My last day in Baltimore was productive. Around 8:00 AM (EST), I carried Jimmy Holcomb to the airport. He had a Baptist Student Union meeting on the coast last night. So, he had to leave early.
I met with Lyn O’Berry, pastor of The Church on Warren Avenue, for several hours. We examined the logistics and schedule for our mission trip to Baltimore, July 7-11, 2008. Ray Hoffman, the Chairman of the Deacons at the church, participated in the meeting.
The Church on Warren Avenue consisted of about 30 Senior Adults when Lyn O’Berry became interim pastor. After extensive meetings with church strategists and an “Intervention Team,” the opinion of many folks was the church should disband. However, the membership did not want to sacrifice their witness in such a strategic area of Baltimore.
Since the church is located less than a block from Federal Hill, which overlooks the inner harbor of Baltimore, the community has seen a major renewal. The row houses around the church are soaring in value. However, only a short walking distance away, federal housing projects house many families who are struggling with the impact of drugs and violence.
Unfortunately, the church did not have a recognizable presence in the area. So, one of the first things Pastor O’Berry did was to demonstrate to their “neighbors” that they cared about the community.
They established strong relations with the city by utilizing mission teams to clean parks and provide recreational activities for children at those parks. They operate booths at all of the community festivals. During the Baltimore Marathon in October 2007, the church rolled a piano onto the sidewalk and set up a water station. As 14,000 runners passed the church, after completing the Mile #7, the Minister of Music played Ragtime and Classical Music. The neighborhood all gathered and helped the distribute water and pick up the thousands of paper cups dropped on the street. As a result, one day the church set up a grill and gave away food.
During initial surveys, some people voiced resistance to the church ministering on the street. However, people are now encouraging the church to get “on the street.”
Other ways the church has connected to the community is 1) providing discount coupons for a local bagel shop, 2) hosting a Date Night by providing childcare for young couples, 3) the free Baseball Camps we offered, and 4) a contemporary worship service on Thursday nights called “The Vine.”
Bro. Lyn talks constantly about his vision for the church. He has so many ideas that I was blown away and even suffered from a headache. For example, one "out of the box" idea was to have cardboard drink coasters printed with the church's name and info. Then, distribute the coasters to local restaurants and taverns.
I had to leave late in the afternoon. I left excited about what can happen this Summer, but I was convinced our church needs to do more in our community to show people we care.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Yesterday in Baltimore
Posted by Philip Price at 12:08 PM
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