Nehemiah was given a huge task. He was called by God to rebuild the walls and restore the gates of Jerusalem. He faced threats from enemies, discouragement of the workers, disloyalty among his people, and selfishness of the officials. Also, he had to deal with distractions.
At one time, Nehemiah’s enemies asked him to meet with them 17 miles away from Jerusalem. Due to the distance, he would have been away from the wall for least 3 days. How did Nehemiah respond? He said, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?”
Great vs. Good
Just like Nehemiah, we have to deal with distractions. Most of our choices are between activities that are great or just satisfactory. Are we allowing “good” things to keep us from doing the “best” things?hat will really matter?
Nehemiah was given a huge task. He was called by God to rebuild the walls and restore the gates of Jerusalem. He faced threats from enemies, discouragement of the workers, disloyalty among his people, and selfishness of the officials. Also, he had to deal with distractions.
At one time, Nehemiah’s enemies asked him to meet with them 17 miles away from Jerusalem. Due to the distance, he would have been away from the wall for least 3 days. How did Nehemiah respond? He said, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?”
Great vs. Good
Just like Nehemiah, we have to deal with distractions. Most of our choices are between activities that are great or just satisfactory. Are we allowing “good” things to keep us from doing the “best” things?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Stay On The Wall
Posted by Philip Price at 1:20 PM
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