Monday, August 10, 2009

Following Jesus

Yesterday, messengers to a special called meeting of the Jackson County Baptist Association voted to call me as their Director of Missions. I am honored and excited about this new ministry. However, leaving a genuninely loving congregation like FBC Leakesville is not easy.

Last night, I shared my decision with the church. My last Sunday as pastor of FBC Leakesville will be August 30. The outpouring of love shown last night and today is humbling. However, I must say I continue to have a deep peace about the decision to accept the call extended by JCBA.

My wife, Terri, and I can see how God has orchestrated so many events to bring us to this time in our lives. Understanding that apart from Jesus "we can do nothing," we will continue to follow Him and praise Him for everyone who has richly invested in our lives.

