Monday, January 05, 2009

Incredible Day at FBC

Yesterday was a great day for First Baptist of Leakesville.

Deacons Meeting

The deacons met at 8:00 AM. The meeting was held in a wonderful and positive spirit. The deacons did a great ministry at Christmas. Thirteen boxes of food were distributed to families in our community.

Morning Worship

Starting New Year's Eve, I began dealing with a fever and major chest congestion. Friday, I traveled to a clinic in Hattiesburg to try to get a remedy. So, I was concerned that my voice would not be clear in the AM Service and that I would be weak. However, I met with the men's prayer group at 9 AM. They prayed for me and I know God answered those prayers.

For me, the service was incredibly meaningful. I felt the presence of God. In preaching, the sermon went so much better than I expected. I know that's the Holy Spirit working.

While I enjoyed hearing my father preach last Sunday, I was thrilled to be back in the pulpit.

Ordination for Boo White

At 3:00 PM, I led an Ordination Council for Boo White. Over 20 men were present. Boo did a great job of answering the questions. Later, the Ordination Service was held. Jimmy Holcomb brought a powerful "Charge to the Candidate." Then, I "charged" the Church. Many people commented on how meaningful they found the service.

Boo, Missy, and the children are a priceless blessing to our church. God has blessed them as they have faithfully sought his will. To support them, I charged the church to Pray, Protect, Provide, Partner, and Participate. These are tangible ways to show them support.

A reception followed the service. The finger foods were amazing. We prolonged the holidays for a little bit. Our ladies and men did a great job setting up and serving. The amount of food was amazing. Way to go servants! I guess now the "Eating Season" is over.

