This morning the temperature is 20 Degrees Fahrenheit with a windchill of 12 Degrees. For fun I checked the temperature in Anchorage, AK, where we lived for 3 1/2 years, and the weather channel reports the temp. there is 22 Deg., with no wind chill. So, this is very unusual weather for us here in South Mississippi.
With the prospect of colder weather, I had to "wrap" one of the faucets on the north side of the parsonage with insulation to insure the pipes would not freeze. The cold, cutting wind motivated me to complete the task quickly. Usually, tasks such as wrapping a pipe would take me a little longer, but, under the conditions, I performed at a higher speed.
Zig Ziglar, in a speech I have on audio tape entitled Goals, challenged everyone present to notice how much quicker they accomplished tasks before leaving work for vacation. Have you been there? You will be away for a week or several days. As your departure approaches, you make note of things that must be done before you leave. You gain momentum as the "deadline" races toward you. At times, I have accomplished more administratively in one hour than I have in an entire day.
It's all about urgency. Not for everyone, but sometimes we just don't feel the urgency to accomplish certain tasks until we must.
On Sunday Dec. 23, in the evening service, I preached on the Parable of the Wise and Unwise Bridesmaids recorded in Matthew 25:1-13 (Read the passage here.) Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a traditional wedding of the day. The bridesmaids (virgins) would await the coming of the groom to the home of the bride. Then, the groom would escort the bride to his home for a celebration. Since the groom would arrive at night, the bridesmaids were responsible to bring lamps, which were used to light the path for wedding party to make their joyous journey.
In the parable, five of the bridesmaids failed to bring additional oil for their lamp (it was really a torch). So, when the time came for them to do their duty, they were unable to provide light. They begged the prepared bridesmaids for oil, but they could not share. They would not have enough, if they gave up some of their oil. The unwise bridesmaids went to buy additional oil, but, when they returned to the home of the groom, the door was shut. They were excluded from the wedding celebrations because of their negligence.
Jesus concluded the parable with these words "Be on the alert then." Jesus was referring to his Second Coming. He underscored the "urgency" we should feel as we live our lives.
We want to finish strong. Bro. Barton, the Senior Pastor of Wade Baptist Church near Moss Point, MS, once said something to the effect of "If we compared life to a football game, a man in his 40s would be at Halftime. So, the last half of his life is vitally important, because no one ever remembers a Halftime Score."
My prayer is that I will "play ball" until the last second ticks off the clock.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
The Speed of Preparations
Posted by Philip Price at 7:08 AM
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