Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A Drinkable Swiss Army Knife?

Each morning, I transport my daughter to Greene County High School. Our usual routine involves stopping at "Wildcat Corner," which is a convenience store near the school. Abbey likes to purchase a bottle of Vitamin Water from Glaceau. Her favorite flavor is the Multi-V Lemonade.

Creative Marketing

The manner a product is marketed is pivotal to it's commercial success. So, encouraging folks to purchase water supplemented with multi-vitamins is a task which requires a lot of creativity. I think the folks at Glaceau have taken creative packaging to a whole new level.

This is written on the bottle of their product in all lower-case letters:

well, we created this all-in-one product, containing more of the nutrients you need, from vitamin a to zinc. think of it as a drinkable swisss army knife. vitamins + water = all you need. made for the center for responsible hydration (Glaceau).

Now, how is that for marketing? All you need is a bottle of their water and your hydration needs will be met.

Incidentally, reading the spin on this product led me to think of how often we are told something is all we need. This claim is made by companies pushing "must have" washing detergents, power tools, and mouthwash.

All in All

Spiritually, we must remember that Jesus is all we need. Jesus said, "I am the Way." Paul, in Colossians 3:11, declared "...Christ is all and in all." Jesus is complete and he completes us. Over 100 hears ago, J. C. Ryle wrote:

The three words -- Christ is all -- are the essence and substance of Christianity. If our hearts can really go along with them, it is well with our souls.... Many give Christ a certain place in their religion but not the place which God intended Him to fill. Christ is not "all in all" to their souls.
Is Christ your all in all?

Unfortunately, many times we don't realize Christ is all we need until he is all we have. When we go through difficult times, our priorities are placed into focus. Then, we seek the eternal and, if honest, we affirm that Jesus is all we need.

