Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tough Questions from "Little Johnny"

Once a well known governor went to a elementary City to speak. After his talk, he had a "question and answer" period.

Little Johnny raised his hand and the governor asked him for his name. "Johnny." "And what is your question, Johnny?"

"I have 3 questions:
1st - Whatever happened to your promise to cut taxes?
2nd - Whatever happened to your promise to give public school teachers a raise?
3rd – Why did the newspapers never report your recent drunk driving arrest?"

Just then the bell rang for recess. The governor informed the children they would continue after recess. When they resumed, the governor said, "Okay where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?" A different little boy put up his hand. The governor pointed to him and asked him for his name. "Larry." "And what is your question, Larry?"

I have 5 questions:
1st - Whatever happened to your promise to cut taxes?
2nd - Whatever happened to your promise to give public school teachers a raise?
3rd – Why did the newspapers never report your recent drunk driving arrest?"
4th - Why did the recess bell sound 20 minutes early?
5th - What happened to Johnny?"


Anonymous said...

Pensive, yet literal.
