Friday, June 19, 2009

Bringing It Home

"If anyone gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." —Matthew 10:42

I've talked with two of the guys who participated in the Associational Mission Trip to Omaha. They are planning to bring what they experienced to Leakesville.

The guys are planning to pass out free bottles of water during the Independence Celebration in Leakesville on June 27, 2009. The guys have purchased the "Thirst No More" labels from 9th Inning Ministry and will place them on the water that is donated.

If you would like to help with the Independence Celebration Ministry, you can purchase one or more cases of water and bring them to the church. Also, you may wish to simply donate funds that will assist in purchasing the water. For more information, contact the church office.

