Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grief, Sadness

Early this afternoon, I was notified that the father of two members of FBC Leakesville died. He was in hospice care and died at home. My heart hurts for the family. He had a long illness and was always gracious to me when I visited him. They are in my prayers.

Later in the afternoon, I went to visit a lady in the hospital who was just diagnosed with cancer a few days ago. She is already in the final stages. The family is in shock.

For me, there is an image that always comes to mind when I am in situations of loss. I see Jesus not far from the tomb of Lazarus. In John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible, the Gospel writer recorded that "Jesus cried."

I'm encouraged by the fact that Jesus, the all-powerful Son of God, did not discount his human emotions or those of his friends. He wept. He does that with all who grieve the loss of loved ones.

