We enjoyed a great turn-out for our first Back-to-School Bash. Some of the folks who went with us on our Baltimore Mission Trip wanted to do the same type of sports clinics we offered in Maryland here in Leakesville. So, we did.
At 10:00 AM, we started with Wiffle Ball Games scattered throughout the field in front of our church. This was downtown. So, a lot of people saw the kids playing as they drove down Main Street.
After about an hour, the kids came inside for a Martial Arts Demonstration. Some of the children in the performing group were not much older than most of the kids in attendance. It's amazing to see kids only 9 or 10 years old break a board with their hands, feet, or forearms. The kids in attendance were amazed. My son Jared just sat with his mouth open during the entire presentation.
Next, I welcomed the kids and introduced our Student Minister, Boo White. He shared a Bible Story and said a prayer with them. Boo did a super job, as always.
We registered 45 kids, but we know of 10 children that regularly attend our church that did not sign in. At one time, over 90 kids and adults were in our Activities Building. Most of those present, are prospects for our church. After looking at the registration forms, well over half of the children listed no church affiliation. What a great opportunity for us.
This event was so pleasing to me, since volunteers from our church did the work. I had very little to do with the planning or supervision of the event. During the first hour, I left the church to visit with a grieving family at the funeral home, but, I was never concerned about the operation of the event.
What a blessing to work with such a dedicated and talented group of volunteers.
I love First Baptist Leakesville!!!
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