Monday, August 20, 2007

The Childlike and the Childish

Jesus said to the Rich Young Ruler, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

In Matthew 19:13-30, I find six questions we must answer to F.O.L.L.O.W. Jesus

Faith (vv.13-15) - Do you have childlike faith? Are you dependent upon Jesus?

Observances (vv.16-20) Are you trusting in religious observances or a relationship with Jesus?

Love (vv.21-22) Do you love people more than things?

Limitations (23-26) Do you recognize your spiritual limitations? You can not save yourself. You are spiritually bankrupt.

Obedience (vv.27-29) Are you obedient? There is no obedience without sacrifice. Do you give God time and service only when it is convenient?

Worth (vv.30) Do you find your worth in things or the opinions of others? It doesn't matter who you are, but whose you are.

