Last Summer, a Mission Team from the George-Greene Area Missions program traveled to Baltimore to offer Christian Baseball Camps (Click here to read an article about the trip.) The church that hosted us was The Church on Warren Avenue.
In their most recent newsletter, the church reported on a recent Baptist Student Union Fellowship held for the students of Army and Navy, following their traditional football game in Baltimore. About 100 persons gathered for to eat and worship. Pastor Lyn O'Berry has a passion to reach his community for Christ. He has made many great personal sacrifices to lead the Church on Warren Avenue (Lee Street Memorial Baptist) to make a difference in the Historic Federal Hill area of Baltimore, which is near the Inner Harbour.
Also, the newsletter printed the following announcement:
Campus Minister Kris Walters will be leading University of Southern Mississippi's Baptist Student Ministry team to Warren Avenue during Spring Break, 2008. The team will be with us beginning Saturday, March 8th-March 12th. The team will engage our community on several fronts, from student to seniors ministries. They will engage in campus ministries and our new work, "the Vine." Please pray for Pastor Kris and the USM team as they pray and prepare to be with us in March.
Our Association (GGBA) is planning to return to Baltimore to conduct Sprots Camps and Backyard Bible Clubs. The trip will be the week of July 6, 2008. Please pray for these trips to help this church.
In the newsletter, the Pastor, Lyn O'Berry, challenged his congregation with these words:
Our motto for 2008 is Engage Tomorrow Today. As we initiate our strategy for the new year, get involved, and see God work in through and around us. If He can bring water from a rock, part the Red Sea, raise the dead to life, what can he not do at Warren Avenue if we are willling? Let us bathe every work in prayer. Let us perform every act in prayer. Let us proclaim His gospel in the way we live and in the way we reach out.
Pastor O'Berry is an inspiration to me. Please pray for him and the Church on Warren Avenue.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Baltimore Church to Host Univ. of Southern Miss. BSU
Posted by Philip Price at 1:50 PM
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