While returning from the "Glorieta on the Gulf" Conference this past Saturday, I asked Bro. Jimmy Holcomb, Area Missions Director for the George-Greene Baptist Association, if he had a preaching engagement for Sunday Morning. He answered that he was not scheduled to preach anywhere at the moment. Making an attempt at humor, I grabbed by head and stomach and said, "O, I think my sinuses are starting to act up!" We laughed and he said, "Well, you never know."
About an hour after returning home, I began to experience severe pain. By 4:00 PM, I was in the Greene County Hospital Emergency Room. Unfortunately, I experienced a kidney stone attack. This is the 25th Anniversary of my first attack, which has been followed by several episodes through the years.
I was released from the Greene Co. ER around 11:30 PM. I thought I was feeling a lot better, but, when I awakened Sunday, the pain returned. We contacted my Urologist in Mobile and he suggested we come to the ER at Spring Hill Memorial and he intended to admit me to the hospital. The pain subsided as soon as we headed that direction. I waited in the ER lobby for 2 hours and, then, after seeing the doctor, he could not find a reason to admit me, since I was not in pain. Since Sunday morning, I haven't had any problems.
So, Bro. Jimmy did preach for me. Boo White preached Sunday night. Many members have told me that they both presented great sermons. Many folks have called to check on me. I do appreciate all the concern expressed.
Well, You never know.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
You Never Know
Posted by Philip Price at 12:33 PM
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