But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity.—Philippians 4:10
Paul had refused to accept monetary support from the Corinthian church, because he did not want to be seen as profiting from preaching. However, he did write, “Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel.” Paul believed ministers who devote themselves to ministry are worthy of support.
The Philippian church helped Paul financially when he was in need. Paul stated that he knew that they cared for him, but they had not had an opportunity until that time. So, when the opportunity arose, the Christians at Philippi gave to help Paul.
Are there opportunities for you to give today? Of course, we are bombarded with request for donations almost constantly, but are some of these are “one time” opportunities to express our gratitude to God that he wants us to meet.
God is Faithful
During my meeting with Pastor Lyn O’Berry and Ray Hoffman on Wednesday, they shared how God had miraculously provided for The Church on Warren Avenue at Federal Hill. The Baltimore Congregation is an older congregation which is literally creating a new church within the existing church.
Since the church in is an area in which property values and taxes are staggering, the church does not want to surrender any of the three row houses they own next to the church. If they were to sell the properties, they could find themselves without the ability to expand and/or house mission teams, as well as future ministerial staff.
Pastor O’Berry said, “We shouldn’t be able to do what we are doing.” Whenever we have a need, the money is provided. He cited incident after incident of a need arising and, then, God worked through an individual, a church, a Baptist Association, and even non-church members in the community to give exactly what was required.
Your Opportunities
So, are there opportunities that have appeared for you to support the work of the Kingdom of God? Not all needs are financial. Just look around your community and church and take note of the volunteer opportunities you could fulfill. By volunteering to do serve, you can make a difference.
Today, look for opportunities to make a difference out of the spotlight. Do something anonymously, but lovingly for the cause of Christ. Be a giver.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
When Opportunity Knocks
Posted by Philip Price at 7:46 AM
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