Be An Encouragement
Today was a great day at First Baptist Leakesville. We began our Be An Encourager: Tithe emphasis. I preached from Malachi 3:8-12.
A major emphasis in my sermon was the way God has worked through the faithful giving of the church in the last few years.
Also, I highlighted several encouraging things, such as an increased number of children attending our church and greater Sunday School attendance across all ages. For example, last year our Sunday School attendance on the first two Sundays was 61 & 66. This year our S.S. attendance for the first two Sundays has been 111 & 112.
The "spirit" of our church seems to have continued to become more and more welcoming. I pray we will always be an encouraging congregation.
Rome During the Time of Paul
In the evening service, Dr. Milton Wheeler, long-time History Professor at William Carey University came and discussed the history of Rome and the early Christians who lived there during the time of Paul. Dr. Wheeler is the most knowledgeable and well-traveled man I know. He has only been to Rome thirty (30) times.
The January Bible Study emphasis promoted by Lifeway is on Paul's Letter to the Romans. So, he gave insight into the "Roman" mind and attributing factors to the power of Rome.
A point Dr. Wheeler raised that motivates me to study and preach from Romans is that the church at Rome was probably the best church during this time. Paul wrote, "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world (Romans 1:8, NKJV)." He never wrote such flattering words to any other church. Also, since their faith was known all over the known world, they must have been special.
God has worked throughout history and he will continue to do so until the end of the age.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Dose of Encouragement and A Historical Sermon
Posted by Philip Price at 10:24 PM
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