Saturday, February 07, 2009

Almost like Spring...

Thursday Morning the temperature here was around 19 (F). Today the high was close to 70. I love Mississippi. The weather is great most of the time.


This morning Terri left with some of the ladies from the church to go to a scrapbook session. I'm not sure what that is. However she deserves a day away from us. She just sent me a message telling me the other girls are still going strong. Maybe she'll be home eventually.

Basketball and "Being ready in and out of Season"

Jared and I left at 8:25 AM to go for his next to last Upward Basketball Game at Memorial Baptist in Perry County. He's doing a lot better on defense. He won the star for "Best Effort." I was pressed into service at the last minute to do a devotion at Halftime. I focused on the first point of tomorrow's sermon. It lasted 10 minutes. I've got to cut that down, because I have 5 points in the sermon.

Play Ball

I signed Jared up for T-Ball later in the morning. He loves baseball. Basketball has been better for him. He's able to focus better inside.

Mixed Review

Grilled some chicken for lunch. Abbey said it wasn't the best she had ever had. Also, she said it wasn't the worst. Thanks.

Wildcat Baseball

Jared and I went to the Greene County/George County Preseason Baseball Game this afternoon. The game started at 2 PM. JV squad played the first 2 innings. Then, the varsity played. I sat on "The Deck" with Coach Bray and other loyal Wildcat Fans. Jared played int he dirt. Greene County was trailing 8-2 in the bottom of the 5th when I left. It was a beautiful day. They had a grill fired up. I really enjoyed it. Jared played until he was exhausted. Hopefully, he'll go to bed early.

The Question of the Hour?

What's for Supper?

