At various times in my life, I have kept a prayer journal. The journal I kept during the first few days of college is comforting to me, because I was very anxious about being away from home and fitting in at school. Many prayers are recorded in a "Dear God" manner. I just poured out my heart. Many of those prayers were answered. Since I recorded them, they continue to be a source of comfort for me. Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you.—I Peter 5:7
4 Elements of Personal Prayer: C.A.S.T.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
I am convinced it is important to come to God admitting my need for forgiveness. Once I have repented of sin, I am free to praise Him and receive his guidance in understanding the scriptures I will read.
Psalm 35:28 And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness And of Your praise all the day long.
Before reading a scripture, I praise God for his power and love, which is revealed in the Bible.
Then, I read a scripture passage.
Suggestions: If you have never read a lot of scripture, begin by reading the book of John. You may want to just focus on a few verses or paragraphs at a time. Many Daily Bible Reading Plans are available online or in most Study Bibles. Billy Graham mentioned he would always read a chapter of Proverbs each day. Specifically, he would read the chapter that matched the day of the month. For example, on June 26, he would read Proverbs Chapter 26. Before reading, ask God to speak to you through the scripture.
Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
After reading scripture and meditating on the truths that are evident, pray for the needs and concerns on your prayer list. You may want to have a prayer list that guides you to pray for certain people on a specific day of the week. Sundays-Pray for the pastor, your Sunday School Teacher. Mondays- Pray for Tony and Karen Gray, Missionaries to Brazil. Tuesday- Mike and Selina Smith. Mike leads worship at FBC Leakesville. His wife Selina gives a Children's Sermon every Sunday. EVERYDAY- Your spouse, your children.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Don't forget to praise God for answered prayer. Express thanks for the seemingly small blessings of life.
No prayer time should be ritualistic. However, using a guide is helpful. Many bookstores sell Prayer Journals. The method or outline is not as important as spending time with God in a personal and private manner.
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