Monday, July 03, 2006

The Burning of Washington and the Grace of God

In August 1814, our nation’s capital was invaded and burned by British soldiers. America had been at war with the British Empire since 1812, but the action so far had consisted of a series of skirmishes along the Great Lakes region. With the defeat of Napoleon, the British Empire turned its full attention to the former colonies. Britain sent battle-tested troops to pound the up-start Americans. Washington had little strategic value - the prosperous port of Baltimore was much more important. However, as capital of the nation, the British hoped that its burning would have a psychological impact on the determination of the Americans to fight.

As the British army of approximately 4,000 approached, the majority of Washington residents fled the city. On August 24th, American defenders were quickly overwhelmed by the invaders in a battle at Bladensburg a few miles from the city. A messenger was dispatched to the White House to warn First Lady Dolly Madison of the impeding arrival of the British. She and her staff fled by carriage across the Potomac - taking with her the full-length portrait of George Washington that had been torn from a White House wall.

Since the British forces defeated the American militia, who withdrew in disarray, the road to Washington was clear. That evening, the vanguard of the British army reached Capitol Hill and began its systematic destruction of all public buildings in the city. The British burned the White House and the Capitol, but the rest of Washington was saved by an amazing chain of events.

While the city was burning and the British celebrated, a major storm moved into Washington. Hurricane force winds blew into the city. Soldiers were literally blown off their horses. Many horses were killed. Flying debris injured and killed many soldiers. Torrential rains extinguished all the fires. When the weather improved, the British, under orders not to hold any territory, limped out of the city and returned to their ships never to return.

Some may say this strange twist of events was just a coincidence. However, I believe this was just one of the many times God has blessed America. If you read the “uncensored” history of America, you will find many miraculous acts of God that have blessed our nation. You will find many numerous Godly and prayerful men who led our country. Many of our Godly leaders had a deep faith in God and regularly prayed for God’s guidance.

God has blessed America. May America now bless God.


Glenn Padgett said...

Very, very good. I do hope God will continue to bless America, but as my pastor says every July 4th, "I think we've reached the point where God has removed or is removing His hand of blessing from this nation."
