Yesterday, our family traveled to the University Medical Center in Jackson to have our younger children undergo various tests. After seeing a specialist, Charlee, our youngest child, had to have blood drawn. This is always a traumatic experience and was no less uncomfortable yesterday.
Charlee is a beautiful child. Even though she is much older than many folks assume, she is as pretty as a porcelain doll.
When she was forced to enter the lab yesterday, Charlee was terrified. Along with two folks from the clinic, Terri and I had to help hold her down as they inserted needles into her arm. Charlee was crying at the top of her lungs. She called out for Terri. The first attempt at getting the amount of blood needed was unsuccessful. So, we had to move to the other arm and go through the same torture.
Of course, the heart wrenching cries for help broke our hearts. Even though we knew the tests were important, watching our child suffer pain and anguish was not easy.
Many times in our lives we are forced to give up something or journey through a trial that we detest with every fiber of our being. However, the only thing we can do is cry out to God. We must be reminded that God is in control. The problems or pain we feel may not end immediately, but we must remember that through the "tough stuff" God is doing a work within us.
Jesus taught us to pray "Your Kingdom come, you will be done." Do we really want his kingdom, his perfect will to be done in our lives?
Personally, God is working a work in me that is leading me to be more dependent upon Him. Crying out to anyone other than God, really is useless. May I always remember "he performs all things for me."
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