Monday, August 27, 2007

Duties of a Deacon

Last Sunday night, we ordained a deacon. This is what I shared as the ordination sermon.

Acts 6:1-7; I Timothy 3:8-13

Deacon means “one who serves.”

First, there are four things that immediately come to my mind as I think of the duties of a deacon.

A deacon...

Alerts the pastor of individual needs.
Aids the pastor in meeting needs.
Assists the pastor in administering the Church Ordinances.
Alleviates problems that the pastor does not need to address.

I. The Office of the Deacon (Acts 6:1-7)

Servant Leader (1-2)

Spiritual Leader (3-4)

Separated Leader (5-6)

II. The Obligations of a Deacon (I Tim. 3:8-13)

1. Serious (8)

Likewise deacons must be reverent,

2. Sincere (8)

not double-tongued,

3. Sober (8)

not given to much wine,

4. Satisfied (8)

not greedy for money,

5. Stable (9)

holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.

6. Scrutinized (10)

But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless.

7. Supported (11)

11 Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.

8. Settled (12)

Let deacons be the husbands of one wife,

9. Skilled (12-13)

ruling their children and their own houses well. 13 For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Childlike and the Childish

Jesus said to the Rich Young Ruler, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

In Matthew 19:13-30, I find six questions we must answer to F.O.L.L.O.W. Jesus

Faith (vv.13-15) - Do you have childlike faith? Are you dependent upon Jesus?

Observances (vv.16-20) Are you trusting in religious observances or a relationship with Jesus?

Love (vv.21-22) Do you love people more than things?

Limitations (23-26) Do you recognize your spiritual limitations? You can not save yourself. You are spiritually bankrupt.

Obedience (vv.27-29) Are you obedient? There is no obedience without sacrifice. Do you give God time and service only when it is convenient?

Worth (vv.30) Do you find your worth in things or the opinions of others? It doesn't matter who you are, but whose you are.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Athletes and Coaches Complete Mission to Baltimore

While this is kind of sterile, this is article summarizes our recent Mission Trip to Baltimore. This should appear in the Green County Herald next week.

A Mission Team consisting of 15 athletes and coaches traveled from Greene County to Baltimore, MD to conduct Baseball Clinics and, more importantly, share their faith. As a result, the men worked with over 120 children. The Mission Team, which was sponsored by George/Greene Baptist Association, The Mississippi Baptist Convention, and First Baptist Leakesville, left on Monday, July 23 and returned Thursday evening, July 26.

The baseball clinics were offered in response to an invitation by Rev. Lyn O’Berry, Interim Pastor of The Church on Warren Avenue at Federal Hill which is located near the inner harbor in Baltimore. The church has a 150 year history and has been pastored by some of the greatest leaders in Southern Baptist history. O’Berry describes the current state of the congregation as “a small church in transition, rediscovering and redefining itself and its mission to reach the new
emerging community around it.”

In an effort to reach the community, team members offered baseball instruction to children at the South Baltimore Recreation Center and at a park in the Sharp-Leadenhall Community, which is in the “shadow” of the Baltimore Raven’s NFL Stadium. Also, the team worked with the Gethsemane Baptist Bible Church and Catonsville Baptist Church in providing two separate camps. At each camp, Mike Chatham shared an inspirational message, stressing the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The trip was planned and led by Philip Price, Pastor of FBC Leakesville, with the assistance of Jimmy Holcomb, Association Director of Mission for the George/Greene Baptist Association. The Baseball Clinics were directed by Scott Bray, former Baseball Coach at Greene County High School. Other team members were: Chase Brewer, Tommy Brewer (Head Baseball Coach Greene County H.S.), David Chatham, Mike Chatham, Nick Chatham, Brett Davis, Tim Davis, Richard Dickson, Ricky Dickson, Jamie Ham, Wayne Larker (Head Coach Faulkner State Community College), J. R. Snyder, and John “Boo” White.

In reflecting on the trip, Pastor Price shared, “The team assembled worked as one unit. On a trip such as this, many “unknowns” are encountered. The guys were flexible and remained focused on demonstrating compassion to the children.” Continuing he stated, “Greene and George Counties can be assured they were represented well.”


Last Sunday Night, I preach on Matthew 18:21-22, which is the passage in which Jesus charged Peter to forgive "seventy times seven." In other words, Jesus expects us to forgive as many times as we must. This is hard--no doubt. I shared this acrostic with our congregation last Sunday and will share it again this Sunday morning.

Focus on Your Sin (Matt. 7:3-5)

Own Your Shortcomings (I John 1:8-10)

Release Transgressor from Punishment (Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:13)

Grant Closure (I Cor. 13:5)

Intercede on Their Behalf (Matt. 5:43-45)

Value Peace above Pride (Romans 12:18)

Express Love (John 15:12)

The bottom line is, if we comprehend the incredible sin-debt Jesus has forgiven for us, we must be forgiving in response to what God has done.
