Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A True Friend

Last Spring, I watched the grass begin to grow in my yard, but there was a problem. I did not have a mower. During this same time, my wife and I were participating in a Christian money management course at our church and we had made the commitment not to go further into debt. So, while my heart rate would increase whenever I walked by a zero-turn mower in a store, I was determined not to make a major purchase that would stress my budget. I shared my predicament with a friend and, within a few days, he freely gave me a used riding mower. While the mower was not zero-turn, the zero cost was right in my budget. But, most importantly, this he act of generosity revealed I had a true friend.

Jesus was a true friend to many different types of people. While his critics did not appreciate his buddies that much, he intentionally invested his time other men (Read Matthew 11:18-19).

Jesus was identified as a “friend of…sinners (Matt. 11:19).” Why? Well, he was hanging out with guys who most religious people avoided. He ate with them, laughed with them, and literally showed them the love of God. Jesus gave his friends something better than a mower. He gave them time and care. This truth was voiced by Jesus when he said, “Wisdom is vindicated by her actions (Matthew 11:19, HCSB).” In other words, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

More than just hanging out with other men, Jesus spoke Godly truths to them (Read John 15:15). He called them “friends.” He once said, “Everything that I learned from my Father I have made know to you.” Today, we label this type of disclosure as transparent. He was not acting like someone he was not. He was honest. He was a true friend. Are you?

Monday, February 08, 2010

Partnering With Haiti

Today, the Executive Team of the Jackson County Baptist Association (JCBA) unanimously approved establishing a partnership with the devastated country of Haiti. Specifically, the Missions Development Team, under the direction of Ben Carlisle, will explore ways we can help an orphanage in Port-au-Prince. This orphanage has been supported by Wade Baptist Church for quite some time. Last week, L. C. Drawdy, Associate Pastor at Wade Baptist, visited the orphanage and spent time with the pastor who is directing the ministry to these unfortunate children. Later, connections may be made with other Baptist congregations in the area.

While exact details of future trips have not been finalized, we would ask you to help us fulfill this commitment. As directed by the Mississippi Baptist Convention's website, we ask you to consider the following:

1. Pray: Continue to pray for the relief efforts being undertaken by the Mississippi Baptist Convention (MBC). Medical teams are in Haiti now. Also, pray that the Lord would guide your church and the JCBA to respond to these needs according to His will.

2. Provide:

Finances- The Mississippi Baptist Convention Board is accepting donations to fund both the immediate needs and the long-term disaster relief efforts in Haiti. Fully 100% of the donations (every penny) will be used directly to aid Haiti earthquake victims. Checks should be made payable to MBCB, with “Haiti Earthquake Relief” noted on the memo line, and mailed to Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, Haiti Disaster Relief, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205.

Food- A “Bucket of Hope” consists of a plastic five-gallon bucket packed with selected foodstuffs. The MBC is collecting these significant donations. Locally, Ingalls Ave. Baptist in Pascagoula, MS will serve as a drop-off site. The buckets should be delivered to the church by March 10, 2010.

3. Prepare: As needs and opportunities are identified, we will need to respond as quickly as possible. So, have anyone interested in going on a Mission Trip acquire an up-to-date passport, inoculations (Hepatitis A & B, Typhoid Fever) and funding to be self-sustained while on the trip. Individuals planning to go on a trip to Haiti should anticipate primitive conditions.

4. Partner: Make a commitment to partner with us in making a difference in Haiti on some level. If you or your church wants to be part of a Haiti Mission Team, contact our office by phone (228 769-7101) or email me at You may access the for the latest updates on the MBC disaster response. Also, if your church has a pre-existing connection to a church or ministry (orphanage, hospital, etc.) in Haiti, please share that information with us.

Jackson County was the recipient of extraordinary relief efforts following Hurricane Katrina. Helping Haiti is a tangible way to express our gratitude to God for the acts of grace we received. Contact me or Ben Carlisle, Missions Development Team Leader if you have any questions.
