Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” --Hebrews 10:38
Are you normal or weird? Do you fit in, or are you just a little strange?
In the past a minority of people dressed in strange clothes and sported unique hairdos and persuaded an entire culture to copy them? Culturally, some societies have made uniformity a desirable quality, while in America many people applaud individualism which contradicts the norm.
Are you a normal Christian? Spiritually, we must look to the Bible to define normalcy. The scriptures paint the normal life of the believer as one which conforms to the way God designed a relationship with Him to work.
Jerry Bridges has said: “Many Christians have what we might call a ‘cultural holiness.’ They adapt to the character and behavior pattern of Christians around them. As the Christian culture around them is more or less holy, so these Christians are more or less holy. But God has not called us to be like those around us. He has called us to be like himself. Holiness is nothing less than conformity to the character of God.”
On the same issue, John Ortberg has said, “The decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of your life.” I am so glad Jesus did not choose comfort over the cross
C. H. Mackintosh said, “(Faith) glorifies God exceedingly, because it proves that we have more confidence in His eyesight than in our own.”
Rate Yourself
On a scale of 1 to 10, where would you rate your commitment to Jesus? With “1” being no commitment or desire to have a relationship with Jesus and “10” being representative of a completely sold out believer, where would you rate yourself?
I remember being in a Youth Retreat a few years ago and the speaker asked a question similar to the previous one. A chaperone spoke for the group. He spoke with pride and said something like, “Well, I think the students in our group are right in the middle. They are committed to a point, but they are not too committed.”
In response, the speaker pointed everyone to Romans 3:16. In this passage, Jesus sent a message to one of the early churches. He said, “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Average commitment or “Casual Christianity” that matches the cultural norm makes God sick.
Today, dedicate yourself to being holy and not just normal.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Normal Cultural Christianity
Posted by Philip Price at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Entering the Sanctuary of God
Last Night, I continued preaching the Revival Services for Unity Baptist Church. My sermon was based on Psalm 73, which has been my favorite Psalm for years.
The psalm was written by Asaph, a musician. He was uncomfortably transparent in this psalm as he gave deep insight into a struggle he had accepting the prosperity of people who were not faithful to God. Follow his turmoil as he stated his conclusion and, then, chronicled how he struggled to come to that confidence.
1 Truly God is good to Israel, To such as are pure in heart.
2But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled; My steps had nearly slipped. 3For I was envious of the boastful, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
Contradiction: The Prosperity of the Wicked Troubled Him.
4For there are no pangs in their death, But their strength is firm. 5They are not in trouble as other men, Nor are they plagued like other men. 6Therefore pride serves as their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment. 7Their eyes bulge with abundance; They have more than heart could wish. 8They scoff and speak wickedly concerning oppression; They speak loftily. 9They set their mouth against the heavens, And their tongue walks through the earth.
Celebrities: He Resented the Popularity of Evil Doers
10Therefore his people return here, And waters of a full cup are drained by them. 11And they say, "How does God know? And is there knowledge in the Most High?" 12Behold, these are the ungodly, Who are always at ease; They increase in riches.
Comparison: He Began to Regret His Faithfulness to God
13Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain, And washed my hands in innocence. 14For all day long I have been plagued, And chastened every morning.
Caution: He Realized How Damaging His Speech Could Be
15If I had said, "I will speak thus," Behold, I would have been untrue to the generation of Your children.
Clarification: He Realized God Had the Answer to His Turmoil
16When I thought how to understand this, It was too painful for me-- 17Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end.
***NOTE: When he took time to get alone with God and seek answers for his questions, he was comforted.
Comprehension: Worship Changed His Perspective
18Surely You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to destruction. 19Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors. 20As a dream when one awakes, So, Lord, when You awake, You shall despise their image.Conviction: He Was Convicted of His Sin
21Thus my heart was grieved, And I was vexed in my mind. 22I was so foolish and ignorant; I was like a beast before You.
Confidence: He recognized the Divine Guidance of God
23Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. 24You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory. 25Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. 26My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Concern: He Had Compassion for Those He Had Envied
27For indeed, those who are far from You shall perish; You have destroyed all those who desert You for harlotry.
28But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, That I may declare all Your works.
Whenever life does not make sense, enter the sanctuary of God. I am not talking about just going to a church building. Get alone with God. He will meet you there. Read the scriptures and He will help you put things into perspective.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Our Greatest Need
Some have said our greatest need is understanding. We just need to know someone cares. All we need is someone to hold our hands during the storms of life. We just need someone to listen to us. This is certainly important and Jesus does love us. However, we needed someone who could do more than just feel our pain. If all we needed was someone to listen to us and to show us love, God would have sent a psychological therapist or skilled grief counselor.
Oswald Chambers said, “Very few of us have any understanding of the reason why Jesus Christ died. If sympathy is all that human beings need, then the Cross of Christ is an absurdity and there is absolutely no need for it. What the world needs is not "a little bit of love," but major surgery (My Utmost-Dec. 20).
Our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior. From the day he was born, Jesus lived under the shadow of a cross. He was born to die. You see, the Bible says “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).” Our sin puts us in a awful position, because Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death,…” Our sins had to be punished. However, the Bible says, “…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So, God sent us a Savior. The manger where Jesus lay was filled with God’s grace. He didn’t have to provide a way for us to fulfill our greatest need, but he did.
Posted by Philip Price at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Living by Faith
Last year I led our church through the book By Faith: Living in the Certainty of God’s Reality by John Franklin and Lonnie Riley.
In the life of Paul, you can see a process of faith development.
I. God Initiates: God initiates a faith relationship.
Jesus radically intersected the life of Paul on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-9 ).
II. God Relates: God develops fellowship for a consistent walk of faith.
Paul spent 3 years in Arabia growing in his faith. His first missionary journey was possibly 14 years after his conversion (Gal. 1:17-18).
III. God Shows: God requires a faith response to the unveiling of His will.
II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
God wanted to reach gentiles. So, he worked through visions to Peter. He worked with Barnabas. Paul responded to an invitation to spend time with Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas went on their first Missionary Journey (Acts 13:1-3).
IV. God Grows: God matures faith through waiting.
Paul’s first missionary journey was 14 years after conversion.
Noah waited perhaps 120 years before the flood.
Abraham waited 25 years before Sarah bore Isaac.
Moses saw 40 years pass before his people were delivered.
David was anointed king, but had to wait many years before taking the throne.
V. God Bestows: God rewards completed faith.
Paul was used by God.
II Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Where are you in your walk of faith?
Has God radically intersected your life through circumstances to get your attention?
Are you spending time with God in order to develop a deeper fellowship with Him?
Is there a "faith response" God is waiting to have from you?
Can you see spiritual growth in your life? Are you closer to God than you were at this time last year?
God will bless a consistent life of faith. My prayer is that you will begin a more intentional walk of faith today.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Revival at Unity Baptist
Today, I began as the preacher for Revival Services at Unity Baptist Church here in Greene County. The folks were responsive. Neil Wigley, Worship Pastor at Agricola Baptist, is leading the music. He did a great job. This morning, he sang a solo entitled "The Sparrow" that was worshipful for me.
Randy "Bubba" Pierce is the pastor at Unity. Bubba is a Chancery Court Judge and has announced he will run for the Mississippi Supreme Court. He is a dedicated bivocational pastor, who has led his church to do some great things. He is a true servant leader. I'm enjoying spending time with him.
Evening Services begin at 7:00 PM on Monday through Wedensday.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Happy 90th Birthday Grandmother!
Yesterday, we had a birthday party for her. Several friends and family members came to my parents' house for the celebration. At the end of the festivities, she gave a speech, concluding with "I thank my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ for allowing me to live to be 90 years old."
Posted by Philip Price at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Prayer Requests from Baltimore
Below is a "prayer-gram" from the Pastor of the Church on Warren Avenue in Baltimore:
Dear Friends:
We want to welcome the George/Greene Baptist Association and their Director of, Rev. Jimmy Holcomb, as a member of Warren Avenue’s Prayer Warriors. This two country association is made up of 33 churches who will be praying for us as we seek to accomplish God’s goals for us. Also we welcome Rev. Bob Mackey, Director of Missions of the Baltimore Association.
Bob’s responsibility as our DOM is awesome and I ask everyone to pray for Bob and especially his wife as they, together, engage in Kingdom work in our association for all of our churches, and for Bob, especially, as he leads our association into the future. Likewise, please pray constantly for Bro. Jimmy Holcomb as he leads the George/Greene Association and its churches as they engage their communities and partner with us here.
Please pray specifically for the following:
(1) We are submitting a late application for a Strengthening Churches Grant to assist our beginning our Fine Arts ministry in the Fall of this year. Please pray (a) for our church family as we go forward with this ministry, (b) for Dawson Hull and those others who are coming alongside to make this ministry possible, (c) that the grant will receive favorable consideration.
(2) For The Vine, our Thursday night casual worship.
(3) For our leadership as we prepare the prospectus for submission to secure a church planter at Warren Avenue.
(4) For Sharon Pendergrass and our partnership with Baptist Family & Children Services-A caseworker is now on site weekly at Warren Avenue as part of our community impact ministries. Pray as this ministry engages community residents of all ages and from across the socio-economic spectrum at their points of need.
(5) For Pastor Lyn as he leaves next week to attend the Global Impact Conference in Houston, TX, and shares the Warren Avenue story.
(6) For our Minister of Worship Dawson Hull as he leads our efforts at The Vine.
(7) For artist and composer Cameron Warne as he continues to serve as a leader of The Vine and as we work to bring him on staff.
(8) For mission teams from Charleston Southern University at Charleston, SC; from the University of Southern Mississippi and from The Bridge at Miami University in Ohio, along with the Youth Mission Team from First Baptist Church; Perryville, Maryland, as they work with us to “Engage” our community during March.
(9) For ‘Saturday at the Movies” at the Recreation Center on Saturday, March 8th and follow-up at the church on Sunday night, March 9th with “Celebrate”. Pray that we will be able to get into the community with information, that the weather will be agreeable and that lives will be touched and impacted with the gospel.
(10)That God will raise up the resources we need thru the Forward Fund and other opportunities so that we will be able to implement our communities and engage them effectively. Pray that God opens hearts, pocket books and other resources to help us-we have a huge challenge but it can be overcome and our goal achieved.
(11)That God will put a hedge of protection about us as a church and as a church family as we seek to achieve for Him.
(12) That He will lead to us May-mester missionaries and other volunteers with a heart for the city to come alongside and allow us to move forward boldly for Him.
(13)For our Forward Focus 2008 strategy (a copy of which will be posted on this blog in the future).
(14)For the churches in our association and within Embrace Baltimore as we move to engage the City.
(15)For administrative and secretarial support for Pastor Lyn and Warren Avenue; which is badly needed.
(16)For each other.
Lyn O'Berry, Pastor
" A Family of Friends"
113 Warren Avenue; Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Posted by Philip Price at 9:25 AM 0 comments
When Opportunity Knocks
But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity.—Philippians 4:10
Paul had refused to accept monetary support from the Corinthian church, because he did not want to be seen as profiting from preaching. However, he did write, “Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel.” Paul believed ministers who devote themselves to ministry are worthy of support.
The Philippian church helped Paul financially when he was in need. Paul stated that he knew that they cared for him, but they had not had an opportunity until that time. So, when the opportunity arose, the Christians at Philippi gave to help Paul.
Are there opportunities for you to give today? Of course, we are bombarded with request for donations almost constantly, but are some of these are “one time” opportunities to express our gratitude to God that he wants us to meet.
God is Faithful
During my meeting with Pastor Lyn O’Berry and Ray Hoffman on Wednesday, they shared how God had miraculously provided for The Church on Warren Avenue at Federal Hill. The Baltimore Congregation is an older congregation which is literally creating a new church within the existing church.
Since the church in is an area in which property values and taxes are staggering, the church does not want to surrender any of the three row houses they own next to the church. If they were to sell the properties, they could find themselves without the ability to expand and/or house mission teams, as well as future ministerial staff.
Pastor O’Berry said, “We shouldn’t be able to do what we are doing.” Whenever we have a need, the money is provided. He cited incident after incident of a need arising and, then, God worked through an individual, a church, a Baptist Association, and even non-church members in the community to give exactly what was required.
Your Opportunities
So, are there opportunities that have appeared for you to support the work of the Kingdom of God? Not all needs are financial. Just look around your community and church and take note of the volunteer opportunities you could fulfill. By volunteering to do serve, you can make a difference.
Today, look for opportunities to make a difference out of the spotlight. Do something anonymously, but lovingly for the cause of Christ. Be a giver.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Yesterday in Baltimore
My last day in Baltimore was productive. Around 8:00 AM (EST), I carried Jimmy Holcomb to the airport. He had a Baptist Student Union meeting on the coast last night. So, he had to leave early.
I met with Lyn O’Berry, pastor of The Church on Warren Avenue, for several hours. We examined the logistics and schedule for our mission trip to Baltimore, July 7-11, 2008. Ray Hoffman, the Chairman of the Deacons at the church, participated in the meeting.
The Church on Warren Avenue consisted of about 30 Senior Adults when Lyn O’Berry became interim pastor. After extensive meetings with church strategists and an “Intervention Team,” the opinion of many folks was the church should disband. However, the membership did not want to sacrifice their witness in such a strategic area of Baltimore.
Since the church is located less than a block from Federal Hill, which overlooks the inner harbor of Baltimore, the community has seen a major renewal. The row houses around the church are soaring in value. However, only a short walking distance away, federal housing projects house many families who are struggling with the impact of drugs and violence.
Unfortunately, the church did not have a recognizable presence in the area. So, one of the first things Pastor O’Berry did was to demonstrate to their “neighbors” that they cared about the community.
They established strong relations with the city by utilizing mission teams to clean parks and provide recreational activities for children at those parks. They operate booths at all of the community festivals. During the Baltimore Marathon in October 2007, the church rolled a piano onto the sidewalk and set up a water station. As 14,000 runners passed the church, after completing the Mile #7, the Minister of Music played Ragtime and Classical Music. The neighborhood all gathered and helped the distribute water and pick up the thousands of paper cups dropped on the street. As a result, one day the church set up a grill and gave away food.
During initial surveys, some people voiced resistance to the church ministering on the street. However, people are now encouraging the church to get “on the street.”
Other ways the church has connected to the community is 1) providing discount coupons for a local bagel shop, 2) hosting a Date Night by providing childcare for young couples, 3) the free Baseball Camps we offered, and 4) a contemporary worship service on Thursday nights called “The Vine.”
Bro. Lyn talks constantly about his vision for the church. He has so many ideas that I was blown away and even suffered from a headache. For example, one "out of the box" idea was to have cardboard drink coasters printed with the church's name and info. Then, distribute the coasters to local restaurants and taverns.
I had to leave late in the afternoon. I left excited about what can happen this Summer, but I was convinced our church needs to do more in our community to show people we care.
Posted by Philip Price at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sad in Baltimore
A Sad Day
Yesterday, Jimmy Holcomb and I arrived boarded a plane in Jackson, MS to fly, “non-stop,” to Baltimore. After exiting the plane, I received an emergency message to call home. Unfortunately, the organist at our church found one of her sons dead in his bedroom. This is devastating for anyone.
While I regretted not being there for her, I was blessed to know many of the members of our church, including my wonderful wife, were surrounding the grieving family with love. Boo White, the Minister of Youth at our church, called me last night and shared what he had been doing to support the family. Mike Smith, our Minister of Music, visited the family last night. I am blessed with a caring church.
I return to Mississippi tonight.
Baltimore Missions Trip Prep
Here In Baltimore, we are having preparatory meetings for our mission trip to this city in July. Last year, fifteen men offered Christian Baseball Camps to kids in Baltimore and Catonsville.
Lyn O’Berry is the pastor of The Church on Warren Avenue, which is in the Federal Hill District near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. The church is comprised of elderly folks and they have decided to take some aggressive steps to be influential in the community. Pastor O’Berry is very passionate about his ministry and has some incredibly innovative and creative ideas. Bro. Jimmy and I were overwhelmed by all the info he shared with us.
Bob Mackey is the Director of Missions for the Baltimore Area. We met with him yesterday. He is passionate about reaching the city for Christ. Also, he was able to give some great tips for organizing and performing a mission trip. Currently, Bob and his wife are living in a one-room apartment. His daughter is enrolled in Union University, which was devastated by a tornado last week. So, she is home with them now. I admire his commitment.
Posted by Philip Price at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Trouble "Lite"
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.--2 Corinthians 4:17
The word "Lite" depicts something that is simple, practical, or improved. Commonly, marketers have attached the word LITE to products that are more economincal, less fattening, or easier to use. This is seen in various lines of diet foods; such as, yogurt, snacks, and various cold beverages. Also, Nintendo released a DS Lite, which is a slimmer, brighter, and more lightweight redesign of their gaming system. Closely related to this, computer companies offer "Lite versions," which are basic, no-frill offerings of software.
Of course, "Lite" is a creative misspelling of 'light," which, in reference to weight, refers to something that is not heavy. So, for Paul to refer to his afflictions as "light" seems as a mega-understatement. Just read II Corinthians 11:22-33 for a list of all Paul suffered as he preached the Gospel.
Paul was a spiritual giant. However, in his letters he frequently referred to his weaknesses. Once he said, "When I am weak, then, I am strong." He trusted in the strength of God, which was manifested in Jesus Christ."
The key to Paul's spiritual strength was faith in God, which led him to have a divine perspective on his circumstances. Just before his reference to his "light affliction," he wrote, "Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." Paul did not focus on the external, but he took note of the internal strength God faithfully provided.
So, Paul discounted the external, valued the internal, and hoped for the eternal.
I'm not there yet, but I pray that today I will focus more on what is not seen than what is seen.
Posted by Philip Price at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I Love My Wife
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.--Ephesians 5:25
On Valentine’s Day, love is pretty, red, and sweet. Obviously, everybody is in love. Just look around. Love is in the air and, if you haven’t bought your “sweetie” something by now, shame on you. Trouble is your destiny.
Admittedly, I’m not as romantic as I used to be, but I am much deeper in love than I have ever been.
Exactly 17 years ago today, Terri and I boarded a plane in Baton Rouge, LA and headed North to Anchorage, AK. Now, that’s romantic.
The Gulf War was in full-swing. So, airport security was tighter than usual. We were told to be at the airport early and we were. We showed up so early that no one else was there. Security was so intense that Terri and I flew under assumed names, “Kevin” and “Rhonda,” without a problem. We needed cheap tickets. So, when we found an ad in a newspaper selling two one-way tickets to Alaska, we met the real Kevin and Rhonda in a hotel parking lot in McComb, MS to buy the tics from them. You couldn’t do that today. We shouldn’t have done it then.
Our Valentine's Day move to Alaska came only six weeks after being married and barely nine months after having met. On our honeymoon, we spent several days in Anchorage being interviewed by a church and pastor. The first Sunday of 1991, the church, Raspberry Road Baptist Church, voted to call me as Minister of Music and Youth. We accepted the call that day.
There were some many unknowns as we neared our new home. That first night, we fully expected to sleep on the floor, because we had reserved an unfurnished apartment. However, when we arrived, the apartment was fully furnished. The manager had taken unclaimed furniture out of storage and gave it to us, since she knew we were just starting out. God provided then and he continues to provide now.
Our time on the “Last Great Frontier” was one extended honeymoon. We were in Alaska for three and one-half years. Our daughter Abbey was born almost three years after we moved up there. We did so much together amidst the prettiest scenery in the world. We rafted down a river in the shadow of Mount McKinley. We rode the Midnight Express Train from Anchorage to Denali National Park on the glass domed rail cars. We took the Twenty-Six Glacier tour out of Whittier, AK. We flew to the end of the world to see the start of the Alaska Pipeline, literally standing under the mile “0” marker.
Since we had not dated that much before marrying, we made up for lost time. I knew that God put us together, but I did not know how much more I could love her. That’s still true today.
As a pastor, I stay away from home more than I like. With three kids, ages 14, 5, and 3, we don’t have a lot of time together. However, each day I realize Terri is perfect for me. She prays for me and encourages me. She makes me laugh. She loves me. Each year I love her more and more. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us.
Paul charged husbands with a mega-task in Eph. 5:25. He wrote, “Dude, you better get the focus off of you and pour your life into that gal and love her with God’s kind of love just like Jesus did for His church (My paraphrase).” Just a reminder, he died for the church. That kind of love is not represented by roses, chocolate covered cherries, or intimate sleepwear. That kind of love is represented by a cross. I haven’t made it yet, but I’m trying.
I love my wife.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alaska, Love, Marriage, Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentines Day Gift Ideas
Top Ten Things NOT to Get Your Wife on Valentines Day
10. A Red Broom
9. A Years Subscription to Sports Illustrated
8. Lava Soap
7. A Card that Says, "I told you I loved you when we married. 'Nuff Said."
6. A Sleeve of Smokeless Tobacco
5. An Autographed Copy of "Cooking for Dummies"
4. Chocolate Covered Green Tomotoes
3. The CD "Bob Dylan Sings Sinatra"
2. An All Expense Trip to Slate Springs, MS
The Number One Thing NOT to Get Your Wife for Valentines Day
1. NOTHING!! So, you better get busy.
Posted by Philip Price at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gifts, Top Ten, Valentines Day
Come On Get Happy and the Stained Glass Masquerade
A few moments ago, I noticed that one of the top five "searches" on Yahoo was for "David Cassidy."
David Cassidy was a member of the Partridge Family, who had an immesnsely popular show. As a child of the 70's, I spent many nights watching The Brady Bunch and the Partridge Family. The only song I remember the "Family" sang was "Come On Get Happy."
As I was thinking about that song, I realized I have an aversion to someone saying to me, "Come on be happy."
This isn't a vent againt The Partridge Family, but a quick way for someone to "turn me 'off'" is to tell me "be happy." People don't know what is going on inside of us. So, for me, I do not want to ever presume someone has the capacity to be "cheerful," when their world is crumbling down around them.
Now, I know, as a Christian, we have a bright future, but forcing a smile is superficial. One of my pet peeves is when a worship leader says, "Come on everybody, smile." In worship, we are confronted with a Holy God, which reveals our unholiness. If I'm under conviction, the last thing I need to do is to fake a "I've-got-it-all-together" pose. Casting Crowns calls this the "Stained Glass Masquerade." Read the lyrics here. Watch a Stained Glass Masquerade Video here.
Let's be real in church and on the street.
Not sure how I moved from the Partridge Family to being real, but I did. What do you think?
Posted by Philip Price at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Being Real, David Cassidy, The Partridge Family
The Ministry of Presence
Yesterday afternoon, during a severe thunderstorm, a friend called from an Emergency Room in Hattiesburg. He needed some help in contacting someone. His mother, who has battled Alzheimer’s disease for several years, was transferred from a nursing home to the ER. I asked, “How is she doing?” He said, “She is dying.”
I made the contact requested. Then, I shared the situation with my wife and got in the car to go be with my friend. Fortunately, the weather was not as bad as the yellow and red radar images on had indicated. So, I made it to the hospital with no problem.
Walking into the ER, my friend was surprised. His first response was “You didn’t have to come.” All I could say was “I wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. I am praying for you.” After learning that his mother had improved slightly, I had a prayer for her and with him.
For me, I could not stand the thought of my friend being alone. I am glad I went.
While in Clinical Pastoral Education in New Orleans, I was first exposed to the term “Ministry of Presence.” Simply, just being a compassionate presence for a person in crisis is real ministry. We all feel pressure to say something when we are in contact with a distraught person, but, many times, nothing can be said that is of great comfort. Of course, we remind them that God is present. God cares. Yet, just “being there” is a real comfort.
Casting Crowns has a song that reminds me of the proper response to troubled individuals:
Just love them like Jesus, carry them to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus
Love them like Jesus
I pray that my presence as a minister reminds hurting people that God is present. That’s all I bring.
In the latter part of Hebrews 13:5, the writer stated, "For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'” What a great truth. However, the context of the verse is important. The words prior to this great promise are “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have.”
We have to rest in the knowledge that as Christians that Jesus will not leave us. Possessions can be blown out to sea. Money can be lost overnight. However, Jesus will not leave.
As John wrote in I John 3:18, “...let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”
Be the presence of Christ today.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devotion, Hebrews, Pastoral Care
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Living Sacrifice
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.—Romans 12:1
I have a friend who is incredibly benevolent and, since he is wealthy, he is constantly receiving request for assistance. Some of the requests are legitimate. Some of the appeals are not.
Personally, I am very careful not to visit him only when I need a favor from him. My focus often is to make a friendly visit to let him know I am interested in him and not just concerned about what he can do for me.
Consequently, if we are not careful, our relationship with God can be one directional. We can be into the getting from God, but not focused on giving to God.
Last week at our George-Greene Baptist Association Minister’s Conference, we discussed worship. Neil Wigley, Worship Pastor at Agricola Baptist, set the tone for our discussion when he stated, “Worship is giving to God.” We go to church to worship God and not to be entertained. For me, I always want to ask, “Was God pleased with me today?” The entertainment value of a worship service is of little importance.
Also, worship is not limited to a place. Worship is to be ongoing in the life of a Christian. Recorded in his Expository Dictionary, William D. Mounce defined worship as “the appropriate response of a believing heart that adores God.”
In Romans 12:1, Paul challenged the believers to present their “bodies” as a “living sacrifice.” The body represents every aspect of life, including the physical, spiritual, and intellectual. Give it all to God.
For Paul, this was the reasonable response. As it has been said, “If Jesus has died for me, the least I can do is live for Him.” British athlete C. T. Studd said, “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him.”
Finally, Paul closed the passage by saying presenting yourself to God is your “reasonable service.” In other words, daily surrender is your “spiritual worship.” Since Jesus was the final sacrifice for our sins, we do not have to come to God with a dead animal, but we do come with lives surrendered to Him.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:42 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Late Monday Musings
This past weekend was filled with family fun, special worship experiences, and intense pastoral care opportunities.
Journey of Hope Conference
At Perdio Beach, AL, our family enjoyed some time on the beach, courtesy of the Journey of Hope Ministry. I heard a missionary from Malawi speak and she brought me to tears. Also, they had a very powerful prayer experience. Representatives from diffierent ministries stood at various sites in the room: New Orleans, Peru, Christian Women's Job Corps. Malawi, and the Middle East were all featured. Specific prayer requests were distributed. I truly felt a burden for these ministries as I prayed for each of them.
Terri and I are writing an online bible study based on John 15. After spending time with folks from this ministry and seeing the quality of their ministry, I am please to be affiliated with them.
Sunday School Class Party
Saturday night, we attended a Sunday School Class party. The food was good. The devotion, led by Ricky Dickson, was powerful and very pleasing to me. He shared the importance of being a witness through relationships. Then, several present shared their excitement about our church.
Sunday Services
While our Sunday School attendance was down from previous weeks, the morning worship attendance was still strong. We observed the Lord's Supper. During the invitation, a young man (28) made a profession of faith and his wife came for membership in our church. This will be the second twenty-something male we have baptized this year. I am thrilled. The Lord's Supper was meaningful.
Our Sunday Eveing Worship Service attendance continues to grow. Our Childrn's Choir is meeting during the evening service. They are preparing a rearrangement of a classic children's musical entitled "Down by the Creekbank."
Tradegy Strikes
Several families were impacted by traumatic events and health challenges this past weekend. I have had a heavy heart for them. Late Saturday a member of my church and I traveled (more correctly "flew") down to Gulfport to be with a family who had a son involved in an unfortunate accident. The surgery was finished at 1:30 AM and I made into the bed at 4:10 AM. I was at church on time. However, I pray I didn't preach any heresy, since I was really in a fog.
Sunday Night Bible Study
"Majoring on the Minor" - Romans 2:17-29
I. Religious Conceit is Harmful (Romans 2:17-20).
II. Religious Conceit is Hypocritical (Romans 2:21-24).
III. Religious Conceit is Hopeless (Romans 2:25-27).
IV. Real Conversion is in Holy (Romans 2:28-29)
Recently, I have heard plenty of talk about "Cultural Christianity," which is the practice of religion without committed followship of Jesus. Especially, in the South, we have a lot of folks who consider themselves Christians, but they have never really spiritually surrendered themselves to God. Furthermore, their faith is directed more toward the institutional church and their allegiance to a local church is customary, because their family has always been there.
Closely related to this type of practice was that of many Jews during the time of Paul. They trusted in their religious heritage, rituals, and knowledge. Paul exposed their hypocrisy in this passge.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Journey of Hope, Romans, Sermon Outline
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Perdido Beach and the New Pastor at FBC Lucedale
Greetings from the Beach
A longtime friend of my wife's, Joyce Overstreet, has helped start a new minstry for women: Journey of Hope. They are hosting a conference this weekend at Perdio Beach Resort in Alabama. Currently, my wife and I are writing an online Bible Study for the ministry. So, they asked us to come down and meet some of the ladies. We brought the kids and they have had a great time. We arrived here around 2:00 PM yesterday. We will have to leave around 2:00 PM today. We have a Sunday School Class party later tonight.
The beach is beautiful this morning. There's a crystal blue sky. The high is supposed to be 70 degrees. While brief, this has been a blessing.
New Pastor at FBC Lucedale
Bill McMullan is the new pastor of First Baptist in Lucedale. He is 36. Formerly, he was the pastor of First Baptist Kemp, TX.
I met Bill at our Minister's Conference last Tuesday night. He is planning to enter the Ph.D. program at New Orleans Baptist Seminary, which is where I recieved my doctorate in 2005. On Thursday, I attended a funeral in Lucedale and he was there. We went back to his church and he gave me a tour.
He is full of enthusiasm about his new place of service. It was thrilling to hear him excitedly share his dreams and plans for the future. I know he will do a great job.
Watch a video of Bill preaching a few years ago here.
Posted by Philip Price at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Beach, Bill McMullan, FBC Lucedale, Journey of Hope
Friday, February 08, 2008
Friends with the Boss
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.–John 15:15
Once upon a time, a jokester posted this sign at his workplace: “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”
Whether a leader is a small business owner overseeing a few workers or a president of a large corporation with hundreds of individuals on the payroll, a leader is responsible for motivating his or her employees to complete a goal. The manner in which a “boss” interacts with his or her staff determines the effectiveness of any organization, whether the workforce consists of volunteers or highly paid executives.
Physical “beatings” are not an appropriate means of inspiration, but, unfortunately, many supervisors intentionally intimidate their employees verbally, mentally, and emotionally. As a result, an organization is saturated with fear, mistrust, and resentment.
A leader must know the right way to motivate the right people at the right time in order to get the right results.
Conversely, exemplary and productive employees will complete the tasks they are assigned effectively. Jerry Clower once said, “The key to being a good employee is to find out who the boss is and, then, do what the boss says!”
During the time of Christ, slavery was common. Slaves or “servants” were treated as property and were not given any rights. A servant’s master or “lord” was in complete control. Harsh consequences were served to any servant who was not cooperative.
While at times Paul used the term “slave” to indicate his submission to Christ, he consistently trumpeted the joy of being a slave for Jesus in comparison with the emptiness of being enslaved in sin.
In John 15:15, Jesus underscored he did not view his followers as hired servants or slaves. Jesus said, “I have called you friends.” For Jesus, he considered his followers “friends,” because he had communicated with them on an intimate level. Jesus had shared His heart with them. Since he was the Son of God, he had actually shared the heart of God with them. They knew why he had been sent to earth. While they did not understand all of the far reaching implications, He had shared with his friends that he would have to die. Even more puzzling to his disciples, Jesus told them he was come back to life after he died.
After the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, the disciples were empowered with the Holy Spirit and this little band of men spread the Gospel throughout the world in relatively “warp speed.” Why? Well, their friend Jesus had told them what was going to happen. When they saw him post-crucifixion, post-death, they knew they had a true friend. Also, they were compelled to let people know that they could be a friend of God, too.
Consequently, God should not be seen as a boss just waiting to fire you in grand “Donald Trumpian” style. He certainly is the boss, but always remember he’s on your side. Jesus is your friend. He did not, and is not, hiding the truth from you. He loves you.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:35 AM 2 comments
Labels: Devotion, Friendship, John 15, Joke
Thursday, February 07, 2008
A Friend of God
You are my friends if you do whatever I command you.—John 15:14
We all have different types of friends. Realistically, many folks we consider friends are just acquaintances. They know our name and we know theirs. On another level, some folks are considered friends based on past associations. I have “college friends” to whom I have not spoken for several years. Other “friends” garner that distinction because they live near us or attend church with us. However, most of these folks are not true friends.
Being a true friend requires some sacrifice. I have heard many men say, “A true friend is a guy who will help you move.” For me, based on that test, I don’t have too many friends. Just ask someone to meet you at your house this Saturday morning to help you load a washing machine or a sofa bed onto a truck. Then, you’ll know how much they like you—you’ll know if they are your friend.
Richard Foster has said, “The desperate need for today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”
Jesus wants us to go deeper. He challenges us to stop relating to people as business acquaintances or neighbors that we only give an occasional wave, as we drive by their houses or pass them in the hall. True friends do not just talk about popular movies or temperature changes. He commanded “love one another as I have loved you (John 15:12).”
Continuing, Jesus gave us a standard for relating to one another. He said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends (John 15:13).” Talk about deep. Jesus expressed that the highest act of love is to die for another—just as He did for the ones he loved. O.K. We can only conclude friendship is not for “sissies.”
We may not ever have to die for someone, but, to be friends, we are going to have to sacrifice something. Listening, encouraging, forgiving, supporting, waiting, and helping are ways we love others—ways we are deeply friends.
This depth of relating to one another is commanded, not suggested, by Christ. He followed his words with, “You are my friends if you do what I command you (John 15:14).”
Please hear this deep down in your soul. Ready? There is no obedience without sacrifice.
You can’t meet God’s ideal for relationships with others—including your spouse, your children, your co-workers, your enemies—without giving up something. Casual Christians and “I’ll-do-it-if-I-feel-like-it” people are not friends of God. To produce the fruit of love in our lives we must be willing to get dirty. I once heard someone say, "Ministry is messy." If you are really helping someone, you may get soiled, hurt, or even cursed, but this means you are loving people just like Jesus would.
Are you a friend of God? Are you a true friend? How deep are you?
In Ephesians 3:18, it is recorded that Paul prayed that the Ephesians would comprehend “the breadth, and length, and depth, and height” of Jesus’ love. That is my prayer for you today.
Posted by Philip Price at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Devotion, Friendship, John 15, Obedience
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
The Lord Thunders
"The voice of the LORD is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The LORD is over many waters (Psalm 29:3 NKJV)."
It's 4:59 AM, and I can't sleep.
Thunder has been roaring for the last thirty minutes. The rain is heavy. I've checked the local radar and "red rain" is all around us. Jared, my five-year-old, is awake. He ate 5% of a bowl of cereal. Then, he requested a peanut butter roll-over. This is a strange time. The thunder is unsettling.
Last week a tornado touched down here in Greene County, just about 10 miles north of Leakesville. Yesterday, I talked with a lady who was in her home last week when the tornado touched down on her property. The winds from the tornado destroyed a large chicken house. Fortunately, no chickens were in the "house." She said, while the storm lasted only five minutes, she was terrified. The storm "jumped" her house and she was not hurt.
Many people state that a tornado sounds like a train, but she stated the tornado sounded more like a large diesel truck trying to start it's engine.
The scripture above states that the "God of glory thunders." Even now, as I hear thunder roaring in the distance, I am amazed by the power of the creator of the universe. The Bible frequently charges us to "fear the Lord." I don't believe this is a paralyzing kind of fear that we might have in the midst of tornadic winds, but it does entail a holy reverance.
Psalm 62:5 says, "My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him."
Silence is rare these days. For me, whenever traveling in my car I have to have the radio blaring. When in my bedroom by myself, I always have music playing. Silence makes us uncomfortable. Even now, as the air conditioner is blowing cool air on this unusually warm morning, the thunder in the distance is not as noticable.
God's voice thunders, but our busyness creates a static that keeps Him from being heard.
Last night, twenty ministers met at the George-Greene Association Building for a forum on worship. Tommy Mitchell, pastor of Agricola Baptist Church, has done an outstanding job of planning a series of monthly meetings for the ministers of the two counties.
As we discussed worship, the topic of various musical styles and instruments employed in worship was raised. We batted around the almost undefinable terms "traditional," "contemporary," and "blended" in relation to worship experiences at church.
One of the pastors, Roger Gilbert, made a great point. When we worship we may respond to God in song, but true worship does not begin with a song. Worship begins with the recognition we are in the presence of God. That realization should occur before we ever enter a church building. That realization can occur as we sit at our work station, on a deer stand, or during a morning walk. We must silence oursleves in order to hear God's thundering voice. God is everywhere. God is here.
As a pastor, the method or planned order of worship should not replace a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. I can't manufacture a worship experience. I believe the setting for corporate worship can provide an environment conducive to worship, but it's not as easy as opening a can and serving it. Unfortunately, many of us want microwavable services that you just pop in the oven and "get 'r done" with little inconvenience. However, worship is an every day priority that should be in a slow cooker.
“But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him. (Habakkuk 2;20).”
So, let us shut up, stop, and listen to God. Don't be afraid of silence. Be afraid of making so much noise that you cannot His "thundering" voice.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Cut Off
Just south of us, in rural George County, Mississippi, is a large "you pick 'em" vegetable and fruit farm. The Eubanks family has produced crops in Mississippi for a century. Currently, they farm over 1000 acres, including over 20 types of fruits and vegetables. Someone once told me that their operation is completely streamlined and monitored by the latest technology. The farm workers are given full responsibility for a specific section of a field. Then, the workers prepare the soil, plant the crop, and harvest the produce. All of their actions are recorded in a computer data base.
At harvest time, the employees are paid based on what is produced. So, when the produce or fruit is picked, they enter a code assigned to them into a computer which indicates who gathered the produce submitted. Productive workers are rewarded for the quality and quantity of what is yielded from the field. However, if the laborer was not attentive to the plants and failed to provide fertile soil for his crop, he receives no compensation for not producing. Minimal compensation is given for inferior fruit or vegetables. Farmers make their living based on what is produced, not on what was planted.
Similarly, God is in the production business. As the supreme spiritual vinedresser, he is not satisfied with folks who are just in the Christian field. He looks at what is produced. He is interested in seeing our baskets filled with spiritual fruit.
Jesus said that Father God “cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit.” Please notice, Jesus is talking about branches that are “in” Him. So, he is referring people who claim to have a relationship with Him. Translators have translated this passage as “cuts off,” “takes away,” or “removes.” Individuals who practice a superficial relationship with God and do not live like Jesus are useless. God removes people like that so that they will not hinder the work of the Kingdom of God.
Some interpreters believe “cutting off,” in John 15:2, means a person can be “born again,” but, due to their rebellion, can fall out of a relationship with God. Then, the once “saved” person is doomed to Hell. I believe this is referring to a loss of rewards (see I Cor. 3:15) and not a loss of salvation. J. Vernon Magee once said something like, "There will be some branches in heaven that are going smell like smoke."
However, a person who lives like an unbeliever—disobeying God's will in lifestyle choices, financial stewardship, church attendance—needs to check themselves to determine if they ever truly surrendered their life to Jesus. All true branches are going to want to be productive.
Can you imagine a member of a basketball team refusing to play when the coach called her number? You could only conclude that a basketball player that does not want to score or play must hate the coach, his teammates, and/or the institution for which he plays.
Why would any true believer who has truly asked God to forgive their sins, believing Jesus died a tortuous death and came back to life, not want to live a life of dedicated service to the God of all grace. Why would they prefer to stay home when fellow Christians are meeting in worship? Why would they withhold the tithe and offerings from their church? Why would they act like an atheist or agnostic by not consulting with God or his scriptures when major decisions arise? Would a person connected to God never let anyone know they are a Christian?
Are you attached to the vine? If you answered "yes," show me your fruit.
Monday, February 04, 2008
MVP Resigns
While many people were watching the Super Bowl and eating chicken wings, a more significant accomplishment was being celebrated in Wade, MS. After fiftteen years, Bill Barton preached his last sermon at Wade Baptist Church in Jackson County, Mississippi.
I worked with Bro. Bill for several years as the Associate Pastor/Mininster of Youth/Minister of Music/Minister of Education/Minister of Etcetera at Wade Baptist. He is the most amazing man I know. He assumed the position of pastor at the church after "retiring" from the Home of Grace, which he founded in the early 1960s. I have never met a more dedicated and focused servant leader. Bro. Barton is a master at guiding members to be involved in doing the ministry of the church. He has an unusual ability to motivate people, who are naturally inclined to sit on the sideline, to get "into the game." His motto was always "Teamwork: Because it Works."
When Bro. Bill was nearing graduation from Bible College, a representative of a Mission Organization had an interview with him. Since Bro. Bill has a speech impediment, the man told Rev. Barton, "You'll never pastor a church, you can't pronounce your "r's." That statement, though cutting at first, was a great motivating factor for Bro. Bill. He knew God had called him and nothing would (and has) stop him from fulfilling his call to minister.
In a copy of a book he gave me, he signed the cover and included the scripture John 15:7-14.In this passage, Jesus encouraged his followers to "abide" in him. Cultivating a strong relationship with Christ is essential to a productive and fulfillling life. In verse 14, we find that Jesus said, "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you."
Bro. Barton is certainly a friend of God. He is my friend. I pray God will continue to use him greatly, because he has never used the word "retire." He will begin as Director of Public Relations for the Home of Grace on Mar. 1.
Read a article about Bro. Bill here.
Posted by Philip Price at 6:49 AM 1 comments
Encouragement Sunday
We had a great day at First Baptist. We encouraged everyone to tithe by faith. As a result, our church would be encouraged, as well as the ministries we support.
Our offering was significantly higher than usual--up by at least 35%. Also, we had substantial donations toward our overhead projector system for our sanctuary.
There were other reasons to be encouraged. Our attendance in our morning worship was great, with at least 140 in attendance. In comparison to last year, this is a great improvement. Our children's department continues to grow. After the evening service, a young man came to talk to me about becoming a member of our church. He and his family have been visiting our church for several weeks. He and his wife will meet me today in my office to discuss baptism.
Even with the "big game" being played, attendance for our evening worship service was strong.
Truly, this was an encouraging day.
Posted by Philip Price at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 01, 2008
The Oldest Manning Brother
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice (Ephesians 4:31).
Growing up in North Mississippi, I idolized Archie Manning. He was from the little town of Drew, MS, which gave all of the small town boys (like me) hope that someday we could make it to the big time.
While I was too young to remember when he was the Quarterback at Ole Miss, I was a New Orleans Saints fan. So, every Sunday we hurried home after church to watch Archie QB the Saints. They always seemed to be able to find a unique and creative way to lose, but it was never Archie's fault. All my life I heard, "If Archie just had someone to block for him, the Saints would win the Super Bowl every year."
So, I, like most Mississippians, claim Peyton and Eli as Mississippians. Even though they were raised in Louisiana, they have Mississippi blood in their viens. Their mother is from Philadelphia, MS.
Interestingly, this morning I came across a article about the oldest Manning brother. His name is Cooper. While I knew of him, I was not familiar with his story. I had heard he was a football player, but thought he had been hurt after playing at Ole Miss. However, the truth is, according to the article, Cooper was an All-State receiver in Louisiana and was headed to play at Ole Miss. Unfortunately, due to Spinal Stenosis, Cooper's football career was cut short. He never wore a Rebel uniform. Now, he is an executive in New Orleans, dealing with gas and oil stocks.
The article I read had a quote from Eli I thought was special. Referring to the manner in which Cooper has handled his misfortunes, Eli said, ""He's done a lot better than Peyton or I could have done with it."
We all face unexpected hurdles in life. Unconscoiously, our lives are sort of mapped out in the back of our minds. We have a "future story" already written and it has a "happily ever after ending." But, when the script is changed by a traumatic event, who we really are is exposed. We can become bitter and mad at the world. Yet, bitterness slowly kills us inside. While it is difficult, we must forget the past and make the most of the future. As Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "Put away bitterness."
We must forgive those who have hurt us and move on to make the most of the unexpected present. As Paul wrote to the Philippians, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13)." We can handle whatever is thrown our way.
Are you bitter about something? Why not deal with that bitterness today? Turn it over. God can handle it.
Read the article about Cooper Manning here.
Posted by Philip Price at 7:06 AM 1 comments