Monday, December 10, 2007

Community Roofing Project

After going to Hattiesburg early this morning, I returned around 10:30 AM and helped some men from our church and community place a roof on the trailer of one of our members. We're not finished, but we made a lot of progress. Work will continue tomorrow. Also, we are going to purchase some concrete steps to replace a dilapidated porch at the front entrance.

The men are a joy to be around. Projects like this are very fulfilling.

Surprisingly, it was hot and the sun was bright. Temps had to be in the low 80's, which is not as hot as it can get in the Summer, but...this is December!


Mark Williams said...

I tried your barbeque pecan recipe. It turned out great. I shared some with the staff. They especially liked them. Thanks. I'll be doing some more of that.

Mark Williams
