Monday, June 09, 2008

Heard Great Things About Sunday at FBC

Many folks have told me Boo did a great job preaching yesterday morning. I knew he would.

Dennis, who preached Sunday PM, said that service went well.

Decoration has begun for Vacation Bible School. I'm praying we will reach many families in our community as a result of this outreach.

I'm looking forward to this Sunday, which is Family Dedication Day for us. We have several children that will be dedicated in the AM Service. Traditionally, Mother's Day is chosen by many churches as the day for such an observance. However, I believe Father's Day is just as appropriate. We have a great gift we will give all of the men present.

The scripture passage for the sermon Sunday is Romans 8:28-30. Probably, this is not a common passage for Father's Day, but I feel it is very applicable to the lives of all men.

