Thursday, November 06, 2008

Seeing Obligations As Blessings

Last week during the Mississippi Baptist Convention, I heard Sammy Gilbreath share his testimony. He is living with a terminal illness and has miraculously lived much longer than expected.

He shared some truths he has learned as he has dealt with his health problems. One of the truths has proved insightful to me.

Rev. Gilbreath said that he now uses the word "get" instead of "got." In other words, instead of saying "I've got to preach tomorrow," he now says "I get to preach tomorrow." This perspective helps him focus on his blessings. Also, this helps me understand the importance of seeing life as a blessing, instead of a drudgery.

I have really enjoyed preaching in the last few months. Fulfilling what God has called me to do is such a thrill. I have the blessing of doing so many things that many folks are unable to do. Seeing responsibilities as blessings will help us not "grow weary in well doing (Gal. 6:10)."

Occasionally, I hear fathers say, "I can't go fishing this weekend because I've got to babysit." No, you get to be a father. Many men don't have that opportunity. Fatherhood is a blessing.

Today, what obligation have you seen as a burden lately? How is that obligation really a blessing?

