Men's Sunday Morning Prayer Group
Each Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM, I meet with a group of men who pray for the upcoming services. This group of men is a great encouragement to me. Yesterday, we had one of the largest group since we have been meeting. (A group of ladies meet at the same time.) Also, a deacon is assigned to pray during the morning service. We can't pray enough.
The Poisonous Tongue
My morning sermon text was James 3:1-12.
Four cautions to remember before we speak.
I. The Present Danger for Teachers (1-2)
Luke 12:48b For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
1. Strict Judgment for False Content
2. Strict Judgment for Flawed Character
3. Strict Judgment for Foolish Complacency
II. The Potential Destruction of a Unbridled Tongue (3-5)
Verse 5b: See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
In Hawaii, earlier this year, a cigarette carelessly discarded by a hiker ignited a brush fire that scorched nearly 2,300 acres of the Kula Forest Reserve, investigators on Maui have reported.
The fire was first reported on Jan. 23 and burned for seven days. It destroyed sandalwood trees and rare native plants, and it cost the state more than $340,000 to battle.
III. The Pervasive Defilement of a Unbridled Tongue (6-8)
IV. The Proper Design for the Tongue (9-12)
James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (NKJV).
Truths from the Text
1. Teaching others is a great responsibility that must be completed with concentrated study, consistent application of God’s word, and a commitment to maturing as a follower of Christ.
2. The words we speak indicate our level of Christian Maturity.
3. The words we speak have the potential to destroy others.
4. If the words we speak are not consistently pleasing to God, we must evaluate our heart.
The “Undo” Function
An important tool in word processing software is the "undo" function. If a major mistake is made or a large portion of a document is deleted, the "undo" button returns the document to its state prior to the miscue. Unfortunately, in life, we do not have an "undo" button to press after we have made a hurtful or demeaning remark.
Only Jesus has a spiritual “undo” function. Jesus forgives sin.
Apply the Message
1. Accept Christ as your Savior. We need a "heart transplant."
2. Read God’s Word.
3. Get in a Bible Study Group.
4. Memorize Scripture.
5. Listen to Music that is glorifies eternal truth.
6. Repent of known sin.
7. If you have spoken unkind to someone, make it right with them.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008, Tongue Tied
Posted by Philip Price at 9:19 PM
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