom that addresses a major problem in today's church and society in general.
The statement "There's an elephant in the room" is commonly used to describe the presence of a known reality that most people are denying. At times, "elephants" are in our families, work places and churches. Felix Dennis has a poem in which he speaks from the perspective of a little girl who says "Dear elephant in the room that isn't there, Mummy says it's not polite to stare."
In I Corinthians 5:1-8, Paul exposed a "elephant" in the church at Corinth. He states, "There is sexual immorality among you." A member of the church was actually engaging in an inappropriate relationship with his Father's mother--his stepmother. Paul was upset that the church was "puffed up" or proud of the fact that they were practicing tolerance in this situation. These early believers had decided to not address this known sin. Thus, they were condoning and helping their wayward brother continue in blatant sin. Also, since Paul did not mention that the lady was a member of the congregation, the "stepmother" was probably not a believer. Now, that's a great evangelism plan.
Sexual immorality is a huge elephant in society today. Adulterous affairs and premarital sex are accepted by many as normal and unavoidable realities of fast paced lives. Teenage pregnancies, conceived outside the confines of Biblical marriages, do not seem to hold any carry stigma or shame for many people. Unfortunately, the reason many in the church do not voice any concern regarding these issuses is that loose morals are practiced by many in the church.
So, if we are not careful, when we gather to worship, many people have a difficult time worshipping "in Spirit and truth" due to a huge "elephant" sitting in the pew beside them.
Any sin can become a huge "unspoken" that we dance around and deny through plastic smiles. However, if a church is to grow, followers of Christ must seek forgiveness for their disobedience.
May we be a doer, and not just a hearer, of the scripture that reminds us "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9)."
So, don't let the elephant stay. And, whatever you do, don't put lipstick on him!
Posted by Philip Price at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Soccer Season Begins
Jared had his first soccer practice this afternoon. I was really dreading being out in the heat. However, around the time that the practice began, clouds gathered. It was amazingly cool.
This is Jared's 3rd season. He is improving. His first game is Saturday in Lucedale at 10:00 AM. Soccer is great exercise for him. As long as he is having fun, we will be glad to let him play.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Cut By A Knife
Yesterday, I had an appointment with my doctor concerning the health problems that occurred a few weeks ago. I was thrilled to hear him say, "I don't think we need to do surgery." While he does want me to come back in two weeks, he was affirming on many different respects of my progress.
For about 3 months before I found myself in the Emergency Room, wrything in pain, I had failed to take the prescribed medicine and drink reasonable amounts of water. However, since that eventful weekend, I have not missed a day following the prescribed regimen. Without the pain, I would not have become so attentive to my health. Yesterday, my blood pressure was 112/73. That's as low as it has been in a long time.
That reminds me of a story I recently read in a book by Johnny Hunt.
Imagine that you had a son that moved to a large city. After a few weeks, you receive word that your son was cut by a knife. Yet, he is resting comfortably in a hospital bed. Next, you are told that the individual that cut your son was one of his new friends. You are outraged. Then, you are given the rest of the story.
Your son befriended a respected doctor upon moving to his new home. One evening as your son was dining with his friend, his appendix ruptured. The doctor (friend) quickly diagnosed the problem. He transported your son to the hospital and performed surgery. Yes, he did cut your son, but, if he had not, your son would have died. The wound inflicted was painful, but life-giving.
In James 1:2-4, we are told that the testing of our faith produces patience. Without troubles and challenges, we would not grow stronger in our faith and resolve to persevere for Christ. No pain. No gain. If we allow Him, Jesus uses the trials of life as a scalpel (a surgeon's knife) to cut away those aspects of our lives that hinder us from being spiritually healthy.
Whatever difficulty you are facing today, please allow God to teach you and shape you. The pains of life do make us stronger. So, accept the prescribed treatment from the Great Physician.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:21 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 07, 2008
First Sunday in September
Today was another great day at FBC.
Deacons Meeting
The deacons met this morning. We assigned all of our widows and home bound members to a deacon. In case of an emergency, such as a hurricane, these men will contact the individuals to whom they are assigned in order to offer help or assistance. I was thrilled by the enthusiasm of our men. While the men will check on these folks during the year, hopefully, we will not have to deal with a hurricane anytime soon.
Bible Study Groups
Some new teachers began there assignments in our Bible Study Groups. Our attendance was significantly higher than the last few weeks. We are participating in the Sunday School Growth Cycle through the Mississippi Baptist Convention. This is an 18 month process. Dionne Williams from the Gulf Coast Baptist Association will be our consultant. I am looking forward to working with him.
Morning Worship
At the beginning of the service, we baptized two brothers who made professions of faith at Central Hill Baptist Retreat during the Boys Missions Camp. While I was getting ready to return to the sanctuary, Selina Smith did a great Children's Sermon.
Before I preached, the choir sang a powerful anthem, One Holy Lamb. They nailed it. We have some talented singers in our choir. All of the parts are covered with quality singers. Mike Smith, the Minister of Music, does a great job of leading them. Again, I was moved and excited by the manner in which they led us in worship. We've got to figure out how to enlarge the choir loft. It was packed.
I preached a sermon based on James 2:1-13. The sermon was entitled Unbiased Relations.
I. Giving preference based on outward appearance is evil (1-4).
II. Granting dishonor to a poor man brings shame to the name of Jesus (5-7).
III. Going against any one of God’s laws condemns us as sinners (8-11).
IV. Giving mercy is the Christian’s duty (12-13).
Evening Service
Boo White, the Minister of Students, began a small group discipleship class tonight. It will meet in the Activities Building at 5:00 PM each week. He was pleased with the number of students who attended.
Our children met for choir during the service. Also, we began Bible Drill and Bible Buddies. Several children came. We are blessed with dedicated workers who work with the children. Tomorrow night, 5 of our workers are planning to attend the Bible Drill Training at FBC Pascagoula.
With all the activities, the attendance during our Evening Service was outstanding. Mike Smith, the Minister of Music, whispered to me before I preached, "This is a 'Sunday Morning' Crowd." This was very encouraging.
Stewardship Meeting
After the evening service, the Stewardship Team met. The members of this ministry team are doing a great job. They take their responsibilities seriously. God has been faithful in blessing our offerings. People have been faithful in giving.
I am proud to say that I have never had to take a BC Powder, or any other pain remedy, following any of the Deacons Meetings or Stewardship Meetings since I have been pastor of FBC Leakesville. What a blessing.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Enjoyed Today--Looking Forward to Tomorrow
I have a confession. Today was one of the few days this year that I didn't shave. I spent the morning putting some finishing touches on my sermon for in the morning. Then, I did some chores around the house. This afternoon, I listened to some football on my XM Radio. I love being able rewind broadcasts.
Just before dark, Jared and I got our gloves out and played catch for a while. He is improving. My wrist felt great throwing the ball. From April until the first of August, I experienced incredible pain whenever I would throw any type of ball. A shot of Cortizone was injected into my wrist. The pain in the wrist has been relieved. However, I still have some pain further up my arm. Well, I guess I'll just focus on the positive. I have regretted not being able to throw the baseball to Jared. Now, I can.
Tomorrow at FBC
We will have a Deacons Meeting at 8:00 AM. The four men elected to serve a three year term will be with us.
We will baptize two brothers in the Morning Service. That is always a pleasure.
I will be preaching from James 2:1-13. This passage deals with showing partiality to church visitors based on their appearance. This is a very practical message, which is applicable to any congregation. We can be biased toward certain people just because of their clothes. My prayer is that everyone would feel welcome in our church. However, I know some folks have ideas about a "First Baptist Church." These attitudes can only be changed by intentionally planning to be "friendly" to all visitors. Hopefully, we will take some steps toward this in the next few months.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 05, 2008
George County Wins
Tonight, the Greene County Wildcats traveled to George County for, what a recent book named, one of the 15 Greatest Rivalry Games in the State. The book is entitled Ya'll vs. Us.
The second half was played in a sure 'nuff "flop down" rain. With 1:00 to go in the 3rd, the score was 28-22. However, with 8:32 to go in the 4th, George County kicked an amazing field goal in the driving rain. So, that made it a two score game- 31-22. I think that was a key play. The final was George Co. 38 Greene Co. 22.
I was proud of our team. We compiled a ton of yards.
While my upper torso stayed fairly dry, my shoes and jeans were "soppin'."
Again, our team played hard and I feel like we have a great offense that could really make some noise in our district and, possibly, the playoffs. I admire Coach Ainsworth and his staff. They deserve our support.
Posted by Philip Price at 11:14 PM 0 comments
True Religion
Last Sunday, I preached a message based on James 1:21-27, While I would much prefer using the word "relationship" to describe Christianity. James uses the word "religion" and ends this passage with a definition of true religion. If our faith is to be "true," there are 5 words I believe that should describe our hearts.
I. Prepared Heart (v.21)
We are challenged to "lay aside any filthiness or naughtiness" and receive the "implanted word." the words "lay aside" are akin to a snake shedding its skin. Also, this verse states we should receive the word with "meekness."
II. Passionate Heart (v.22)
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
There is a difference between reading a menu and eating a meal.
There is a difference between having a prescription and taking the medicine.
There is a difference between buying a ticket and boarding a plane.
There is a difference between hearing a sermon and growing in grace.
There is a difference between head knowledge and active ministry.
III. Penitent Heart (vv.23-24)
Penitent- repentant, remorseful.
James compared those who do not put the word of God into action to a man that just glances in the mirror and forget what he sees. The scriptures reveal our sinful state. We must repent of our sin. We should not be comfortable with sin.
IV. Perceptive Heart (v.25)
In Isaiah 6:1-6, the prophet has an amazing encounter with God. His response was “Woe is me, for I am undone!" We must understand that when we encounter God we will realize our shortcomings and sinfulness.
James compared a man who understood the reality of his spiritual condition to a man who looked into a mirror and did not forget the true reflection he saw. We need to examine our lives and be honest with ourselves as to our inability to gain salvation on our own merits.
V. Purified Heart (vv.26-27)
26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (NKJV).
A true encounter with Jesus will evident by wholesome talk and caring actions. Also, we will not allow the world to "soil" us.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Baptist Seminary Recovers
Today, I received the following email from Dr. Dennis Phelps from New Orleans Baptist Seminary. Our Student Minister, Boo White, is attending NOBTS.
Please continue to pray for Entergy workers, Sewer and Water Board workers, and NOBTS administration as they seek to restore dependable power, sewer, and water to the campus. Continue to pray for students, faculty, staff, and families as they serve "in exile" a little longer, as well as our emergency response team on duty and on site. To view initial pictures of the NOBTS campus and surrounding area, click here.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Preaching 101
This morning, if you want a simple description of Biblical preaching, read I Corinthians 2.1-5.
Four words that describe the manner in which Paul preached:
I. Simply (v.1)-
He shelved "eloquence" and favored sharing the simple "testimony of God."
II. Scripturally (v.2)-
The Bible details the redemptive history of God. Paul focused on the life of Christ and the love He demonstrated on the cross.
III. Seriously (v.3)-
Paul was cautious in his delivery. He understood the importance of what he was doing. He was sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
IV. Supernaturally (vv.4-5)-
Personally, I am impressed that Paul stated he did not use "persuasive words." Instead, he preached with "a demonstration of the Spirit's power." For me, I have been challenged not to preach messages that just "move people," but I must preach scriptural truths that have "moved me."
Lord, help me to faithfully preach in a manner pleasing to you.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Gustav Still Having an Impact
We've had rain showers of varying intensity all day. Tornado watches and warnings are still being released with frequency. The sky continues to look "threatening."
Our prayers are with those who are suffering from the aftermath of Gustav. Also, sounds like there will be significant flooding throughout Louisiana and Arkansas. Hopefully, the storm will continue to deteriorate.
Posted by Philip Price at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 01, 2008
Labor Day--Rainy Day

Posted by Philip Price at 6:02 PM 0 comments
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