Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray, Rain or Shine

On Feb. 1, several folks gathered to pray at East Lawn Baptist in spite of a storm moving into the area.While I believe it was prudent for many people to stay home during such horrible weather, I do appreciate those that ventured out into the severe weather. God protected us and the rally was a blessing. However, if we are to really “cover” Mississippi in prayer and, especially, Jackson County, we must understand that we have to do more than just attend meetings. We are commanded in the scriptures to “Pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17).” For me, this means to continually be in a state of prayer. So, with eyes and hearts open, we must prayerfully see our communities and obediently respond as God leads to the needs around us.

One prayer I am praying is that during our spring and Summer Ministries we will see many accept Christ. You can help us. Why not organize a “Prayer Walking Team” in your church and commit to praying over the ministry sites where visiting mission teams will serve? If interested, contact us and we, will connect you with a site.

Remember, we must pray, come rain or shine.
