This weekend there will be many opportunities for service, worship, outreach, and fellowship.
Morning Visits
Well, I started the morning by leaving around 7 AM to go visit some of our folks at Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg. On the way back, I stopped by the Greene County High School to visit with Scott Bray, the GCHS Assistant Principal. In the Fall, Scott will be the Principal. I know he will do a great job. He is a master of "interpersonal relationships."
Later in the morning, I attended the funeral of Shorty Sowell. He was deeply appreciated in this community. He was a faithful deacon at Pine Level Baptist. He was a committed Wildcat fan. He never missed a baseball or football game. Jimmy Holcomb and Jeff Byrd did a great job with the funeral service.
Praise Band at Relay for Life
Tonight, our newly formed youth praise band will be on stage at this annual event. In our county, this event is a big deal. Many folks in the community come together to raise funds for this worthy cause.
The band will present their music at 9:30 PM. My daughter is one of the members of the group. Yesterday, they practiced from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. Really, I could hear them while I was in my office. They have worked hard to make the best of this opportunity.
A Mega PTL
Yesterday, while talking to the students in the praise band, they mentioned they needed some new microphones, as well as better equipment. Just a little while ago, Boo White, the FBC Student Minister, called and mentioned that anonymous donors had given the youth an amazing amount of quality sound equipment...including mics. Praise the Lord.
Boo said the youth were stunned. They have learned a great lesson. When you faithfully seek to do the Lord's will, He will provide what you need to accomplish His will.
Also, I am so thankful for the individuals who were sensitive to God's will and gave from their hearts to support this ministry. God is so good.
Playground Equipment
The representatives from Game Time, Inc. are scheduled to be at the church at 7:00 AM in order to supervise the installation of our new playground equipment. We will need a lot of guys to help. Rain is predicted. So, I pray we will be able to complete the project tomorrow. We have had an amazing amount of help in preparing for the installation. Many guys have donated their equipment for this project. The ladies are providing lunch.
Mug and Muffin
The ladies are meeting at 10:30 AM tomorrow in our activities building for a time of fellowship and missions emphasis. This is the second gathering of this kind in 2008. The last Mug and Muffin the ladies had a great time.
Guest Preacher in AM Service
Kenneth Ball will be preaching in our Morning Worship Service. He is originally from Greene County. He graduated from William Carey University and served as pastor in California for several year. He currently lives in Petal, MS.
Baptisms in Both Services Sunday
We plan to observe baptism in both services. This will be the first time we've baptized in both services.
Praise Musical
Our Sanctuary Choir will be presenting their Praise Musical in the Evening Service. They sound great. This will be a memorable time of worship. They will utilize our new video projector and screens in presenting some moving video testimonies.
Mike Smith, our Minister of Music, told me he is removing all the chairs from our choir loft in order for all of the singers to have a place to stand. We've outgrown the choir loft. What a great problem to have.
The choir is practicing tonight at 7:00 PM.
Sunday, we will have our monthly Deacons Meeting and our Stewardship Committee Meeting. At least this weekend will not be boring.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Busy Weekend/Great Opportunities
Posted by Philip Price at 6:27 PM
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