Monday Evening, we had a planning meeting for our Mission Trip to Baltimore, July 7-11. We had a solid group of individuals present that are excited about this opportunity. Currently, we have at least six spots available for additional team members.
Last year, we had an amazing team of guys who were unified and flexible. I know God will provide the same type of individuals for this year's trip.
Once Jesus looked over a crowd and he was moved with compassion. The reason he was concerned about the individuals he gazed upon was that they were "weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd." A.T. Roberson states this is a picture of sheep “torn and mangled by wild beasts.” The reason cited for the pitiful state of the flock was that they did not have a shepherd. People who do not have a relationship with Jesus are hurt and misguided. They are "looking for love in all the wrong places." They lack the leadership of the Savior. We should grieve over their wounded condition.
Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few." So, what did Jesus tell us to do in order to fill these job openings?
Jesus said, "Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (NKJV)." A. T. Robertson states the literal translation is “to drive out (push out) the workers.”
Jesus saw prayer as the answer to fulfilling the need for Christian workers. These workers must not go in their own strength or to satisfy their own curiosities. Workers are sent by Jesus.
Consequently, as I prayed Monday night, I asked God to push out the individuals he wants to use to impact Baltimore. Also, in regard to FBC Leakesville, I pray believers would be driven out of complacency and apathy to do what God is calling them to do in faith. There are 4000 people within a 5 mile radius of our church. Yes, the potential for "harvest truly is plentiful."
Please join me in praying Matthew 9:38 for our Mission Trip and our church as a whole.
My prayer is this:O, Lord, you really are the Lord of the Harvest. Please send people to accomplish your will. Specifically, Father, I pray that you will send six Godly individuals to work your "field" in Baltimore. Also, please drive out and push out the people you want to serve you at First Baptist Leakesville in Vacation Bible School and the ministries we offer in the community. God our Student Ministry needs workers who love teens and passionately want to lead them to a deeper relationship with you. O, God, provide adults with integrity and a consistent walk of faith to demonstrate the victorious life of faith you desire for them. Push out Godly teachers to serve you. Recognizing that the harvest is yours, may we live by faith trusting that you will provide everything needed to accomplish your purposes. God, drive away the excuses that hinder people from surrendering to you. Push away the sin that "so easy entangles" people. Convict them of sin and, as they repent, may they rush to work where you are working. Thank you for the privilege of serving you. In the Name of Jesus I pray, AMEN.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Praying for the "Pushed Out"
Posted by Philip Price at 9:07 AM
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